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[] The Biggest Nutrition Secret

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Of the following diets, which one would you say is the healthiest?a. An
all-organic, low-fat, vegetarian dietb. A high-protein, low-fat diet that
includes chicken and seafood.c. A high-carb diet with pasta and grains.d. A
high-fat, high-protein diet that includes red meat and vegetables.f. A diet that
mixes carbohydrates, fat, and proteins in equal amounts.** How a Low-Fat,
Vegetarian Diet Almost Killed Me!For almost two decades, I ate a low-fat diet
with lots of organic fruits and vegetables. And what did I have to show for it?
Serious health problems!I had frequent stomach aches and digestion problems.
Blood tests showed that I was not digesting my food properly, and a nutritionist
put me on digestion supplements. Further tests showed that I was having liver
problems and imbalances in some of my other internal organs.Once I switched to a
high-fat, high-protein diet, my problems disappeared - almost overnight. So you
probably think I'm about to say "E" from the above list is the healthiest diet.
Guess again!One of my nutritional clients was eating diet ?E? but was constantly
sick. He switched to the more vegetable-based diet ?A? above, and he began
losing weight, feeling great, having more energy, and really enjoys eating now
more than ever!** The Biggest Secret Many Diet Experts Won?t Tell You!So now we
have two people who tried the same diets and had the opposite experience So how
do we know which diet above is the healthiest?Here is the answer - one of the
biggest diet secrets they don?t tell you:Each person has a unique metabolism,
based on their genetic make-up. And our individual metabolisms make the same
diet healthy for one person, but damaging to another.** That's Why "Diet
Experts" Keep Changing Their Minds!So that's why there is so little agreement
among so-called "health experts". There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to
diet!For example, high-protein diets are the rage. While some thrive on this
type of diet, obesity continues to rise. Why? Because only a certain percentage
of people are genetically "right" for a high-protein diet. For the rest of us, a
high-protein diet will cause all sorts of health problems.And that's true of any
diet. A low-fat diet will improve the health of some people. For others though,
a low-fat diet may actually cause weight gain. Yes, low-fat diets can cause you
to gain weight if you aren't genetically "right" for it! Even worse, these
low-fat diets might even cause sickness and serious internal organ problems for
some people - just like it did me!So it?s important to know your ?food
processing? genetics. Nutritional experts have identified 24 types in all. How
do you know which type you are? An online questionnaire, available only from
certified advisors, can spot the genetic characteristics that identify your
correct internal ?nutrition profile?.With your nutrition profile, you can begin
to eat *with* your genetic type, not against it. And you may find that eating
with your type can help you lose weight and feel great, without feeling as if
you are depriving yourself.About the AuthorCarole Taylor is a living example of
what she preaches. Nearly 70 years old, but with the energy, vigor and looks of
someone in her 40's, Carole holds certifications in nutrition, exercise, and
brain chemistry. Carole is also co-author of the forthcoming book, "101 Great
Ways to Improve Your Health?.For free newsletters and articles on health,
nutrition, and longevity, please visit her website at:
http://www.YoungAfter50.com - Copyright 2006 Ted Crawford Vitamins are
different from the macro-molecular nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats)
that we take in from our diets on a daily basis. Vitamin molecules are much
smaller in size and are required by our bodies in very small amounts. We obtain
most of our required levels of vitamins from a well balanced diet and
significant diseases related to true vitamin deficiencies are rare in our
society. Vitamins are the essential organic nutrients required by the body and
catalyze energy-yielding reactions but do not yield energy themselves. There
are 13 different vitamins separated into two groups: fat soluble (Vitamins A,D,
E, and K), and water soluble (the B vitamins and Vitamin C). The fat soluble
vitamins can be stored in fat in our bodies and thus can build up to toxic
levels if we take too much of them. Water soluble vitamins, on the other hand,
are flushed from or bodies rather quickly, so are much less of a problem with
regards to possible toxicity. Vitamins are destructible and can be altered by
such things such as cooking and food handling. Minerals are small inorganic
atoms or molecules and only some are essential nutrients and required in small
amounts. Like vitamins, they do not yield energy although some may be essential
for energy production. Unlike vitamins, minerals are indestructible because of
their elemental nature. Cooking, processing, and food handling cannot change
the mineral content of food. A nutrient requirement is the amount of nutrient
used or required by the body to maintain growth and health and prevent signs or
symptoms of deficiency disease. A nutrient recommendation is an estimation of
the amount of a nutrient that should be present in the diet. The Recommended
Daily Allowances (RDAs) were created and published in the United States in 1943
by the National Research Council during World War II. They were initially
devised to serve as a guide for advising the military on nutritional problems
related to national defense. Since then, the RDAs have served as a guide for
planning and evaluating food programs, menus, and nutrition standards for food
assistance programs. The RDAs have been revised many times and are a scientific
consensus of recommended levels of essential nutrients needed by the majority of
healthy Americans. The RDAs also set ranges of ?Estimated Safe and Adequate
Daily Dietary Intakes? for vitamins and minerals. Therefore the committee has
provided us with a level of the recommended intake of all the vitamins and
minerals to follow. You should ensure that you are getting all of the vitamins
and minerals you need from one formulation instead of taking several different
pills. Vitamin formulations may vary signficantly with regard to their
absorption rates and that is the most important factor in selecting one to take
on a daily basis. Did you know that the absorption rate can be as little as
5-10% in some of the hard, compressed ?horse pill? vitamins? Do your homework
before purchasing a vitamin supplement. Make sure that you are purchasing a
formulation that is going to be well absorbed and do you some good. Dr. Ted
Crawford is a family physician who writes health related articles and has a Web
site devoted to health and other vital issues particularly important to baby
boomers. "Get All of the Vitamins and Minerals You

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