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[] E commerce web-hosting solutions

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Internet presents more and more possibilities for successful promotion of your
e-business in global markets. Similarly internet also presents you with a number
of service providers out of which only few can guarantee you quality. And that
is the most the most important thing you should keep in mind before you choose
your e-commerce service providers.
In order to have a successful e-business, you not only need to have a good
e-commerce website design but also a perfect ecommerce web hosting platform.

An extremely important aspect while choosing a e-commerce host is the uptime,
which means the time when your website would be available to the visitors.
Apparently if a host is offering a 90% uptime guarantee, it means you website
can actually be down for almost 36 days in a year! Never settle for anything
less than 98%. Your store front being available to your customer 24 hrs/seven
days is the most important aspect of your e-commerce web site and to ensure that
you have but to choose a quality host.
A quality e-commerce web hosting should have the following features:
* Internet Merchant account solutions
* Credit Card Processing and Payment Gateway services
* Merchant Accounts for Internet,
* Virtual terminal for key entered Mail Order/Phone Order sales
* Retail and Auction businesses facility
* Integration of different shopping carts & software systems
* Online reporting and real time transaction management
* 24 hr technical supports and availability of the user manuals
* Facility to integrate your ASP-based enterprise e-business database, dynamic
content and commerce management software in an open application server
Managing an e-business could be one of the easiest thing to do if you initially
do a good amount of research and planning to have your e-commerce website
designed, developed and hosted in the most professional manner.
Ecommerce website design plays an integral role for getting long-term business
benefits from your site. The success of your e-business depends on a large
extent on how well your site performs and accomplishes the various business
related tasks to meet the financial goals. Most of the search engine experts
agree that e-commerce web design can greatly affect performance & visibility in
the organic search engine results.
To summarize, the special e-commerce web design features you can look for in
your e commerce web site should include the following:
* Quickly organize your products (including additions) at your storefront or
home page
* Create product categories, catalog items, and upload pictures of your
* Process sales orders, enter tracking numbers, and send instant email
confirmations to the customers and the concerned staff.
* Keep accurate records of your customers and their orders.
* Create reports that track sales and site usage.
* Track inventory levels for all the products in your store.
* Update product information using rapid entry screens for speed and
* Export your sales information in industry standard formats compatible with
popular accounting packages.
* Your website is compatible with most major credit card payment processing
* Integrated product search page.
* Built in modular fashion, allowing for free future upgrades and addition of
new features.
E-commerce Web Marketing
Your E commerce web site can have facility to create, schedule, and send highly
effective, personalized email marketing campaigns that reflect your branding and
image at a fraction of the cost of traditional media. Many e-commerce web
hosting providers offer you extensive library of colorful eye-catching
templates, and facility to create messages with your own themes and styles.
Now-a-days, the advanced e-commerce web hosting solutions and web marketing
packages have the viral marketing features included as a part of your e-commerce
web site promotion.
Viral Marketing:
Viral marketing is a strategy that encourages individuals to pass on
a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth
with the exposure it get to the professionally created messages, it encompasses
the following tools:
1 Loyalty Building Tools
* Adding the personal touch to your business communications is now possible
with triggered auto-emailing event reminders like (Birthdays, warranties,
anniversaries etc.)
* Leverage your current customer base to advertise for you by providing them by
providing 'refer to a friend link.'
* An Invite Tool has the capacity to take "viral marketing" and 'email
marketing to new heights. It lets your patrons play "host" at your establishment
for arranging an event and invite a large number of people participate in it.
2 Survey Creation Tools
These tools allow you have the ability to collect names, email addresses, and
profile information from the people who visit your website. With these tools you
can build your own survey/ sign-up-forms using a without any HTML experience
required! All subscriber information is automatically segmented and delivered to
your secure and proprietary database.
For a busy e-commerce web site, dedicated servers with a number of windows and
Linux web hosting plans only can provide you with the best service.
If looking for affordable e-commerce web hosting; virtual web hosting is the
perfect choice which provides better control than the shared environment and
saves you from some of the worries of dedicated servers.
About the Author
Andy Lewis is an expert author on varied topics related to web hosting.
ServerPlex provides you the highest quality ecommerce hosting solutions and
extremely competitive and guaranteed pricing for Merchant Accounts. -
Supplements may not be the darling of the media they once were, but the
importance of vitamins and minerals and herbal and specialty supplements (VMHS)
to consumers' health and wellness lifestyles should not be overlooked nor their
role diminished. Because of increasing consumer health consciousness (due in no
small part to an aging population), the rise of "self-care" and
"self-treatment", media attention and product proliferation, the supplement
category continues to change and evolve - and remains complex.Even the most
advanced wellness consumers, who one might expect to shun any and all elements
of the modern medical establishment, are still buying the one thing that
symbolizes allopathic medicine to most of us: pills.Past Hartman Group research
has shown that consumers' movement from periphery to core along the wellness
continuum increases their likelihood of using dietary supplements. Some of the
triggers that get people started may include nutritional needs, health
conditions (such as high cholesterol or arthritis) and aging. The lack of
knowledge people have about supplements initially inhibit some consumers from
buying supplements. Additional inhibitors include price and the perceived lack
of scientific proof of the efficacy of these products.Consumers continue to
purchase and use nutritional supplements, but with less intensity and
exploratory nature than what we saw in 2000. Today, mid-level and core consumers
appear to have identified key supplements that they use with some regulatory
(ranging from three times per week to daily) and have decreased their
exploratory shopping for new supplements. We also find new interest in key
supplements such as green tea, probiotics and Omegas.Consumers have dramatically
increased the number of phrases and behaviors that define "wellness" to them
from 2000 to 2005. Particularly notable is "taking supplements," which is now
seen as the path of wellness by 43% of consumers, nearly double the number in
2000 (23%).The following language map illustrates the most predominate ways in
which consumers think and talk about health and wellness. The map progresses
from bottom to top, with the bottom representing consumers who are less involved
in health and wellness (periphery wellness consumers) and the top representing
those who are most involved in health and wellness (core wellness consumers).
This map depicts several interesting shifts and changes from 2000. We find that
wellness consumers still begin the journey with the desire to eat well, but with
more intention towards living a healthier lifestyle.The predominant themes of
the language being used from periphery to core are represented by the black
areas. The grayed "bubbles" represent secondary themes that run throughout the
language analysis and support the primary themes. Supporting quotes, thoughts,
tactics, activities, examples, etc. to what the primary themes mean to consumers
are the white areas.At the bottom, periphery wellness consumers have little or
no brand recognition of supplements and knowledge is very limited. Moving up the
ladder, brand awareness and knowledge increases among mid-level wellness
consumers, but only moderately. At the top, brand awareness and supplement
knowledge is at its zenith among core wellness consumers.In general, except for
the use of vitamins and minerals on an occasional basis, periphery wellness
consumers have a much lower involvement with products outside of the traditional
food groups.As one moves towards the core, or top on the language map, the
importance of specialty supplements to consumers increases more, relative to the
other supplement categories, than the frequency in which consumers use the
products. In practical terms this means that consumers use of specialty
supplements lags behind vitamins and minerals, and herbal and specialty
supplements.Cultural Preferences to Health ProductsMost American consumers
address general health concerns (e.g., staying in shape, eating well, eating
balanced meals, etc.) with daily, lifestyle routines and practices rather than
targeted, acute responses (e.g., taking medication). At this level, most
Americans use a vague "watching behavior (e.g., "I watch my sugar intake") or,
if they are more evolved wellness consumers, they incorporate lots of fresh
foods into their diet to address current and long-term general health. What they
tend not to use is a specific plan of action requiring health products that
target a specific health condition.When consumers are experiencing chronic or
acute health problems (allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke,
osteoporosis, etc.), we find that they definitely shift from more general
watching behaviors and high level dietary overhauls (with the requisite focus on
avoiding "bad things") to more proactive and targeted health behaviors. In the
case of this proactive set, those with diagnosed chronic conditions generally
take medications and, if pushed, also alter their overall diet to avoid
ingredients that might exacerbate their condition.However, most consumers with
chronic health conditions, we find, will end up turning to alternative medicine
- to different pills. The chart below illustrates consumers' preferred delivery
of functional ingredients when asked which format they preferred vitamins,
minerals and nutrients delivered in. Overwhelmingly, respondents chose pills
(72%) compared to the next most popular format beverages (26%).Consumers view
dietary supplements as a key symbolic component that they use in their lives to
challenge the hold that they view pharmaceutical companies have over them. The
most successful dietary supplement products are those that focus on offering up
modes of control, including prevention, for which modern medicine offers either
poor solutions, last-minute solutions, or no solutions at all. This fits well
with what consumers report as the most commonly used supplements including
vitamin C, calcium, fiber and vitamins B, E and D. These supplements use levels
reflects consumer concerns about and increasing roles for products that offer
antioxidants, bone and digestive health, as well as an overall perceived
"increase in wellness."About the Author: Blaine Becker is Director of
Communications for Hartman Group (http://hartman-group.ecnext.com) a leading
provider of information on health, wellness, diet, fitness and organic foods.

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