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[] Smoking Disease - Smoking Causes Disease Nicotine Doesn't, So Consider This

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Doesn't, So Consider This'

As nicotine provides the addiction in smoking if you get nicotine without the
smoke you can give up easily.In fact, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) will
double you chances of staying off cigarettes, so let?s look at how it can
help.Smoking kill?s nicotine does notThe World Health Organization has estimated
that tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, of which nicotine is just
one.Cigarette smoking contains various poisons. In addition to tar, there is
also carbon monoxide ammonia and arsenic in fact, least 43 of the chemicals in
tobacco smoke are known to cause cancers.Nicotine only provides the addiction
and does not cause disease, so if you can get it without smoking then you can
stay off cigarettes and derive some health benefits.Is Nicotine Really
healthy?Yes!In fact, nicotine is actually part of the food chain and we consume
it everyday in numerous foods such as: Potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers,
cauliflower, eggplant, chili peppers, and even some teas.It is known to improve
mood, concentration and memory and is the subject of intense medical research to
treat numerous diseases including depression, Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s
disease to name but a few.There are several Nicotine products that give you
nicotine without the smoke and they include patches, gum and puffers or
inhalers.All are designed to give you a measured dose of nicotine.Pure Organic
nicotineDrug companies are working to realize a nicotine drug which will have no
other added chemicals.The first one is already on the market and is aimed as a
smoking alternative for smokers when they can?t or don?t wish to smoke.The
product is nicotine in water.The advantage for smokers is when they cant or
don?t wish to smoke they simply take a few sips of water. It?s convenient,
refreshing and gives an additional benefit:Users get the added benefit of water
for hydration.This method looks set to rise in popularity and more products
delivering pure organic nicotine look set to hit the market in the coming
years.Nicotine an image changeNicotine has suffered from an image problem due to
its association with smoking however with current medical research findings
people are starting to see the health benefits as well.Expect to see more
products soon as medical research continues into nicotine?s potential health
benefits.NEW ORGANIC NICOTINE DRINK!A new drink is available containing just
nicotine and premium grade water. With a refreshing lemon flavor, its a great
smoking alternative, when you cant or don't wish to smoke. Visit our website,
get our low price trial offer and see for yourself at
http://www.smokefreechoice.com - Pure Water and Fine Tea Water as the Basis for
a Quality Cup of Tea By Jon M. Stout April 13, 2006 Tea originated in China
5,000 years ago and the selection and brewing of tea has been refined to an art
with health and spiritual aspects emerging as part of the process. Experienced
tea drinkers throughout the world generally follow established guidelines for
infusion or brewing of tea and the infusion process is often as important as the
initial selection of tea. For many tea enthusiasts, brewing tea is the most
soothing and spiritual part of their day. Brewing a good tasting cup of tea
releases tensions for many and has a definite comforting effect. It is a fact
that since 99% of tea is water, better water makes better tea and water is
critical to the final outcome of tea preparation. Brewing tea can be complex or
simple. For many tea enthusiasts the brewing process is an important part of the
tea experience that culminates in the preparation of a satisfying beverage and a
way of life. Fine teas are especially sensitive to the nature of water for
infusion. The best water for successful tea infusion is low in mineral content,
free of contamination and additives and high in oxygen content. Water Quality
and Brewing Tea Good tasting tea requires good tasting water. A simple test is
that if the water tastes good by itself, the resulting brewed tea will also have
a good flavor. Because a brewed cup of tea is mostly water, the quality of the
water is often as important as the quality of the tea leaves. The water must be
free of contaminants and minerals and contain enough oxygen to enhance the
natural tea flavor. Moreover, there are a number of additional factors that will
affect the taste of the infusion. These include water temperature, the mineral
content of the water used and the continued presence of a sufficient quantity of
oxygen in the water. If one is using tap water, filtration is often required.
Many tap water suppliers use chlorine to kill bacteria and chlorine in tap water
combined with mineral and chemical deposits can significantly affect tea taste
and the tea drinker's overall health. The brewer will want to remove chlorine
and other chemicals as well as sediment from the water. It is best to check the
composition of tap water on EPA or AMWA websites. Frequently there are also
local water quality analysis data available. Chlorinated tap water for example
destroys the flavor of tea. No matter how skillful the preparation or
spectacular the tea, bad water will make a bad cup of tea. Water Temperature
Most experts recommend that one never boil water for a prolonged period or
re-boil a previously used supply. The more that the water boils, the more oxygen
that is driven out of the water .When water is boiled, oxygen evaporates, and
the crisp taste in the brew is lost. Fresh cold water is important. In areas
with poor tap water, use bottled or filtered water that is free of contaminants.
Never use water from the hot water tap. If only tap water is available, run the
water until it is cold and has a chance to aerate and infuse oxygen. Poor
quality tap water, containing mineral content and other contaminants, even if it
is very cold, should be avoided since its chemical treatment imparts undesirable
flavors and odors which interfere with the delicate aromatics of tea. Mineral
Content - Soft vs. Hard Water Water described as "hard" is high in dissolved
minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium. These minerals accumulate in the
water, adversely affect the taste and clarity of the tea and accumulate in
teapots and infusers. Teas brewed with pure water containing no minerals produce
a crisp flavor and a clear brew that is aesthetically agreeable. Hard water can
also affect the appearance of tea by making it dark and murky. Hard water often
results in an undesirable chalky taste and can also reduce the aesthetic portion
of the tea brewing process by bleaching the color of the leaves. High mineral
content bottled water has the same negative impact on tea as hard water
particularly when bottled water does not include significant oxygen. Oxygen and
Water Oxygen plays an important role in brewing because it helps to release the
best flavors of tea. As a result, one must use water that is aerated (full of
oxygen).It is an established fact that the presence of oxygen in water is
required to maximize tea flavor. Aeration is particularly important when brewing
fine teas. Avoid re-heating water because previously boiled water will have lost
much of its dissolved oxygen which is important to bring out the tea flavor
Always use freshly drawn water that has not previously been boiled to maximize
the oxygen content of the brew. Water Quality, Purity and Taste for Tea Drinkers
in the United States Historically, in China, great attention was give to
supplying high quality water from a reliable source. The emperors of China
appointed royal springs reserved for use in tea brewing and developed special
messengers that would guarantee the freshness and availability of supply. This
procedure was repeated throughout history and in other tea drinking areas of the
world. Supply of water was an integral part of the tea experience. In the United
States utilizing a pure water supply is also critical to proper brewing but the
water supply generally comes form one of three sources: Municipal water, spring
and well water and bottled water. Municipal water is the predominant form of
water supply and is controlled by standards set by the Environmental Protection
Agency. It is important to note that EPA Regulations do not eliminate the
presence of harmful minerals from water but merely set upper limits on the
presence of contaminants. In addition, chlorine is often added to municipal
water to kill bacteria but this chlorine has a distinctly undesirable taste.
Spring and well water are a major source of water in rural areas but it is
unregulated and subject to serious contamination from organic, chemical and
human sources. Individual wells and springs must be tested to determine the
source and level of contamination. Bottled water is the best for brewing
flavorful tea but care should be taken to determine the source of the bottled
water. Bottled water from springs is subject to contamination while mineral
water often contains the minerals that are most detrimental to good tasting tea.
Of the various sources for bottled water only purified water is best for the
brewing of good tasting tea. Purified water means that all minerals and
contaminants are filtered and removed from the water using a purification
process but that is only the first step. For tea brewing purposes purified water
must also be infused with oxygen to guarantee the best flavor. Only those
companies that use a multi-step process of filtration, purification and
oxygenation should be considered as a reliable source for the brewing of good
tasting fine tea. About the Author Jon Stout is the Chairman of the Board for
Element H2O, a bottler in Chantilly, Virginia offering only Ultra Pure bottled
water products and private label opportunities for small and large businesses in
all 50 states and Canada. Element H2O's clients include a wide array of
businesses in the health and fitness and hospitality industries, including
martial arts studios, fitness centers, gyms, private trainers, physical therapy
clinics, sports me

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