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[] Sell & Recycle Any USB Storage Device or Digital Camera Card & Save the Environment

has posted a new item, 'Sell & Recycle Any USB Storage Device or Digital Camera
Card & Save the Environment'

Synopsis: Sell/Recycle any flash storage device you have with flash-based
memory. Any USB cards or sticks, any digital camera cards like Secure Digital
(SD), SmartMedia, CompactFlash, MiniSD, MicroSD, MMC, and Multimedia Cards. In
general, any storage device that still works or may even be broken.Today modern
computers both laptops and desktops come with SmartMedia slots built-in and not
only at the corner of the desktop and laptop computer world but in the digital
camera sphere as well, the flash based storage devices today grip its monopoly
as it is the latest "electronic film" with several advantages, noiseless,
faster, lighter, bigger and with no moving parts; furthermore, it is
rewriteable.Components: A SmartMedia card or any flash based storage card or USB
device consists of 1-4 NAND flash EEPROM microchips. Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read-Only Memory is a non-volatile storage semiconductor chip that
can retain the stored information even when not powered. These semiconductors
are solid and its electrical conductivity can be controlled either statically or
dynamically. Semiconductors are identical to insulators but are Silicone, and is
the prime raw material for all these microchips.Semiconductors Production and
use of Hazardous Substances: Preparation for semiconductor materials requires
high levels of chemical purity as even a small existence of impurities can have
large effects on the properties of the chips. Furthermore, these materials have
to be doped with other elements to adjust its electrical response as a current
carrier by controlling the number and charges being either positive or
negative.Due to this requirement of high chemical purity, semiconductor devices
require raw materials have to go through series of purification processes from
melting to re-solidification through several chemical reactions to produce these
modern marvels.More then eight week of manufacturing is required to process
these products through multiple chemical processes and disposition process like
Chemical vapor deposition, Chemical-mechanical planarization, and Ion
implantation etc. Altogether these USB devices and digital camera storage cards
(flash memory chips) have to go though over 300 sequenced processing steps and
eight or more levels of major compound procedures.In this processes many toxic
materials and harmful chemicals are used as catalyses to purify them. These
substances primarily as listed below are the prime pollutants, and are one of
the main causes of miscellaneous cancer and genetic diseases we are facing today
and our children will face tomorrow. Poisonous elements such as arsenic, boron,
antimony and phosphorus; poisonous compounds like arsine, phosphine and silane.
Highly reactive liquids, such as hydrogen peroxide, fuming nitric acid, sulfuric
acid and hydrofluoric acid.Computer Recycle & The EnvironmentToday we at
eProvided.com are apprehensive about the wastes that are being generated from
electronic products. Those small silicon wafers that allow computers, digital
cameras, gadgets, etc. to function, are insatiable abuser of chemicals, water,
fossil fuels, and gasses like nitrogen. Just to produce a single semiconductor
microchip, it requires over three pounds of fossil fuels, almost a quarter pound
of toxic chemicals, seventy pounds of water, and over a pound of nitrogen and
all have direct & adverse effect to our health; furthermore, are the prime
components for cancer, nervous system disorder, reproduction health and genetic
malfunctions.Now Imagine, the total number of these cards produced this year,
115.7 million in 2006, and 88.2 million in 2005. Linear to this figure are the
aggregate effects on the environment.Hence, if you are the user of SmartMedia
cards, SD cards, CompactFlash cards, USB Sticks, USB Thumb Drives, digital
cameras, and any other devices including the latest gadget and gizmos like MP3
players and Digital Voice Recorders, remember your responsibility for today's
environmental hazards. These products all use flash memory silicone
chips.Instead of throwing these materials away anticipating it will organically
decompose, do remember to either recycle or sell them for reuse.eProvided.com is
the Digital Image Recovery company providing unique service of recovering data
from damage devices and helping people worldwide get their trapped data from
their damage devices. eProvided now replaces the circuits and fixes and recovers
the data no matter what serious type of damage you have on any of your storage
devices.SD cards, USB thumb drives, CompactFlash cards USB sticks etc. Recycle
computer storage devices.Instead of trashing your damaged or older devices and
increasing electronic wastes, reutilize it by either donating them or selling
them to us at eProvided.com. eProvided.com can & will help, heck eProvided.com
will buy them from you.eProvided.com buys your damaged and old storage devices,
including all types of flash based memory cards. Buying any USB sticks or thumb
drives, any flash based digital camera cards, and other electronic gadgets like
digital voice recorders and MP3 players and gizmos.If you have any damaged or
unused Silicones like those mentioned above, let eProvided.com know about it.
eProvided.com is also a computer and technology asset liquidation company. If
you have too much of something, have no idea what to do with it or just have too
much in general, we can take it off your hands.Authors: Bruce Cullen / Bharat
BistaRecycle Flash Memory - Sell Smartmedia - Recycle USB Sticks - It has been
stated that detox diets and products - do neither harm, nor good! What is Detox
? It is supposedly the cleansing of the kidneys, liver, bowel and stomach. It
usually combines an eating and excercise program with herbal supplements...to
purify and purge your body of all 'toxins'. To cleanse the colon inner walls
allowing larger amounts of waste matter to pass through the bowel. Detox -
claims to prevent and cure diseases - giving you more energy - but...with no
scientific proof! These are short term diets - not aimed at weight loss - but
rather to cleanse the system. They are not recommended for diabetics, those with
low blood pressure, eating disorders or teenagers - as they do not provide
sufficient fuel to support sports and physical activities. They can become
addictive! Why detox? Because the liver can become overloaded - especially when
our lifestyles become unhealthy. The liver cleanses almost three litres of blood
every minute - under 'normal' circumstances it can clear 99% of bacteria and
other toxins from the blood before it re-enters the bloodstream. Symptoms of
overloading the liver may include fatigue, low grade infections, flatulence,
nausea, migraines, constipation, bags under the eyes, skin irritations, etc.
Some examples of detox plans include: - 'lemonade diet' - where you have nothing
much more than a concoction of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup - for
a minimum of 10 days - a 15 day 'quick cleanse' program - includes 24 natural
herbs and 7 additional ingredients - 'dual action cleanse' - a natural herbal
formula - to act as a total body purifier and to unclog your colon And many
more...what they mainly have in common is that they usually include several days
of liquid diet followed by eating organic raw fruit and vegetables - then
gradually re-introducing other foods, but excluding red meat, wheat, sugar, eggs
and packaged foods. To ramp up these detox effects the diets also include
laxatives, salt water drinks, digestive aids and tonics - to induce bowel
movements. This is intended to regain vitality and lose weight. Nowadays you
just have to purchase a detox kit from the chemist, healthfood store, or
supermarket shelf - swallow some supplements, follow the diet and wow - you are
cleansed! However....consider... Fasting causes the body's metabolism to slow
down... Weight loss due to fasting is likely to be muscle tissue and water...
You may feel tired, weak, nauseous, hungry - or experience headaches... Fasting
can become addictive and may lead to eating disorders... Malnutrition may occur
- if continued over extended periods. But - can years of drinking alcohol, over
eating, eating the wrong foods, taking drugs - be magically reversed by a brief
detox program? Is fasting... purging... eliminating a lot of food groups... good
for you? If you're looking for a quick fix solution - then it's fine for short
term. But - how quickly we revert to our old habits. The alternative... Eat lots
of fresh vegetables, vitamin C enriched foods - citrus fruit, strawberries, dark
green vegetables... Eat Omega 3 foods - salmon, mackeral, sardines... Nuts and
seeds... Herbs - milk thistle, tumeric, lecithin, dandelion, and globe artichoke
- can all produce a protective and curative effect on liver damage... Stop
smoking...Avoid drugs and medicines, exposure to chemicals... Drink 8 glasses of
water... Do deep breathing... Or..perhaps something as simple as drinking
freshly squeezed fruit juices - first thing in the morning on an empty stomach
can be the healthy alternative - fruit acids are effective detoxifiers! About
the Author Gay Redmile is the webmaster of several health and wellbeing sites.
For further important information on Detox visit her site at
http://www.detoxinfosite.com or visit http://newliposuctioninfo.com

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