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[] Smoking Disease - Smoking Causes Disease Nicotine Doesn't, So Consider This

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Doesn't, So Consider This'

As nicotine provides the addiction in smoking if you get nicotine without the
smoke you can give up easily.In fact, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) will
double you chances of staying off cigarettes, so let?s look at how it can
help.Smoking kill?s nicotine does notThe World Health Organization has estimated
that tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, of which nicotine is just
one.Cigarette smoking contains various poisons. In addition to tar, there is
also carbon monoxide ammonia and arsenic in fact, least 43 of the chemicals in
tobacco smoke are known to cause cancers.Nicotine only provides the addiction
and does not cause disease, so if you can get it without smoking then you can
stay off cigarettes and derive some health benefits.Is Nicotine Really
healthy?Yes!In fact, nicotine is actually part of the food chain and we consume
it everyday in numerous foods such as: Potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers,
cauliflower, eggplant, chili peppers, and even some teas.It is known to improve
mood, concentration and memory and is the subject of intense medical research to
treat numerous diseases including depression, Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s
disease to name but a few.There are several Nicotine products that give you
nicotine without the smoke and they include patches, gum and puffers or
inhalers.All are designed to give you a measured dose of nicotine.Pure Organic
nicotineDrug companies are working to realize a nicotine drug which will have no
other added chemicals.The first one is already on the market and is aimed as a
smoking alternative for smokers when they can?t or don?t wish to smoke.The
product is nicotine in water.The advantage for smokers is when they cant or
don?t wish to smoke they simply take a few sips of water. It?s convenient,
refreshing and gives an additional benefit:Users get the added benefit of water
for hydration.This method looks set to rise in popularity and more products
delivering pure organic nicotine look set to hit the market in the coming
years.Nicotine an image changeNicotine has suffered from an image problem due to
its association with smoking however with current medical research findings
people are starting to see the health benefits as well.Expect to see more
products soon as medical research continues into nicotine?s potential health
benefits.NEW ORGANIC NICOTINE DRINK!A new drink is available containing just
nicotine and premium grade water. With a refreshing lemon flavor, its a great
smoking alternative, when you cant or don't wish to smoke. Visit our website,
get our low price trial offer and see for yourself at
http://www.smokefreechoice.com - *This article was made available by Puerh Cha
The Chinese tea history of Pu-erh tea is fascinating. Pu-erh tea is one of
the oldest type of tea in China with a rich history of over 1700 years that
can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD). During it's height
of popularity Pu-erh tea was freely traded and even used as money for the
bartering of goods. Premium Pu-erh tea was offered as a tribute tea to the
Emperor of China and to this day Pu-erh tea remains a highly valuable
commodity. Pu-erh tea is revered in China as a traditional medicinal tea with
many health benefits. It is regarded by tea connoisseurs as the King of Tea
for it's unique flavor and aroma. Pu-erh tea also known as "puer" or "po lei"
in Cantonese gets it's name from the city Pu-erh in south western China, where
the trade for Pu-erh tea was conducted. Not far from Pu-erh city in the areas
of Xishuangbanna and Simao, south of Yunnan Province the cultivation and
processing of Pu-erh tea was carried out to this day. With elevations of up to
2000 metres, it is high up in these mountains where the air is cool and crisp,
amidst scenes of unspoiled beauty and fertile lands that the tea plantations
for this unique tea can be found. The secrets for processing Pu-erh tea are
carefully guarded and in the past trespassers mistaken as spys have been known
to be killed on private tea plantations. To this day the tea secrets for
Pu-erh production remains ruthlessly guarded and it is only in China where
genuine Pu-erh tea can be produced. Throughout chinese tea history Pu-erh tea is
well known for it's unique ability to undergo a post fermentation process
designed for further aging. Like classic wines this aging process allows these
fine teas to develop added complexity to its character while shedding it's
harsh youthful elements. The active microbes living within the tea has lead
Pu-erh tea to be known as the "Living Tea". This continuous evolution is very
exciting for collectors of Pu-erh tea who likes to follow closely the
transformation of their fine teas after each passing year. Many believe that
it is from these active microbes that Pu-erh tea gets it's many health
benefits and reknown as a traditional medicinal tea with restorative powers. A
popular and insightful story about Pu-erh tea tells of a grandfather who makes
fine teas for his grandson to enjoy. Pu-erh teas are stored and left to mature
for decades like classic wines. These premium teas can fetch astronomical
prices at auctions and are worth their weight in gold, often times more. Pu-erh
tea has a wide spectrum of taste and aroma that is very compelling and at
times uncompromising. Ranging from lightly floral, honey, heather and fruits
to harsh peat, leather, organics, grass, tobacco, wood and deep earth the taste
and aromas of these fine teas are exceptionally varied. The color of young
Pu-erh tea can start from a golden yellow of summer hay before developing to a
deep reddish brown reminiscent of the sunset after 30 years of aging. Black
Pu-erh has an imposing aroma of heavy earth that is comparable to the sweet
fragrance of mineral deposits emerging from deep within the forest floor after
a heavy downpour. Good Pu-erh tea has excellent clarity and clean flavors that
is warming to both the body and soul. *For full illustrations accompanying
this article see
http://www.puerhcha.com/Chinese_Tea_History/Tea_History.htmAbout the Author
Varat Phong. is the founder of Puerh Cha - an exceptionally informative website
that offers both knowledge and an opportunity to experience premium Pu-erh teas.
Varat's passion for Pu-erh tea frequently takes him to China, Hong Kong and
Taiwan in his search for rare and unique Pu-erh teas. For more information,
articles and illustrations please visit the Puerh Cha website at

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