วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

[] The Benefits of Antioxidents

has posted a new item, 'The Benefits of Antioxidents'

An antioxidant is a classification of organic substances, which includes
vitamins A, C and E, selenium, and carotenoids. Carotenoids give many fruits
and vegetables their color. Beta-carotene is one example of a carotenoid.
Antioxidants are also known to be effective in helping to prevent heart disease,
stroke and even cancer.Antioxidants work to deactivate free radicals, which roam
the human body in the form of un-oxidized oxygen molecules or O2. Free radicals
are the natural by-product of the processes happening within and among the
various cells in the body. Environmental factors such as, tobacco smoke and
radiation, also create free radicals.If free radicals are left to oxidize on
their own, they can create carcinogens. The process can damage cell walls, cell
structures and genetic material within the cells themselves. Damage to cells
causes scar tissue and then the scar tissue either becomes benign or malignant
(cancerous).Antioxidants deactivate free radicals before they get a chance to
oxidize and do harm to the body. Despite numerous studies, it is still unknown
as to which groups of people, if any, benefit from taking antioxidant
supplements. However, it is becoming widely known that antioxidants are crucial
in cancer and heart disease prevention.Studies have also shown that smokers with
diets high in carotenoids have a lower rate of lung cancer than those with a
lower intake however, some smokers with a high beta-carotene diet, have higher
death rates. Vitamin C has been found to prevent the formation of the
cancer-causing substances, N-compounds (Nitrates and Nitrites) found in
preserved meats and in some drinking water. The elderly, especially those with
a reduced food intake, frequent aspirin users, heavy drinkers, and people with
impaired immune systems could benefit from taking antioxidant supplements daily.
In terms of heart disease and stroke, it is possible that higher levels of
antioxidants slow or prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which leads to the
development of arterial blockages.For more information on cancer, heart disease,
and antioxidants, you can call the National Cancer Institute at 1-800-4-CANCER.
Or the National Institute of Health at (301) 251-1222. Or talk to your doctor
about creating an antioxidant rich diet and or antioxidant supplements.Chris
Curley lives in indianapolis, Indiana with his dogs Puranah and Princess and
with his cat Sylvester. - In an age of burgeoning childhood cancers and
leukaemia it seems only common sense (if not a moral imperative) for parents to
reduce the toxic burden their kids are exposed to. Many people are not aware
that the vast majority of products we happily use every day in the bathroom -
such as shower and bath soaps (especially liquid ones), shampoos, conditioners,
toothpaste, etc., etc., (and the other 'grown up' stuff such as aftershave and
cosmetics) contain a cocktail of synthetic chemicals many of which are known to
cause a variety of health problems - or pose potentially serious health risks.
How can this be? Well the laws relating to personal care products and cosmetics
have never required rigorous testing of the long-term effects of their
ingredients. Back when the 'rules' were laid down - the powers-that-be still
laboured under the impression that 'you rub something on your skin - you wash it
off'...therefore there was no real problem. They did not consider that laws were
necessary to regulate these products like they did for foods and medicines.
Whilst the things you eat, or 'medicate yourselves with' obviously 'gets inside'
you - it was not apparent that cosmetics, body, hair and skin care could be a
problem because they are 'on the outside'! Now, though, it is widely
acknowledged that your skin is absorbs up to 60% of the 'stuff' you put on it.
The skin is, after all, a living breathing membrane, described by some as the
'largest organ' of your body. It is also known that many of literally thousands
of chemicals that have been passed as 'safe' to use in personal care products
can, in fact, cause problems ranging from simple irritations, to triggering
allergies, causing or exacerbating sensitivities and either directly, or
indirectly (due to contamination) playing a causative role in the onset of
cancers. Children's delicate young skin may be especially vulnerable to these
toxic, synthetic (non-natural) chemicals that are very widely used in today's
body care products. Whilst there may not yet be enough rigorous scientific
evidence to be able to state categorically that exposure to toxic chemicals in
skin care products may play a causative role - it is a sad fact that rates of
cancer and leukaemia in children are at an all time high. It seems only common
sense therefore that parents should look out for and adopt safer alternative
products for their family's general use. As adults we may be lucky enough to
have 'toughened up' over the last few decades and we may not as yet have
registered any detrimental effect from years of using certain products
(cosmetics and body care attract long-term loyalty from many users). But it is
now known that chemicals used in everyday off-the-shelf products - may even act
as 'mutagens' - actually causing 'genetic damage and mutation'. So whilst we may
never suffer the results of this damage ourselves, it may yet emerge as health
problems to be encountered by future generations of our family. Beyond the
threat of health problems engendered by toxic synthetic chemicals in skin care
products there is also another major issue to consider. Millions of people every
day wash off the remainder of their soaps and cosmetics down the drain when they
bathe. Literally tons of harmful toxins are already flooding an over-burdened
eco-system, which is already leading to a profound negative impact on our
environment. Next time you are out shopping for 'organic food' in an effort to
reduce your family's exposure to chemical pesticides, herbicides, insecticides
and fertilizers, please give some thought to the following. Whilst ever you
continue to use 'typical' body care products, including many types of
toothpaste, shampoos and cosmetics your skin could be 'eating' a wide range of
potentially toxic synthetic chemicals, unless you also decide to choose genuine
organic skin care product. But, to be sure the products you choose are TRULY
organic, and you are not just being taken-in by some 'marketing hype' - be sure
to look for an independent, third party certification on the product bottles or
packaging - AND also check the label for 'suspicious' ingredients. Only then can
you be sure that you are reducing your own, and your children's exposure to
substances that could threaten their long-term health and well-being.(For
in-depth information please see sources:- www.saferalternative.com and
www.gonando.com) About the Author Al Smith - writes articles relating to
adopting a less-toxic lifestyle for numerous 'blogs and websites including:
www.gonando.com and promotes safer alternative education and products via
www.saferalternative.com along with an exciting related business opportunity.

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