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[^_^] Burning Bushes for Furlong Pa

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The Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus)- Plants for Furlong Pa
Actually a colorful fall foliage selection as the name implies, a deciduous
shrub specie from the Tree Family Celastraceae, the "Staff-Tree Family," it is
NOT the description of A PROTEST action against our President.

'hope the title didn't mislead you, 'cause if it did, you'll STILL learn about
a marvelous shrub. Burning Bush, a non-native species brought from China and
Korea since the 1860's, has escaped from ornamental plantings into urban and
rural areas. It travels widely by way of its seed. This hardy plant is found in
forests and brushy areas. Burning Bushes will grow well even in SHADE, with very
little sun.
It is happily, not a murderous invasive species, killing absolutely every other
plant around it like Crown Vetch, but this "invasive" WILL cause anything below
it to starve for almost any light. It's more than just a "traveling plant."
Burning Bush is also known as the Winged Euonymous, Winged Wahoo, Winged
Spindle Tree, all for the cork-like tabs along its branches and stems, as well
as being called the Japanese Spincle Tree, and of course, the Cork Bush. That's
a lot of names.
This vase-shaped shrub has great red fall foliage which glows for weeks in
early to mid-autumn, hence, its name, Burning Bush. Hedges can be sheared or
globes created for decorative landscape plantings, topiaries (sculpted bush
art), Burning Bushes are good for all.
Hedges from Burning Bushes can be very dense giving good screening of wind, any
sun, and create privacy, even during the winter. If left unpruned, the compact
form of Burning Bush will grow to about 12 feet tall and 15 feet wide. The
winged form will grow to about 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide. In our area, the
Burning Bush propagates naturally in shaded areas. We obtain some of our stock
from seedlings we gather at a small farm cemetery on our property. Burning Bush
even regrows after transplanting from the empty holes where roots are exposed!
Burning Bush is adaptable to a variety of soil conditions: Fertile to sterile,
organic to clay, acidic to alkaline, rocky to sandy, this plant proves its
strength. It does NOT like any wet soils, it is important to note, but it does
do well in very dry soils. Burning Bush has small fibrous roots near the surface
and responds well to root pruning. Balling and burlapping this shrub for
transplanting does little damage, for Burning Bushes can take abuse and recover

You can see more of Bill's planting tips and articles at
http://www.seedlingsrus.com or http://www.zone5trees.com and his first website,
About the Author
For the past 26 years, Bill has been raising and marketing trees and plants on
his 250 acres of farms near Doylestown, Pennsylvania, 25 miles north of
His websites are: http://www.seedlingsrus.com and http://www.zone5trees.com -
Soap: In our daily life we use different forms of soap. We can't imagine a
single day without the use of soap. It is an essential part of cleanliness in
our civilized society. There are three different forms of soap available in the
market. These are Soap Bars, Detergent Powders and Liquid Soaps. Now we will
discuss how these are manufactured in detail. Bar Soap: The raw materials in bar
soaps are fats, fatty acids and inorganic water-soluble bases. Fats are
extracted from mutton tallow, beef, coconut, palm and palm kernel oils. After
extracting the raw material it goes to a treatment plant to make it pure. A
continuous process makes it into a liquid form of soap. During the process
glycerin is produced as a byproduct. The neat liquid soap then goes through a
process called vacuum spray drying, to form dry soap palette. In the final
phase the dry palettes go to the finishing line. An amalgamator blends soap
palettes with all other ingredients, colorants and fragrance. In a rolling mill
and refining plodder the soap palettes are then homogenized and refined. In this
section the soaps palettes get the desired texture. Then the palettes are cut
into the bar size and in a press unit the stamping process is done. Detergent
Soaps: In the case of powder detergents three processes are used. These are dry
mixing, spray mixing and agglomeration. Spray drying process combines all
constituents into a thick suspension in a big tank. The thick suspension is then
heated and lifted to the top of a tower by pumping it. At the top of the tower
small nozzles spray the suspension with high pressure. It creates small
droplets. These droplets fall from the top of the tower. When they fall, they
pass through hot air. It makes the droplets into dry granules. These granules
are then collected from the base of tower and run through a screening process.
This process makes all the granules uniform in size. These uniform sized
granules are cooled and some enzymes, fragrance and bleach are added. Using new
and latest technology in soap manufacturing makes high-density granules. In
these granules percentage of air is very low. By doing this the granules can be
packed in a smaller packet. Liquid Detergents: To make Liquid Soaps two
processes are used. These are continuous blending process and batch kettle
boiling process. Added stabilizers ensure the stability and uniformity of the
end product. During the continuous blending process in a mixer dry and liquid
ingredients are blended to make a stable and uniform mixture. In recent times,
high-energy mixing processes have been introduced. In this process some
stabilizing agents are used. Packaging: Packaging is the final step of soap
making. Bar soaps are first packed in single packs. Large numbers are packed in
cartons. Detergent powders are packed in pouches, cans or bags. Good packaging
can increase sales and hence soap manufacturers lay emphasis on good packaging.
About the Author Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his
website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To
learn more visit http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn562.html

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