วันจันทร์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

[^_^] What's In Your Lip Balm?

The use of lip balm is often necessary due to the fact that our lips dont
produce any oil and are likely to become dry and chapped. Youll probably notice
this during the wintertime, especially if you spend time outdoors. However, many
of us have chapped lips during regardless of the season. You live or vacation in
a hot, dry climate, or a high altitude. In severe cases lips can become cracked
and bleed due to the fact that they may be using commercial lip balms or relying
on nothing at all. Licking ones lips actually makes the problem worse.The use of
lip balm is often necessary due to the fact that our lips dont produce any oil
and are likely to become dry and chapped. Youll probably notice this during the
wintertime, especially if you spend time outdoors. However, many of us have
chapped lips during regardless of the season. You live or vacation in a hot, dry
climate, or a high altitude. In severe cases lips can become cracked and bleed
due to the fact that they may be using commercial lip balms or relying on
nothing at all. Licking ones lips actually makes the problem worse. A
couple of summers ago I had unsightly chapped and dry lips for no apparent
reason. My diet hadnt changed, I wasnt under too much stress, and I was still in
the same location. For years Id been using various brands of lip balms that Id
purchased from a health food store. I dutifully read the contents and noted they
contained almond oil and other natural ingredients. On closer inspection I again
read the label. The last word gave me the clue I needed: active sunscreen -
PABA. The other brand contained all natural ingredients including lanolin, which
is derived from sheeps wool, but is a known sensitizer. One or both of these
ingredients was responsible for irritating my lips. Instead of using lip balm I
switched to some solid cocoa butter I happened to have. Within 24 hours my lips
began to soften and turn from flaky white back to natural pink. I began
exploring ways to make my own lip balm that would of course contain skin-loving
cocoa butter. Cocoa butter was nice to use, but after a while I wanted to go
back to using a stick or small pot of lip balm that I could carry around with
me. I read several books and researched many recipes I found on the internet.
For several months I experimented with the recipes until I was happy with the
results. So delighted that I even gave away a few small pots of shea butter lip
balm to testers, which had been sweetened with white chocolate. Only one problem
occurred after a week the lip balm turned grainy! This was disappointing to me,
but I continued to try to make grain-free lip balms. Three months later I
ordered some gently refined shea butter and after reformulating my recipe, and
carefully adding the shea butter last, the problem was solved! The culprit had
been the timing of the sheas addition to the melting process, along with shea
butter that wasnt up to my usual ultra high standards. Since early 2004 I have
successfully made numerous batches of luxurious shea butter lip balms and have
expanded my line to include 15 lip smacking flavors. Im very proud of my lippy
creations and wish to share my carefully selected ingredients.Please remember,
that unlike commercial lip balms, mine contain NO preservatives, active
sunscreens, paraffin, mineral oil, artificial coloring, saccharin, artificial
sweetener or lanolin!Meadowfoam Seed Oil ~ Moisturizing and revitalizing to dry,
cracked lips. Grown in Oregon, this wildflower provides a lovely oil that is
high in vitamin E and also has the ability to extend the life of the other oils
and butters added to the lip balm. Sesame Seed Oil [Refined] ~ Having been used
in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, sesame oil is outstanding for
keeping your lips soft and supple. The refined oil contains no nutty aroma or
dark color. Sesame oil is said to contain a natural sunscreen.Gently Refined
Shea Butter ~ This naturally creamy texture is apparent in the finished product.
Shea butter is an excellent skin conditioner and is high in vitamins A and E.
Cocoa Butter ~ A nut fat which is extracted from the cocoa bean, cocoa butter
has been a main ingredient in many skin care products due to its skin softening
and healing abilities. Cocoa butter adds a touch of firmness to the lip
balms.Unsweetened Chocolate [In Chocolate-Mint and Chocolate Lip Balms Only]
Natural chocolate adds flavor and color to the lip balms. Your lips wont turn
brown though!Beeswax ~ Naturally processed white beeswax holds these lovely lip
soothing ingredients together and also acts as a moisturizer.Vitamin E ~ This
antioxidant helps prevent scarring and is good for all skin types.Virgin Coconut
Oil [In Luxurious Coconut Lip Balm Only] ~ Helps keep your lips soft and
moisturized.Certified Organic Agave Nectar ~ Similar to honey; yet from the
Mexican agave [cactus] plant, this sweetener improves the flavor of all the lip
balms. Pure Essential Oils ~ Cosmetic grade scents for your lips.Safe Flavor
Oils ~ Cosmetic grade scents for your lips.You only have one set of lips and can
chose what goes on thema synthetic stew of chemicals or an all natural product
that will smooth and soothe them. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Everything Shea
Aromatic Creations offers a fragrant selection of designer shea butter glycerin
soap, luxurious lip balms, exclusive Whipped Shea Butter, & unique SoapCakes to
personalize for gifts/promotions. http://www.everythingshea.com - KEYWORD
POWER!Stop Fumbling Around In the Dark! Get Qualified Traffic Now!If you had to
take a stress test right now - while someone asks you how effective you are at
selling a product online?Would you show moderate frustration?Register an "above
average" score on the liklihood you will strangle the next person who mentions
getting rich online?Or are you ready to pull the plug on the who freaking thing,
and start your own meat carving business?You want to sell a product online, and
everyone wants to tell you HOW to sell a product online....BUT....What they
DON'T tell you is that it all depends on 2 simple factors -- knowing what people
want to buy AND what they search for when they are looking.Listen: it's taken me
over 1-year to learn the TRUE meaning of this one single word.Everyone say
KEYWORD.Say it again -- KEYWORD.Ok - with that out of our systems, let's look at
the way that keywords can make your life simpler, massively increase your
ability to sell products online AND...provide a formula you can repeat again and
again -- until you're tired of making money.KEYWORD Tip #1: Your Product
IdeaKeywords tell you what people search for on the internet. Lots of searches
for information means you can provide answers to urgentStudy keyword
combinations, discover demand and supply ratios -- made faster with a tool like
Adword Analyzer -- http://www.infoproductcreator.com/part/adwanalyze and you
will have a window into product demand online.KEYWORD Tip #2: Product Names and
Titles That SellYou know what people are looking for with keywords.Figure out
WHY they are using the keywords and you have the perfect high-demand title that
will sell you a ton of products.KEYWORD Tip #3 Sales Pages That Sell Products
OnlineYour sales page is only converting 1 in 1,000 visitors into buyers?Usually
two main reasons - your copy sucks, or you are attracting the wrong people to
your website.Guess what?Either way - KEYWORDS come to the rescue.Optimize your
site for keywords that make sense for your product or service. Don't go general
here, get really specific -- you want less traffic but more sales, not a TON of
traffic and virtually no sales.Here's a little known secret.People look for
information online - they don't look for products.So - what you need to do is
attract your visitors with content, the content they are looking for AND THEN
have links and a menu that lead them to your products.If you need help
converting visitors into buyers - look no further than the Hypnotic Marketer
himself -- http://www.infoproductcreator.com/hypnotic.htmlKEYWORD Tip #4:
Keywords Help You Find Super AffiliatesWhen you arm yourself with the list of
most popular keywords your most qualified visitors use to find information
related to your products -- you can use that information to form SUPER affiliate
joint ventures which will let you sit back and watch the money roll in.Seek out
those sites that are performing best and optimized best for your target market's
most searched keywords - then make really good friends FAST!Because they can
make you a truckload of sales in next to no time.KEYWORD Tip #5 It's the ONLY
Thing We Really Know About Online.Keywords don't lie.The fact that "travel book"
gets roughly double the searches as "travel information" tells you exactly how
people are searching for your information (assuming you've written a travel
book)When it comes right down to it - the comings and goings of people on the
internet is far from an exact science, no matter what the "guru's" tell
you.But...KEYWORDS put you back in the driver seat, give you the tools to sell
products online and bring your stress level down to a level where you may not
even know who you are
anymore.------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! Not All
Infoproducts Are Created Equal. With These 7 Simple Lessons, You Really Can Turn
Your Knowledge Into Income-Generating eBooks, Books, Special Reports or Any
Infoproduct Fast! Find Out How In This Complimentary Minicourse
--http://www.infoproductcreator.com/minicoursenew.htmlJeff Smith is the author
of too many articles to list on the topic of Creating eBooks, Special Reports
and Internet Marketing. Visit his site
at:http://www.infoproductcreator.comGoogle has a flaw? Didnt think it was
possible.John RomanoFirst off, Google is king. Yahoo buying Inktomi and Overture
puts them back on top for now, but Google is clearly the Yahoo of the 00s.
However, we do have a few particular beefs with the mighty and mostly benevolent
Google. Google has a problem with one of their ad products, AdWords. AdWords is
the revolutionary keyword buying tool that lets small, and now big, businesses
buy keyword terms that show up in ads alongside Googles organic search results.
Studying and utilizing the Google system has reaped some interesting facts and a
few flaws. Here are a few things we learned.A.A technique for getting the most
traffic and clicks (Sorry, not going to reveal that, as this isnt a hackem and
the writing or researching of this article.B.How to find amazingly robust and
cost effective search terms (Again sorry, that technique separates a mediocre ad
buy from a great one and everybody who finds good words should keep them as
close to the vest as possible.)C.A glitch in Googles system that can unfairly
penalize top performing search terms. Thats the focus of this piece.Picture
this: Johnny T-Shirt Co. spends time doing keyword research for terms suitable
for marketing their business. JTCo is diligent and finds a few ripe terms that
larger competitors missed, like lets say Gold T-shirts. JTCo then sets up an
AdWords campaign on Google with a budget at $175.00 a day with a cost per click
of $0.25. The ad goes live. Customers see and click on JTCos ads at a 1.8% click
rate. Pretty good. Business goes along for a few months, Google makes some nice
money and JTCo grabs customers ahead of the competition. Now here is the glitch.
Google expects all ads within the AdWords system to garner 5 clicks per 1,000
impressions. Fair enough. JTCos ad for the term Gold T-Shirts is rolling along
at a 1.8% click rate (18 clicks per 1,000) so not a problem. But, if JTCo fails
to get 5 clicks per 1,000 ad views just once, Googles default programming will
trigger the disabling of the word and give JTCo no clear way of making a case
for reinstating the word. Its akin to a father being wonderful to his children
then being late for dinner by ten minutes once and the community ostracizes him
as a neglectful father - FOREVER. We studied a real world company,
www.threedayweekends.com, which had paid Google $1,092 over a month long period
for a specific word. The word had received a large number of clicks and hundreds
of thousands of impressions, yet when the term missed the five click threshold
just once, late on a typical Thursday night, the term was shut down.Contacting
Google about this problem, sad to say, has been akin to dealing with the phone
company before competition. Headache, heartache and misunderstandings. Calls to
the Google AdWord call center were met with either sympathy or apathy. One
Googler said they felt bad and that others had complained about the same problem
but his proverbial hands were tied. Another just couldnt get her head around the
issue and kept telling us you need to re-write the ad, re-write the ad which was
answered with it has worked for months without a problem; the five missed clicks
are clearly a fluke the response you need to re-write the, re-write the ad.
Lastly, a Google Phone Supervisor when asked out of frustration who her boss was
replied Im not telling, find out for yourself if you can, but Im not telling
you. What? Now we have the name and ID number of the said employees, but we wont
reveal them even if Google were to contact us. Why? Because, overall Google is a
great company with good customer service and sharp products. Also, no reason to
get involved with Google HR issues, the folks all seemed nice - just not
helpful. Okay, the Phone Supervisor was a little craggy but no big deal. Instead
of waiting until Google solves this issue on their own, here is a simple
solution that can satisfy all, further lining Googles pockets while earning
small and large businesses qualified clicks. Google should institute a system
where ads that have performed well over time are given a little leeway in
regards to the 5/1,000 rule. Much like a credit card, ads that have consistently
performed well over a set period of time would be given a higher line of credit
perhaps a minimum of 25 clicks over 5000 impressions. The click rate Google
wants is the same but the buyer is given a little room when an anomaly occurs.
Missing 5 clicks over a thousand impressions is a fluke, missing 25 over 5,000
could be deemed more of a pattern. Also, 1,000 impressions on a high volume
search term on Google can literally happen in four or five minutes. So even if
youve had months of success with Gold T-Shirts, five minutes can change
everything. The weird part in the www.threedayweekends.com case - the real
example we studied is that Google is turning down literally $75-125 a day in
business. Now we all know that the brains behind Google could solve a math and
programming issue like this quite quickly. In the meantime, smart marketers like
www.threedayweekends.com will have to search for other terms and other places to
spend the money Google doesnt want.About the author: John Romano is a former
Analysis and Optimization expert for i-traffic and SFInteractive. He now runs a
company that manages keyword ad buys. Please contact him at westplants@yahoo.com
or 310-281-1199.Optimizing Dynamic Pages - Part IDale GoetschThe Widget QueenYou
are the Widget Queen. You eat, breathe, and live widgets. You sell more widgets
than anyone. You want to reach more widget customers, so you have decided to
sell widgets on the web. You have spared no expense in designing and building
the ultimate widget website. You have widget descriptions; you have widget
specifications; you even have widget movies. The only thing your widget website
does not have is visitors.Off to the search engines you go. You type in the
phrase "left-handed blue widgets" and look at the results. All of your major
competitors are listed. There are even competitors you have never heard of. But
you, the Widget Queen, do not have a listing there.What's up with that? What
follows is some very basic introductory material followed by some advanced
technical details on dynamic sites and SEO.What is a search engine?First of all,
you need to understand what a search engine actually searches. When a potential
visitor does a search in a search engine, such as Google or AllTheWeb/FAST, she
is not really searching the web; rather, she is looking at a database compiled
by that search engine. This database consists of the text and links from the web
pages that have been visited by the search engine's robot.How is a search engine
database compiled? Search engines compile these databases automatically using
software programs called "robots" or "spiders". These automatic programs visit
pages on the World Wide Web, much as humans visit web pages using browsers, by
starting at some arbitrary location and following links. When a website owner
"submits" a page to a search engine, in most cases she is supplying the search
engine's robot with a starting point for their automatic journey. Starting in
that location, the robot then follows links and thus "discovers" other pages in
your website or visits other sites to which your site is linked. (This, by the
way, is how search engines can find individual pages or whole sites that have
never been submitted to them--if there is a link to one site from another site,
chances are good that eventually a search engine robot is going to find that
link and follow it.)Even though robots visit pages like human visitors do, what
they can do with what they "see" is quite different. When a human visitor uses a
browser to view a web page, that visitor can read the text on the page, look at
images, play movies, listen to sounds, submit information in forms, follow
hyperlinks, and any number of other tasks. The human visitor really interacts
with the site. The search engine robot, on the other hand, can only do a few of
these things. It is this difference that can keep your dynamic page from being
included in the search engine database.What does a robot do?Search engine robots
are very simple creatures. They can "read" text, and they can follow links.
That's it. Robots cannot view a Flash movie, they cannot fill in a form, and
they cannot click a "submit" button. What that means is that no matter how much
great information your web page may contain, if a visitor has to select it from
a list, or type a password, or submit a form full of information to get there,
no robot will ever visit that page.The origins of dynamic pagesMost dynamic web
pages are generated in response to queries run against databases. Behind your
widget website there is a large database of widgets. When a visitor comes to
your site and looks for left-handed blue widgets, it is this database that
supplies the response. The database provides that information to the visitor.
Typically the visitor checks a box or selects from a list or even types text
onto the page and presses a "submit" button. Once she jumps through those hoops,
your visitor gets her page full of left-handed blue widgets.I can't see
youUnfortunately, when a search engine robot visits this page, it cannot check
that box, it cannot select from that list, and it cannot click the "submit"
button. Put simply, the robot cannot get to page of widgets. If the robot can't
get there, the page will not be included in the search engine database. If it's
not in the database, searchers cannot find it.So how do you get there?So how do
we attract other visitors to our dynamic page of left-handed blue widgets? There
must be some way to get there without having to click on that "submit"
button.Next month we will look at several ways to get search engine robots to
visit dynamic web pages. Stay tuned.Dale Goetsch is the Technical Consultant for
Search Innovation Marketing (http://www.searchinnovation.com), a Search Engine
Promotion company serving small businesses and non-profits. He has over twelve
years experience in software development. Along with programming in Perl,
JavaScript, ASP and VB, he is a technical writer and editor, with an emphasis on
making technical subjects accessible to non-technical readers.

