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[] Food Combining for Health

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Foods for Health Organic foods are the best option, as they promote your
health as well as the health of our planet. It might be a good idea to have a
look at buying a healthy cook book, and get into some healthy cookery of whole
foods! Over two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician,
stressed how important foods are for our health. Today, medical science
continues to corroborate this wise proverb. Studies have shown that people,
whose diets include larger amounts of certain foods, have a much lower risk of
developing a wide range of chronic degenerative diseases, e.g. cancer,
rheumatoid, arthritis, depression, cardiovascular disease, etc. Research has
proven time and time again that the way we eat determines the way we live. This
is also true the other way around. By eating health foods and learning to cook
healthy whole nutritious meals, we can lead longer, healthier lives. Another
important factor is food combining for health. It is amazing what a difference
this will make! Many a time we have heard the say ?you are what you eat?, well
it?s true. Different people eat different things, and this may be due to culture
or just lifestyle. But for some people this can mean negative effects, such as
digestive disorders. Sometimes we really do need to take the time out and listen
to our bodies. This may seem ridiculous, but if you really listen your body will
let you know just what it needs. Here are some tips on food combining: Fruits:
eat lots of fruit! But do not combine fruit with other foods. Fruits are easy to
digest, but once eaten with other food, fruit tends to remain and ferment in the
stomach acid. Protein and starch: it is a BAD idea to combine these! Each of
these two has a different way of digesting. Once they are combined, neither of
them can be digested properly! This will result in things like flatulence,
bloating and gas, which is not very comfortable. Veggies: Vegetables will also
aid in good digestion. Add vegetables to any meal to aid in the digestive
process. Food combining can seem difficult at first, but it definitely shows
results. You will feel better right away, especially if you have been
experiencing digestive tracts or intestinal problems. The natural way is the
best way to go. Stick to healthy, whole foods and you will see results!More
Foods for Health which you and your family can enjoy! - The ever changing
Algorithm landscape Over the last couple of years Google has een updating with a
variety of algorithm and filter updates intended to create a etter more pure
result for users and stop SEO (lack and white hat) from artificially
manipulating the results</>. Unfortunately, it has caused a numer of
unexpected side effects on perfectly legitimate sites and missed some latant
spam. It's time for Big Daddy. Google updates used to e monthly, and then
quarterly. Google has servers around the world now and updates seem to roll
around one or two at a time. The latest update is ig Daddy and has more than
it's share of detractors. <r />Pages seem to go from a first page
ranking to a spot on the 100th page or worse yet to the Supplemental index
(asically Google's storage/garage can for old and out of date content). <r
/>The Google algorithm changes started in Novemer 2003 with the Florida
update which now ranks as a legendary event in the SEM community. <r
/>Guaranteed placement? I hear clients and SEM service providers alike
clamor aout this extinct if not Mythical creature; witness Google hurricane
'Florida'. Then there were updates Austin, randy, ouron, and Jagger. <r
/>Now we are dealing with the igDaddy! With all the latest uproar in the SEM
world over the whole Big Daddy update to Google, it seems certain 2 things are
changing Reciprocal links and keyword stuffing (on page) will no longer rank
one higher and in the end may even e cause for penalization. The exact effects
are yet to e seen though many have done preliminary testing that corroorates
these points.<r />According to Google's chief search engineer Matt
Cutts.In a January 4 post on his log, Cutts said that might happen in early
Feruary or March of this year.<r />Supposedly such a 'ig deal' is our
new 'ig Daddy' (hmm is he related to ig rother?) that Ro Sullivan, head
organic search strategist at search marketing firm Enquiro, quipped "If an
algorithm update is like putting new tires on a car or installing a new stereo
system, this igDaddy is like putting in a whole new motor. They're totally
revamping how Google works and resolving some long-standing issues with getting
sites indexed properly." Sullivan goes on to say, "This will lay the
groundwork for more advanced algorithms, larger dataases, and eing ale to index
different types of content more effectively," he says. For example, Google has
also egun using a search crawler uilt on a Mozilla rowser. The new search ot is
more flexile, seems faster and can read non-text content more readily; that
should mean that in time, it will e ale to read links within images and even
within Flash video, matter that gets ignored y ots that can't speak Javascript.
<r />"As We technology develops and we get richer and more interactive We
sites, [the search engines] can't just stick with just indexing hyperlinks and
text," Sullivan says. "They're going to have to do everything." So it's
evolution, more of the same old thing. I personally have never even done more
than read the odd 'black hat' SEO or SEM post on a forum somewhere in a room
with the lights out, never mind ever considering the techniques. So I am in
favor of all the methodologies that enhance the end user experience. That is
what I care aout. <r />As far as freaking out aout ever changing
algorithms (algos in ale speak) I never want things to stop evolving. Sure it
can e frustrating for the professional SEO/SEM firm, ut it's also a challenge
to keep up with the times. So keep your eye's and ears open and get good testing
and metrics tools in place to keep up with the Joneses. Further Reading; More
on recent algorithm issues here; More on Big Daddy; Matt Cutts log;
Here is an overview of a coming updates to all Google datacenters expected in
Feruary or March of 2006 About the Author David Harry is a marketing
professional with Comprehensive Development Services and managing partner in a
variety of internet businesses.

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