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[] Disease Begins in the Colon - Use Friendly Bacteria For Good Health

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Good Health'

When going in for an exam with the doctor or health carepractitioner, have you
ever been told that researchersbelieve that 90% of all disease and disorders
begin in thedigestive tract?Why does disease begin in the digestive tract?
Yourdigestive tract is your first line of defense when it comesto your health.
This is because of the good bacteria thatresides there.Think of the good
bacteria as guards against incominginvaders. Having a good number of these
beneficial bacteriain our digestive tract guards us against a whole range
ofhealth problems and disorders. 85% good bacteria to 15% badbacteria is just
about rightSadly, because of such things as stresses of modern life,the
antibiotics you may have taken and having a digestivesystem that is not slightly
acid, you likely do not haveenough of these good bacteria. This has a great
affect onyour health and well being.Benefits of ProbioticsGood bacteria have an
anitviral, antibiotic action and alsohave anti-cancer properties. It has even
helped those withmigraine headaches and glaucoma. It really is an
immunitybooster from within.Many other illnesses and diseases can benefit from
the useof Probiotics: Auto immune disorders, digestive disorders,Crohns disease,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies,
and Low immunityNot all Probiotics are created equal.You want to be aware that
not all Probiotics are createdequally. Quality of a Probiotic may be different
from brandto brand. It depends on how it was made and how long the fermentation
process, which is very important, was allowed to go onI am pretty choosy about
what I use. As a health consultantI use one that has been in the fermentation
process for 5years. It's "live" 5-year fermentation process combines
12micro-activated strains of beneficial lactic acid bacteria(including the
proprietary TH 10 strain) with 92specifically chosen organic* vegetables,
fruits, seaweeds,leaves, barks, herbs, and spring water, all hand gatheredand
carefully harvested from the mountains and seas ofJapan.Why the vegetables,
fruits and seaweeds in the mixture?These are providing the pre biotic nutrient
needed to helpnourish the Probiotic bacteria.This brand of Probiotics is very
impressive.The proprietary TH 10 strain has been proven effective invitro
against the most virulent pathogens including the MRSA(Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus) superbug, Ecoli-157, H. pylori (the cause of peptic
ulcers).Probiotics are a necessary part of having a goodwellness/prevention
program nowdays. I strongly suggest thatyou start on Probiotics before you begin
to show signs ofillness and disease. If you are all ready sick, You willimprove
your immune system and turn many illnesses aroundwith Probiotic use. Start
today!-----------Jeannie Crabtree has been a Health Consultant for over 25years.
Healthy Solutions will give you health tips and researchedadvice about
suplemnents, health and wellness. Get your copy
today.http://www.health-doc.compractitioner, have you ever been told that
researchersbelieve that 90% of all disease and disorders begin in thedigestive
tract?Why does disease begin in the digestive tract? Yourdigestive tract is your
first line of defense when it comesto your health. This is because of the good
bacteria thatresides there.Think of the good bacteria as guards against
incominginvaders. Having a good number of these beneficial bacteriain our
digestive tract guards us against a whole range ofhealth problems and disorders.
85% good bacteria to 15% badbacteria is just about rightSadly, because of such
things as stresses of modern life,the antibiotics you may have taken and having
a digestivesystem that is not slightly acid, you likely do not haveenough of
these good bacteria. This has a great affect onyour health and well
being.Benefits of ProbioticsGood bacteria have an anitviral, antibiotic action
and alsohave anti-cancer properties. It has even helped those withmigraine
headaches and glaucoma. It really is an immunitybooster from within.Many other
illnesses and diseases can benefit from the useof Probiotics: Auto immune
disorders, digestive disorders,Crohns disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,
Diverticulitis,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies, and Low immunityNot all
Probiotics are created equal.You want to be aware that not all Probiotics are
createdequally. Quality of a Probiotic may be different from brandto brand. It
depends on how it was made and how long the fermentation process, which is very
important, was allowed to go onI am pretty choosy about what I use. As a health
consultantI use one that has been in the fermentation process for 5years. It's
"live" 5-year fermentation process combines 12micro-activated strains of
beneficial lactic acid bacteria(including the proprietary TH 10 strain) with
92specifically chosen organic* vegetables, fruits, seaweeds,leaves, barks,
herbs, and spring water, all hand gatheredand carefully harvested from the
mountains and seas ofJapan.Why the vegetables, fruits and seaweeds in the
mixture?These are providing the pre biotic nutrient needed to helpnourish the
Probiotic bacteria.This brand of Probiotics is very impressive.The proprietary
TH 10 strain has been proven effective invitro against the most virulent
pathogens including the MRSA(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
superbug, Ecoli-157, H. pylori (the cause of peptic ulcers).Probiotics are a
necessary part of having a goodwellness/prevention program nowdays. I strongly
suggest thatyou start on Probiotics before you begin to show signs ofillness and
disease. If you are all ready sick, You willimprove your immune system and turn
many illnesses aroundwith Probiotic use. Start today!-----------Jeannie Crabtree
has been a Health Consultant for over 25years. Healthy Solutions will give you
health tips and researchedadvice about suplemnents, health and wellness. Get
your copy today.http://www.health-doc.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jeannie
Crabtree has been a Health Consultant for over 25 years. Healthy Solutions will
give you health tips and researched advice about suplemnents, health and
wellness. Get your copy today. http://www.health-doc.com - The processed
foods have caused your body's nutritional system to become clogged, confused,
and locked into fat-storing mode. If you're like most people, you've tried it
all but nothing seems to work. Now it's time to find out why. If you'll give us
only 20 minutes of your time, we'll show you the truth about weight loss in a
form so compelling it can change your life.Most people who struggle with an
overweight condition blame themselves for lack of discipline or willpower. While
good eating habits are important, the real problem has to do with a much larger
issue, our food supply.Perhaps you can now understand your challenge in a
different light. Our processed and packaged food supply is inundated with
artificial chemicals that give the junk foods flavor, color, sweetness, and a
long shelf life. Over time, these chemicals build up in your body causing your
body's nutritional system to become confused, clogged, and locked into
fat-storing mode. The first step to healthy weight loss is cleansing your body
of these chemicals and understanding your body's need for fruits, veggies,
grains, nuts, seeds, and berries - otherwise known as whole foods. We'll tell
you more about our foods in a moment. First we need to untangle a few of the
"myths" and misunderstandings about losing weight - let's start with the topic
of skipping meals.One of the biggest mistakes you can make while trying to lose
weight is skipping meals. When you skip a meal, your body "thinks" that you are
starving. This is a built-in survival system that all of us have. When your body
"thinks" that you are starving, it makes two changes to protect you from
starving.First, it slows your metabolism causing your energy levels to drop. You
slow down and your body burns less fat. Secondly, the meal you eat after you
skip a meal will be converted almost entirely to fat and stored to protect you
from starving. If you skip breakfast, almost all of what you eat for lunch is
converted to fat. You think you?re taking in less food but in reality you?re
causing your body to store more fat.The solution is to eat small meals regularly
throughout the day, fueling your body with whole foods and water. Your
metabolism will increase, your stamina and endurance will increase, your
appetite will decrease, and your body will produce less fat while it burns more!
Your stomach will shrink back to it's normal size and a normal amount of food
will leave you feeling completely full and satisfied. Learn to ?listen? to your
body ? it knows what?s best for you. Eat whole foods and drink water when you?re
hungry and stop eating once your hunger is satisfied. Then repeat as necessary
throughout the day. It really is that simple!Another common mistake while trying
to lose weight is doing strenuous exercise.To create energy, your body burns fat
or it burns blood sugar (glucose), but it can?t burn them both at the same time.
When you?re not doing anything strenuous your body burns fat. When you exercise
into the aerobic zone (70% or more of your max. heart rate) your body will stop
burning fat and instantly begin to burn blood sugar ? because blood sugar can be
converted to energy much faster than fat.Aerobic exercise will burn fat ? but
only after you?ve depleted your available blood sugar ? which, for most people
takes at least 20 to 30 minutes of being in the aerobic zone. Countless
overweight individuals are on the exercise bikes and tread mills, pedaling and
running, until their heart almost pounds out of their chest but they are not
burning fat. The first 30 minutes only burns off blood sugar ? after that you?d
need another 30 minutes to burn any fat. Exercise equipment sales are on the
rise and so is obesity ? does that make sense to you?The truth? Walking is the
best type of exercise for healthy weight loss. Walking burns fat. Walking also
builds lean muscle which ?feeds? on the body?s excess fat. Walk daily, eat whole
foods, drink plenty of water, and turn your body into a healthy, energetic, fat
burning machine that incinerates fat 24 hours a day! Once you move closer to
your ideal weight, then adding some aeorbic exercise is a great way to maintain
your weight and support your heart, lungs, muscles, and circulatory system.Now
that you understand the real problem and know how to avoid the big mistakes -
You're on the path to weight loss success and healthy living.TOMORROW'S POST:

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