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[] A Question for the Thinking Person

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I'd like to ask you a question.Can you name one (1) other health practise -
other than Nature Cure - that states their philosophy so succinctly and in
accordance with the basic law of cause and effect?I don't think so!Nature Cure
stands alone with its declaration that health is attained when;- Causes are
removed.- Correct biological principles of nutrition, air, water, sunlight,
rest, exercise and spinal care are applied and,- Rest is provided to allow the
organism to perform its metabolic function of healingNature Cure, is then, the
only alternative to all other health practices.All other modalities will ask you
to participate in some form of medicinal adjunct - whether it be chemical,
mechanical, botanical, spiritual or whatever.The practitioner of any other
healing art will ask you to participate in something or other that is supposed
to have more power than the innate function of the body.This power will enter
into and cause the body to heal.Wrong! - there is no thing that makes the body
do anything.The body will respond to that which is presented to it - but make no
mistake - there is no power outside of the body that makes it heal itself.All
human tissues have the biological function and capability
of:- Reproduction- Response- RepairIf this is so - we do not need to 'take
anything' or 'do anything' to the body to make it do what it is designed to
do.Whew! - that's hard isn't it?Why? - because if the word gets out that the
body is designed to heal itself - what would happen to the multi-trillion $$$
industry that lives on the lie of medication?Of course - it would die out - and
perhaps that would be all the better for organic life.Keep on thinking...Kevin
Hinton is a renowned Natural Health Educator & Advocator who has assisted a
broad range of people to reinvigorate their lives through common-sense Natural
Health practices. He is a trusted advisor to many in the corporate world in
Australia and North America who recognize the life-improving value of Natural
Health habits. His experience in the field reveals that adopting practical
Natural Health habits usually helps drive success in other areas of life.Visit
Kevin at: http://www.thehealtheducator.com and sign up for a FREE world class
newsletter. - The voice of a million people singing in harmony is a great
chorus. Now imagine the strength of the collective voice that will be achieved
by the green chorus. When we focus together through prayers, meditations and
affirmations our desires may turn to surrender. Is that an inflammatory word?
Why would we want to become overpowered by the strength of the very thing that
we oppose? The waters of life have taught us the lesson of surrender. When an
object blocks the natural path of water, the result is that the water tries to
continue to flow and finds a way to continue its cycle of state transformations.
In a liquid state water may lay upon the surface of stone awaiting the cold. As
the liquid crystallizes and takes the solid form it expands and the angles of
alignment change. This expansion by state transformation erodes and cracks the
stone. In subsequent cycles the water will seep through the cracks to eventually
move minerals into collections and formations. It creates caverns and caves.
The interaction of the water and the rock filters the water, erodes the rock
into soil, and created shelters used by animals and humans as refuge from the
changing elements. It is not trite to believe in enjoying the gifts of this
existence while preserving it for the future. We do not want our own children
to suffer the pain and anguish of broken peace. The strong voices crying for
blood vexes the existence of all life promoting acts. It could shock the planet
to its core. If we are going to create a refuge for life it is time to start
promoting life affirming choices. To make the choice to promote life resides at
the heart of sacrifice. The sacrifices are small for the actual rewards.? know
where you are going - a list of errands becomes the tool - walk for any errands
1 km radius from home? use natural cleaners at home - no aerosols ever - vinegar
baking soda, salt and lemon juice before trying a chemical solution? buy local
food options first - support healthy choices - use as many organic unprocessed
foods as possible - preservatives are chemicals? unplug the microwave - we don't
know its long term effects? use what is at hand - learn to be resource driven -
give quick fixes a pass? making a healthier future is more important than any
monetary treasure - money and prestige are creations of humans - nature is
creation by a larger force - this force will overpower us all; at our death we
will be expelled from life by this very force? try going media free for a set
period of time - no propaganda? take your plastics to be recycled and use more
glass and ceramics? replace clothing, furnishings, supplies, and car with
options that support a healthier environment - bamboo and hemp clothing -
natural food dyes - organic body, bath and spa products - hybrid and ethanol
vehicles The choices of the present will determine the availability to have a
choice in the future. I lay down the gauntlet to us all that we may broaden the
avenue of choice for all that come after. By our example of mature care the
future could still be a place of great promise.Diane Robinson is a natural
beauty provider, currently developing a line of natural bath products.For more
information on healthy choices visit Natural Spas Canada at

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