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[] Acai Berries ? Health Benefits Of Berry Juice And Freeze Dried Powder

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Acai Berries ? Health Benefits Of Berry Juice And Freeze Dried PowderSubmitted
By: Pete Marks

Acai berries and acai berry juice products are some of latest supplements
to enter the health food category as a superfood. Residents and natives of
Brazil are very familiar with this berry and its products. Residents have been
enjoying acai fruit juice beverages and bowls for some time. Once you have tried
the juice you will probably find ways to add it to you favorite smoothie or add
it to recipes. Acai freeze dried powder actually goes well in yogurt. The flavor
is something to be experienced and it tastes like blueberries with a touch of
chocolate and is not over powering.
The natives of the Amazon rain forest have been using acai berries for
thousands of years as a dietary staple. These remarkable little purple berries
look similar to blueberries or purple grapes and are harvested off of a palm
that grows in swampy floodplains. These berries are one of the highest ORAC
value super foods available. With all the buzz it is no wonder there is a
shortage and it can be hard to find in local health food stores and prices are
expected to increase due to availability.
People who can benefit from acai berry supplements or freeze dried powder are
athletes and the health conscious or people dealing with various illnesses.
Trainers are starting to realize the importance of such a superfood and many
athletes and trainers are discovering and using acai berry products for energy
and stamina.
Some of the health properties of acai are anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory,
anti-oxidant, and immune system. Some of the many uses and conditions that
people are using these products for are, weight loss, cleansing and detoxing,
high blood pressure, heart conditions, high cholesterol, inflammation,
arthritis, allergies, eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems. Some of the
health properties of acai are, weight loss, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory,
anti-oxidant, and immune system.
What makes these berries so special. They are loaded with protein and fiber and
contain minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium. Also contains
B1, B2, B3, C and E essential fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 9 respectively
Linoleic acid and Oleic acid which research indicates helps maintain normal
cholesterol levels.
What is even more remarkable acai berries packs the largest antioxidant punch
or ORAC value of any know superfood available including blueberries, mangostien
or pomegranates. Antioxidants are known to help regulate cholesterol levels and
help with vascular and cardiac function.
A high quality product source will be 100% pure USDA certified organic. Most
will come in the following form, juice, puree, freeze dried powder or capsules.
Some brands may call themselves an acai blend and the major ingredient listed
may be acai but it you have 4 juices such as, grape, pineapple, apple and acia
and the first 3 are 20% and the last is 40% then actually the product you are
buying is only 40% acai berry juice always check when buying a blend if not sure
write, email or call the company. The best berry juice or products will be 100%
pure with no sugars added. Consider the freeze dried acai powder as you can mix
it with juices and other food products such as yogurts and smoothies.

About the Author: To review the best retail or wholesale acai products please
visit >>> Acai Berry Juice

Article Tags: acai, health, products

- Donald Trump recently launched a travel site located at
www.gotrump.com. Trump, like many new website owners, built a site without first
considering the unique nature of online marketing and promotion. So where did
Trump go wrong? From an SEO standpoint, little of the site is optimized,
including title tags and pages. The tags currently in place are too long and
don't conform to search engine standards. The site is geared toward those
looking for a deal on airline tickets, car rental, last minute flights, hotels
and more. Online travel industry sites such as these are highly competitive and
require both an initial optimization effort and a PPC campaign. Since the site
is new, PPC advertising is crucial. Organic listings garnered from proper SEO
techniques take time to produce. Still, organic listings are preferred over PPC
by the majority of web surfers, so it's a bit of a surprise that the site is
littered with subpar optimization efforts such as bolded keywords and other SEO
strategies that haven't been valid since Mr. Trump woke up next to Ivana. Over
time, organic rankings earned through proper SEO implementations will bring in
more quality leads and lessen the reliance on paid listings. Every business
should have a plan for effective marketing from the outset, and whoever drew up
this plan should be the next one to hear the words, "You're fired". A search for
airline tickets yielded no PPC results for www.gotrump.com. Perhaps Mr Trump is
relying on the popularity of "The Apprentice" or other forms of advertising to
make the site a success. Still, considering the comparison shopping nature of
most web surfers, one needs to advertise on the net to be a valid contender.
Most people rely solely on PPC ads and organic listings to find the products or
services they will purchase when shopping online. Suppose Mr Trump placed an ad
for the site in each episode of "The Apprentice", which has an average weekly
viewership of around 20 million. The last time I checked, that leaves well over
230 million Americans alone who would have no direct knowledge of the site even
existing. The purpose of this article is to teach people that anyone, even
Donald Trump, can benefit from the use of SEO. This is why future web
entrepreneurs need to be aware of the marketing avenues that are pertinent to
the world wide web. All the money in the world won't help if you don't put it to
good use. Avoid the aforementioned mistakes by incorporating an effective SEO
strategy into your web based business. If you do so at the time the site is
created, you will not only have a solid marketing plan but also save money by
not having to implement SEO after the fact. Remember, just as in real estate,
stocks, bonds and all business venues, the internet has an exclusive set of
rules by which success and failure are governed. For a guy who has been
successful in almost every type of business venture there is, there is little
excuse for being ill prepared. About the Author Joe is an SEO?consultant. His
SEO/SEM firm has helped many companies increase there organic placement. He also
writes SEO articles and creates a weekly podcast on SEO. Check out the Mr
SEO?message board. Low prices on hosting and domain names see his sister site.

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