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[] The Benefits of Antioxidents

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An antioxidant is a classification of organic substances, which includes
vitamins A, C and E, selenium, and carotenoids. Carotenoids give many fruits
and vegetables their color. Beta-carotene is one example of a carotenoid.
Antioxidants are also known to be effective in helping to prevent heart disease,
stroke and even cancer.Antioxidants work to deactivate free radicals, which roam
the human body in the form of un-oxidized oxygen molecules or O2. Free radicals
are the natural by-product of the processes happening within and among the
various cells in the body. Environmental factors such as, tobacco smoke and
radiation, also create free radicals.If free radicals are left to oxidize on
their own, they can create carcinogens. The process can damage cell walls, cell
structures and genetic material within the cells themselves. Damage to cells
causes scar tissue and then the scar tissue either becomes benign or malignant
(cancerous).Antioxidants deactivate free radicals before they get a chance to
oxidize and do harm to the body. Despite numerous studies, it is still unknown
as to which groups of people, if any, benefit from taking antioxidant
supplements. However, it is becoming widely known that antioxidants are crucial
in cancer and heart disease prevention.Studies have also shown that smokers with
diets high in carotenoids have a lower rate of lung cancer than those with a
lower intake however, some smokers with a high beta-carotene diet, have higher
death rates. Vitamin C has been found to prevent the formation of the
cancer-causing substances, N-compounds (Nitrates and Nitrites) found in
preserved meats and in some drinking water. The elderly, especially those with
a reduced food intake, frequent aspirin users, heavy drinkers, and people with
impaired immune systems could benefit from taking antioxidant supplements daily.
In terms of heart disease and stroke, it is possible that higher levels of
antioxidants slow or prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which leads to the
development of arterial blockages.For more information on cancer, heart disease,
and antioxidants, you can call the National Cancer Institute at 1-800-4-CANCER.
Or the National Institute of Health at (301) 251-1222. Or talk to your doctor
about creating an antioxidant rich diet and or antioxidant supplements.Chris
Curley lives in indianapolis, Indiana with his dogs Puranah and Princess and
with his cat Sylvester. - A group of organic compounds considered the building
blocks of proteins. Of the nearly 80 amino acids found in nature, about 20 are
required for human growth and metabolism. Essential amino acids are those
provided by foods; nonessential amino acids are produced naturally by the body
and therefore not required though food intake. The essential amino acids are
histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cysteine, phenylalanine,
tyrosine, threomine, tryptophan and valine. The nonessentials are alanine,
aspartic acid, arginine, citrulline, glutamic acid, glycine, hydroxyglutamic
acid, hydroxyproline, norleucine, proline and serine. Examples of complete
proteins, that is, those containing all the essential amino acids, are milk,
milk products, eggs and meat. Vegetables, grains and gelatin are incomplete
proteins. in a normal adult maintaining a constant weight, the recommended daily
protein intake is about 46 grams of protein per day for women and 56 grams per
day for men. During digestion, amino acids transfer from the walls of the
intestine and the portal vein into the blood. From the blood they move through
the liver into the bloodstream, and are then distributed to the tissues as
required so the tissues can produce their own protein. Amino acids not needed by
the body for the building and repair of tissue are broken down into ammonia,
carbon dioxide and water, producing heat and energy. They may also become the
end products of digestion, such as urea, which is eliminated by the body. About
the Author Douglas Adams is the owner of All Wellbeing.com , a website
dedicated to increasing knowledge of health related issues. For high quality
health care products click here.

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