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[] Waterproofing While Camping

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The leather kind of shoes is much more comfortable and flexible, especially at
lower altitudes. There are commercial waterproofing confounds. There should be
at least two layers of protection between the boots and your feet. You may
consider use a synthetic sock for carrying moisture away from my feet and a
synthetic/wool mixture for the outer sock for warmth and cushioning. You may
want to add another sock the outer layer for additional warmth. It is
recommended some form of waterproofing but I don't think plastic boots are
necessary at 6000 meters.People have been walking in leather shoes on the snow.
The only safety and health considerations would be if the boots are waterproofed
(waxes or oils will keep your feet from getting wet and exacerbating
hypothermia), or the tred is sufficient to prevent slips and falls (the
number-one cause of death and injury in the outdoors - bar none).There is an old
recipe for waterproofing using bees wax and petroleum jelly melted together in
equal parts and rubbed vigorously into a warmed shoe or boot (it softens the
hands at the same time). You will need to dry and heat shoes and boots on the
open door of an oven, heated to about 200 degrees. When the boots were dry and
hot, they would brush Neat's-foot Oil into the pores of the leather. It is
called the weekly shoe-bake.There are a lot of good commercial waterproofs for
boots that work as well. Snow Seal is one that was produced out west in the U.S.
and works pretty well waterproofing they advise. It's be either silicone, a
polymer, or some sort of organic oil or wax. Clean the boots, let them dry, and
apply the waterproofing according to instructions provided with the
product.There are important advices on products & methods of waterproofing a
tent. The best suggestion is to go to a camping store and buy commercial seam
sealer and waterproofing supplies. A lot can depend on the type of fabric and
where it is leaking.If your tent is leaking around the seams, this is because
there are tiny pin holes in and around the seam created by the sowing process.
If this is the case, seam sealer alone will probably do the trick. Seam sealer
can come in two types, seam tape or liquid seam sealer. A urethane-based seam
sealer is better because it is more flexible in cold temperatures and creates a
better bond with the tent fabric. A disadvantage is that it is messier to use
than tape.If the fabric itself is leaking you can get a silicone-based water
repellent treatment for all kinds of tent and tarp fabrics. Most pretreated
tents come from the factory with the coating on the inside. If you touch the
inside of the tent with your fingers, the oils on your fingers can react with
the treatment causing it to become less effective. Spraying it on the outside
can help by preventing the material from absorbing water, causing it to be
lighter when carrying a wet tent. Products with UV treatment can slow fading and
reduce fabric degradation from harmful UV rays.Just make sure that you get the
right product for the fabric of your tent. If you wanted to make your own you
just need a substance that doesn't mix with water. Some items that you could use
includes...Lanolin - boil some sheep's wool and scrape the oil of the top. Do
you have any sheep? This is flammable.Coal Tar - Heat powered coal over a fire
in a metal container and collect the liquid evaporating from the heated coal
with a pipe leading from the container into a series of bottles. This is
creosote and is used to waterproof railroad ties. This is very flammable.Beeswax
- You can buy this or raise bees. This is quite flammable.Flax - Can be taken
from the fleshy flax leaves, just underneath the tough skin. Not real flammable
but will burn.Victor Epand is an expert consultant for
http://www.CombatCloth.info/. CombatCloth.info carries the best selection of
combat clothing, gear, and accessories on the market. - Copyright 2006 Mary F.
Zesiewicz, MD Addictions are pervasive in our culture. And addictions to alcohol
or drugs aren't the only ones out there. Addiction to shopping, sex, gambling,
video games, are but a few. Addictive habits are forms of dependence. They are
habits- performed time after time- done so often, they are performed in
involuntary or compulsive fashion. Ask any addict how hard it is to break a
habit. One reason these habits are so hard to break is the physiological basis
for addiction. Diana Schwarzbein, MD, does a stellar job in articulating these
physiological mechanisms in "The Schwarzbein Principle".(Diana Schwarzbein, MD,
Nancy Deville, Health Communications, Deerfield Beach, FL,1999) Many substances
that people are prone to become dependent on tend to lower serotonin levels in
the brain. Examples include high glycemic carbohydrates, alcohol, and street
drugs, such as methamphetamines and cocaine; even stimulants like caffeine
results in lowered serotonin in the brain. Lowered serotonin, as we know, leads
to depression and the tendency to increase craving. Typically we seek what is
easy and what is available to us. If alcohol isn't available, we will reach for
chocolate. Or, we will resume smoking, if we quit years ago. Have you even met
anyone who got a promotion and blew through their money just as fast? We used to
attribute this level of spending primarily to people diagnosed with manic-
depression. Today, such spending, just as one example, can be attributable
probably much more commonly than we realize to a compulsive craving or habit.
All these compulsive habits do initially cause a rush of serotonin. The initial
rush of serotonin is followed by a serotonin depletion that we know as
depression. Addicts are no longer able to naturally support the rush of
serotonin and the subsequent serotonin drop. It is at this point, addicts really
"crash"-they hit "rock bottom" and often face hopelessness and despondency. Dr.
Schwarzbein astutely reminds us that people can be addicted to stress. Stress
causes release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, insulin which
stimulate the production of serotonin. Eventually the body cannot maintain this
surge of serotonin and serotonin levels crash. This low serotonin state is what
cravings are made of. Likewise the same mechanism is taking place in people who
seem to be addicted to crisis in their lives. This way of life becomes a roller
coaster that is not easy to get off. In fact, the "crashes" can so unravel one's
life, it can take years of pain and struggle to regroup, heal and get one's life
back on track. So no matter what the addiction, if we do not get off that
physiological roller coaster, we will simply substitute one addiction for
another. And how do we get off this roller coaster? A proactive total commitment
to health and recovery is the only way. Physiologically, the need to infuse the
body with a balanced set of nutrients is essential. The time for 'crash' diets
is over. Balance in intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is essential.
However, the carbohydrates need to be "good" carbs- the ones found in starchy
vegetables like peas, corn, leeks, lima beans, turnips and the like; legumes
such as beans and grains in their natural state, yogurt and most fruits. Breads
should be eaten sparingly, and crackers, which contain hydrogenated fats, are
best avoided altogether. Fast foods are best avoided altogether. So are gravies
and ketchup. So are processed snack foods like chips and pizza. Sugar pastries
and desserts are out as well. The more foods we can eat in the natural state the
better. That means fresh, organic produce. Also, our meats need to be lean and
be free of injected chemicals as well. If you notice, a lot more of our larger
chains are carrying organic selections. Clearly people are becoming more
knowledgeable about their grocery selections. Future articles will elaborate
more on dietary selections. Let's not forget mental and emotional health as part
of recovery. Transforming our negative belief systems into positive ones can go
along way in promoting recovery from seemingly insurmountable addictions. This
includes overcoming insecurities, fear of rejection, anger, rage, bitterness,
guilt, shame, and a root of unforgiveness. Even if we have been treated
unfairly, overcoming these feelings will release a process of healing and
restoration that will actually help us reduce our risk of relapse into addictive
behaviors. These issues are like layers that need to be brought to the surface
and resolved, for life to be lived to the fullest. And it is the only pathway
out of addiction for good. We cannot live life to the fullest harboring these
feelings. And a deepening sense of spirituality is vital towards recovery. A
belief that there is a Power greater than ourselves who we can depend on when
things get rough. It's really the only type of dependency that frees us up to
live life to the fullest. And it takes openness, time and commitment to deepen
our spiritual connection and beliefs. Subsequent articles will expound on this.
Addiction is a complex, and gripping state of imbalance that overtakes a
person's body, mind and spirit. Clearly recovery is a complex and lifelong
process, but so worthwhile. And it is achievable. The more we understand the
complex physiological processes taking place that reinforce addiction, the more
we can invest in better self care, and heal. Our lives depend on it. About the
Author Mary F. Zesiewicz, M.D. is a Board Certified Psychiatrist and the author
of 'Hippocrates MD: Transformation of Health Care'; Dr Mary is passionate about
health care delivery that integrates health and wellness. Please visit:
http://www.wholelifequest.com to learn more.

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