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[] How to Increase Organic (Free) Traffic

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If you have ever tried to research techniques on how to increase traffic to
your site you may have noticed an underlying theme in most recommendations ?
host a quality website.Why host a quality site? Because a quality site is one
that people want to visit and link to. So what makes a quality site? There are
two versions of quality, one is how visitors judge your site and the second is
how the search engines view your site. Search engines, in an attempt to stay
competitive, try to deliver a quality product to the people that use their
search tools, which means that they want their visitors to find relevant search
results and use their search engine often.So the search engine tips, tricks and
traps popular five years ago do not work anymore, because they do not supply
relevant page results. Search engines are now looking for applicable content,
not only relevant but real content, not pages stuffed with keywords.Here are our
56 tips to improve your website and how search engines view them. 1. Include
relevant content, relevant to your page description and Meta keywords.2. Instead
of changing your URL or redirecting from your old URL to your new URL, follow
Google?s procedure on URL changes to make sure your new site does not get
skipped, or just avoid URL changes if you can.3. Don?t post duplicate content on
your site, so if you quote another page only include a small excerpt and don?t
repeat your own content on multiple pages.4. Avoid flash, even though it looks
cool, flash and animated banners and intros annoy visitors and search engine
bots don?t read them.5. Submit to quality directories.6. Make sure your
robot.text files are not blocking destination URLs that you do not want
blocked.7. Choose your Meta keywords wisely and include them in your content.8.
Strive to obtain quality links into your site.9. If you use icon or image links,
include a text link.10. If you operate an affiliate site, make your site a
valuable resource, so people chose your site rather than go straight to your
affiliate.11. Add a site map.12. Don?t use link schemes.13. Write specific
content, so searches can find applicable results. Instead of writing ?books,?
write ?medical text books? or ?organic cookbooks?, be specific.14. If you
include low quality links on your site, block them from being scanned by
Googlebot.15. Don?t break up your content too much, like loads of banner ads and
so on in the middle or your text, irritates readers and bots.16. Write unique
and compelling content.17. Don?t forget to include your page descriptions.18.
Don?t bury text content in images.19. Look for un?indexed URLs, URL with more
than a few parameters or dynamic links, they may be skipped.20. Stay up?to?date
on SEO, your strategies need to constantly evolve.21. Deliver what you promise,
don?t drive readers to inapplicable or irrelevant pages.22. Carefully consider
your titles, make sure to include targeted keywords.23. Don?t forget humor or
other devices that attract and keep readers.24. Add text links with anchor
links.25. Keep links out and in up?to?date.26. Start a blog or forum if it makes
sense on your site.27. Join BBB or your local Chamber of Commerce or other
reputable business associations.28. Submit articles to respectable and active
article sites.29. Add Alt tags to images for people that disable images.30.
Validate and 508 your site for accessibility.31. Submit your business
description to Wikipedia or other popular information sites.32. Consider adding
maps or mashups.33. Submit to multiple search engines.34. Consider marketing
some of your subpages or articles that have less competition.35. Don?t forget
good old?fashion PR.36. Start a little controversy.37. Consider adding an RSS
feed.38. Write ?top ten? lists, which are popular with article search sites.39.
Build a good site that others want to link to.40. Eliminate grammar and spelling
errors.41. Publish a privacy policy.42. Send out press releases when it makes
sense.43. Avoid hidden text and links.44. Keep your content up?to?date.45. Don?t
employ redirects or ?cloaking.?46. Don?t create pages with bad content, like
viruses, trojans, malware and so on.47. Steer clear of empty, unoriginal
affiliate pages.48. Make sure every page is assessable through at least on
static text link.49. Use text, instead of images to relate important content.50.
Check for broken links.51. Don?t put too many links on one page, even if it is a
resource page, keep it well under 100.52. Test out your site with a text
browser.53. Be leery of badly placed session IDs and arguments.54. Employ the
IF?Modified?Since HTTP header to let Google know if your content has changed.55.
Do not use ?&id=? as a URL parameter, they are not indexed.56. Avoid deceptive
or manipulative techniques.All in all, you just want to create a site that you
would want to visit ? one that is useful and up?to?date ? that?s it, no magic,
no tricks.Pamela StevensPamela Stevens writes for TopTenREVIEWS.com, a review
site that publishes technology and entertainment reviews. - Acne is something
that every one of us has probably faced during the onset of puberty. However, in
the case of an unlucky few, this condition persists well into adulthood. Left
untreated, severe acne can lead to disfiguring scarring; this can then lead to
decreased self-esteem, social withdrawal and even depression.What causes acne?
Acne is caused primarily due to the blockages of pores on the skin. These
blockages stop the oil (sebum) from draining to the surface of the skin.
Bacteria grow in these blockages, which lead to an infectious inflammation of
that area; this is known as acne. Several factors contribute to the development
of acne. These may include hormones, diet, evolutionary biology, vitamin
deficiency, and stress, among others.What can I do to cure my acne? There are a
number of remedies for acne available in the market. However, since the causes
of acne are so myriad, not every type of treatment works for every individual.
It is usually through a system of trial and error that the appropriate remedy is
found, especially in the more severe cases of acne. The problem with some of the
new systems of treatment is that if they don?t work, they may actually
exacerbate the symptoms of this infection. This is why people are looking more
and more towards more natural and organic remedies for acne as a starting
point.Aromatherapy treatment for acne Aromatherapy has had a reputation as a
natural treatment for acne for many years. Of the aromatherapy oils, tea tree is
probably the best-known as an acne remedy, though other oils such as lavender
have been anecdotally reported effective. The advantantage with using essential
oils such as tea tree for treatment is that these oils are a natural organic
cosmetic. Thus, there are no side effects to this kind of treatment.What is tea
tree oil? Tea tree oil is an essential oil obtained from the Melaleuca tree of
Australia. Tea tree has anti-septic and anti-fungal properties. Before the
advent of modern medicine, this oil was an essential part of the First-Aid kits
of the Australian army.How do I use it? Tea tree oil should be applied on the
skin and never taken internally. For treating acne, mix tea tree oil with aloe
vera gel in the ratio of five per cent tea tree oil to ninety five percent aloe
vera gel. Apply this solution to clean skin.What are other aromatherapy
treatments for acne? Several other aromatherapy remedies have been shown to
inhibit the growth of acne causing bacteria. Some of the popular essential oils
used for acne treatment are Jasmine, Lavender, Myrrh, Palma Rosa, Sandalwood and
Ylang Ylang.What are natural, organic cosmetics? A further contributor to the
increase of acne and skin diseases among our generation is the increased
proliferation and usage of skin care products. Many of these products contain
harmful chemicals that adversely affect the skin and result in irritation of the
skin and acne. Natural, organic cosmetics contain fully natural ingredients
including essential aromatherapy oils such as tea tree. The use of these
cosmetics helps our skin retain its balance and stay healthy. Healthy skin is
better able to combat and withstand skin infections, such as acne and
eczema.About the Author: Sharon Hopkins manages sites related to Aromatherapy.
and natural healing therapies in alternative medicine such as Massage Therapy,
Yoga and many other health sites.

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