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[] 8 Secrets To Conquering The Internet

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While some marketers struggle for years to earn enough money to pay the bills,
others zoom to the top, their sites exploding with traffic and their in-boxes
flooded with order and payment statements. Why? How do these marketers differ
from the rest? Are they smarter? Braver? Do they invest more wisely or have more
money to invest? Do they know the right people?
No. In fact, there's only one real differencde between them and the rest of the
internet marketing community. In a word: Attitude.
They aren't intimidated by the internet -- they eat it for breakfast. Like
ancient conquerors, they plunge into the vast sea of the internet, heedless of
its tempermental storms, jutting their jaws at the giant terrors that it holds
while the rest of us shiver on the shores, barely daring to get our toes wet.
Of course they've been knocked down, beaten back and have the scars to prove
it. But with each beating, their determination only strengthens and, as the
sting of defeat fades, they learn from their mistakes. Most of all, they never,
ever give up and never question their resolve. They will make it or die trying.
Thinking like a conqueror: THIS is the first and most elemental step to
becoming one. Because of this, they take swift, decisive action, they reach out
and grab what they want and they don't take "no" for an answer.
Okay. Great. But what does this mean to the average person? Can anyone be an
internet conqueror or do they have to be born that way?
Attitude is everything. Attitude influences thinking patterns, which decides a
course of action which, ultimately, leads to success or failure. Like the old
saying goes, "the only true failure is the one who gives up." And the ones who
give up don't have the attitude to continue on.
So attitude is the #1 secret to conquering the internet. Below is all 8
secrets, some of which may shock those still cringing at the shoreline. It's not
necessary to do all of them, if indeed that's even possible since each can
become quite demanding. And these are not all-inclusive, since there are
probably new and better ways coming out every day. But each demonstrates the
difference in attitude and thinking of a marketer and an internet Conqueror.
Marketers follow once the way has been cleared. Conquerors forge ahead.
Marketers tend to stay in the background, creating pages and adding their
links, but never making themselves available to the general public. Conquerors
create a specific "presence", a personality that distinguishes them from others.
This attracts attention, which also attracts sales. They do this by...
Marketers read newsletters; Conquerors write them. If this seems daunting,
begin it as a blog with an RSS Feed. Do NOT use a pre-written system or import
other's content. The key is to create something unique that cannot be
Marketers read ebooks; Conquerors write them. It doesn't have to be very long,
just original and informative. If this seems like too much, start by publishing
articles. Once 10-15 articles have been written, re-write them into one cohesive
Marketers submit articles; Conquerors run the submission sites. Again, this
software is available, in some cases, for free. By doing this, both authors and
newsletters come to the Conquerors' site, instead of vise versa.
Marketers go to forums; Conquerors create forums and draw others to them. The
key to this is finding a niche that has no forum and starting one. There are
programs that offer free forum programs on the internet. But be prepared to set
policy and moderate the forum, as well as promote it.
Marketers submit to search engines; Conquerors run them. Again, the software is
available online. There are even some that, to some extent are self-automated.
The only set up involved is writing a simple letter to the submission services,
asking that they include your site in their listings.
Marketers have a home page; Conquerors provide them. A home page may require a
bit more set up, bandwidth and maintenance than other options but, by creating a
home page, a conqueror draws regular visitors to themselves and a revenue source
for posting ads.
There is a recurring theme in each of these examples. That is, to do something
which organically attracts visitors. So the final difference? Marketers run
after visitors; Conquerors attract visitors to them.--moAbout the Author
Marige O'Brien works as a writer, web designer and Internet Marketer. Visit her
Website, Tracker Mo's Den for her latest recommendations in i-marketing tools
and biz opps. New RSS Feed. Currently offering a Special for TCC sign ups.
Copyright ? 2006 By Marige O'Brien.
Free Online Reprint With Byline Inclusion; for offline publication please
contact author. - Aquarium Decorations----Creating Homes For
FishesSubmitted By: Tomy Williams

Aquarium decorations are not only beautiful to
look at they also have an important purpose. They provide fishes with homes----
hiding places and natural borders resembling their natural habitat. There are
many different types of decorations, for instance Cave dwelling fishes love
aquarium decorations that structure like caves, holes and crevices. Whereas
Fishes that live in dense vegetation prefer plants and other types of tiny
hiding places. Decorations are crucial for a happy and healthy aquarium they
also keep fishes from getting bored. Tanks: There are many variants of tanks
big, small, quadrilateral or polygonal. The size of an aquarium should be
according to the size and the number of fishs you plan to keep.Also tanks come
in a variety of tinted glasses. Plants: They are the the most beautiful,
inexpensive source of decoration for your aquariums. Fishes love the aquatic
plants as they are part of their natural habitats. They come in all varieties,
costing anywhere from a few bucks to hundreds. Plants are very useful as well;
they bind carbon dioxide and oxygenate the water. They also use organic waste
products as nutrition and remove potentially harmful compounds from the water.
Plants can also be used to keep a check on the water quality of an aquarium; the
plant will start dieing before the fish if the water suddenly becomes toxic.
Wood, Rock and Coral: An aquarium can be like a miniature true habitat for the
fishes with these decorations. Drift wood and mangroves can create a beautiful
effect in the aquarium, plus some fishes particularly thrive on Drift wood. But
be careful as Drift wood might lower pH levels and the hardness of the water. So
it is best used in aquariums with soft slightly acid water. Stones and rocks
make excellent decorations. But again caution is needed; you should never use
rocks that affect your water?s pH levels or stones that might contain toxins.
There are also fake rocks that resemble real rocks, but these are pretty
expensive. Rocks can be used to create caves which many fishes are passionate
about. Coral are a beautiful addition to marine aquariums; in fact they may
prove necessary for a healthy marine habitat. But can be dangerous to fresh
water aquarium and should not be used as they be harmful. Gravel or sand: Both
are great both come in a variety of color. Gravel comes in white, brown and
black, or blue, red, green, yellow the whole rainbow spectrum. Sand again also
has a plethora of colors white, black, blue, yellow, red, green. Both of these
can be layered in multiple colors. Glass marbles, Ceramics, Plastic: Ok all are
unnatural materials and might look slightly tacky, but fishes don?t give a fig
for this, they enjoy them enormously. Glass marbles though are not a good bottom
substrate out of a biologically as flora does not thrive on them, can add
beautiful colors to the aquarium. It?s best to use them sparingly or add another
more functional substrate below. Ceramics are excellent aquarium decorations.
All sizes and shapes can be used as long as they do not have sharp edges.
However ceramics tend to grow algae that might be hard to. Plastic they are
cheap, colorful and yes tacky, but can be found in a variety of fun shapes.
Treasure chests, skulls, divers, pirates, plants and ships you name it and
stores have them. It is imperative that you only use aquarium decorations that
are safe to use in aquariums. If you have salt water aquariums they should be
saltwater-safe also. If you don?t take this precaution your fish will die due to
the organisms and toxins released by the decorations Decorations have both
practical and aesthetical use if done tastefully and carefully you can create a
miniature aquatic ecosystem that both you and your fish can enjoy.

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