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[] Organic Baby Food ? A Healthy Choice

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As parents, there?s nothing we wouldn?t do for our children. And when it comes
to our newborn baby we are constantly seeking those things that will give our
child the greatest health advantage possible. It is not surprising, however,
that there is a growing trend towards organic baby food and the myriad of
benefits it can offer to its smallest consumers.Organic food continues to grow
in popularity as more and more people understand the benefits of eating food
that is free of pesticides and chemicals. Organic farmers ? within strictly
enforced government guidelines ? grow produce without the use of chemicals often
used in traditional farming. They are committed to producing fruits and
vegetables that are not in any way chemically altered. Organic agricultural
farmers ? that produce meat and dairy products ? feed their animals only organic
products; no supplements or chemicals of any kind are given to livestock or
dairy cows.If adults are receiving such tremendous benefits from organic food
then it stands to reason that organic baby food could be just as healthy for
infants. When babies reach the point that they can be introduced to solid foods,
pediatricians advise that each food should be introduced one at a time to keep a
careful eye for any food allergies. Organic baby food, because of its natural
state - free of all harmful chemicals ? provides another level of protection
against allergies.Further, because organic baby food is chemical free it is the
safest thing for our environment. Subsequently, giving our children organic baby
food ensures their health and the health of the planet on which they
live.Finding organic baby food can be as simple as visiting the nearest grocery
store or health food store, depending on where you live. For those who have
limited access to organic food, there are home delivery services that will bring
the requested organic baby food straight to your door; a comprehensive list of
such services can be found online.Organic baby food shows your commitment to
your children and the environment. Making small changes can go a long way to
ensuring a lifetime of good health.About the Author: For easy to understand, in
depth information about organic food visit our ezGuide 2 Organic Food.
- Nail polish remover is linked with Cancer Confronting the criticism
of health and environmental groups, three major nail polish manufacturers -
including one on Long Island -- say they've either removed or have begun the
process of removing a trio of substances that have been deemed harmful. The
chemicals formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate , or DBP, have been
linked to cancer and birth defects. All were banned earlier this year in
cosmetics by European Union regulators but have not been targeted for removal in
this country by the Food and Drug Administration. The organic solvents toluene
and xylene , which are very common nail polish ingredients, are petroleum-based
products that may contain impurities that have been linked to cancer. Other
acetate solvents are safer but may cause dizziness when inhaled or skin
irritation on contact. Manufacturers, all with markets abroad, said Tuesday they
have begun removing the compounds voluntarily under pressure from health and
environmental advocacy organizations. Del Laboratories in Uniondale ,
manufacturer of Sally Hansen brand nail polish, say their products are being
reformulated to eliminate all three substances. The Sally Hansen brand is sold
worldwide and is the No. 1 nail polish brand sold in drugstores. "As a concerned
manufacturer of products, we proactively respond to concerns and trends," said
Bruce MacKay, Del Laboratories' vice president of scientific affairs, who
insisted the products are safe. Ann Nugent, a Del Laboratories spokeswoman, said
the reformulated nail enamels should appear on store shelves early next year.
Orly International Inc and OPI Products, top salon brands with headquarters in
southern California, say they, too, will eliminate the compounds. Orly began the
process last year and OPI started this year. The companies had come under fire
for several years from the Breast Cancer Fund, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
and Women's Voices of the Earth, among a host of other advocacy groups. More
than 300 companies -- including The Body Shop, Kiss My Face and California Baby
-- had signed the covenant by May 15. The Campaign is pressuring industry giants
Unilever, Avon, L'Oreal, Revlon, Estee Lauder and Procter & Gamble to sign on,
too. "These are products that enter into the body in a way that is not
dissimilar to the way that drugs do," said Jeanne Rizzo, a registered nurse and
executive director of the San Francisco-based Breast Cancer Fund, a health
advocacy organization that supports studies on the causes of breast cancer. She
said that DBP (dibutyl phthalate) is an endocrine disrupter , associated with
underdeveloped genitals in newborn males. Rizzo added that the compound belongs
to a broad class of toxins that have been linked to accelerated puberty in
girls, a factor that may be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
Toluene has been linked to nervous system disorders and formaldehyde is a
suspected carcinogen. The FDA doesn't require the rigorous scrutiny of cosmetics
that is reserved for pharmaceuticals. Rizzo said harmful substances have been
allowed in nail polish because the expert panel advising the agency on cosmetics
is made up of officials from the cosmetics industry. FDA spokeswoman Veronica
Castro said the agency could not respond to issues involving compounds in nail
polish Tuesday because the expert in the Cosmetics and Colors division was
absent. Arthur Levin, director of the Center for Medical Consumers, a health
advocacy group in Manhattan, said the FDA is "understaffed and overworked," and
cannot maintain appropriate vigilance over cosmetics. For more information see
our Nail polish remover is linked with cancer Our http://www.halfvalue.com
and http://www.halfvalue.co.uk websites will provide the more information you
are looking for. About the Author None

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