วันจันทร์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

[^_^] Food Combining for Health

Foods for Health Organic foods are the best option, as they promote your
health as well as the health of our planet. It might be a good idea to have a
look at buying a healthy cook book, and get into some healthy cookery of whole
foods! Over two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician,
stressed how important foods are for our health. Today, medical science
continues to corroborate this wise proverb. Studies have shown that people,
whose diets include larger amounts of certain foods, have a much lower risk of
developing a wide range of chronic degenerative diseases, e.g. cancer,
rheumatoid, arthritis, depression, cardiovascular disease, etc. Research has
proven time and time again that the way we eat determines the way we live. This
is also true the other way around. By eating health foods and learning to cook
healthy whole nutritious meals, we can lead longer, healthier lives. Another
important factor is food combining for health. It is amazing what a difference
this will make! Many a time we have heard the say ?you are what you eat?, well
it?s true. Different people eat different things, and this may be due to culture
or just lifestyle. But for some people this can mean negative effects, such as
digestive disorders. Sometimes we really do need to take the time out and listen
to our bodies. This may seem ridiculous, but if you really listen your body will
let you know just what it needs. Here are some tips on food combining: Fruits:
eat lots of fruit! But do not combine fruit with other foods. Fruits are easy to
digest, but once eaten with other food, fruit tends to remain and ferment in the
stomach acid. Protein and starch: it is a BAD idea to combine these! Each of
these two has a different way of digesting. Once they are combined, neither of
them can be digested properly! This will result in things like flatulence,
bloating and gas, which is not very comfortable. Veggies: Vegetables will also
aid in good digestion. Add vegetables to any meal to aid in the digestive
process. Food combining can seem difficult at first, but it definitely shows
results. You will feel better right away, especially if you have been
experiencing digestive tracts or intestinal problems. The natural way is the
best way to go. Stick to healthy, whole foods and you will see results!More
Foods for Health which you and your family can enjoy! - People want to trust
that their so-called elected government is doing the right thing when it passes
regulations to enhance public safety. When the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed
in 1906 a new watchdog agency, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), was born.
It would be many years before we as a nation had such luxuries as refrigeration,
sanitary food processing standards, and good manufacturing processes (GMP), so
in many respects, this law was necessary. So, what exactly does the FDA do?
According to the FDA: The FDA's mission is to promote and protect the public
health by helping safe and effective products reach the market in a timely way,
and monitoring products for continued safety after they are in use. Our work is
a blending of law and science aimed at protecting consumers." But times change
and unfortunately, sometimes so do mission statements. The growth in knowledge
of biochemistry, natural medicine, physiology, molecular chemistry and chemical
process methods have yielded millions of new synthetic drugs and treatment
options, far more than our grandparents would have imagined at the turn of the
century. To ensure growing profits, these new synthetic drugs are aimed at
symptom management rather than cures for diseases or chronic conditions. This
can be seen by the continued and growing reliance on synthetic medicine. For
example, from 1985-1999, there was a 35% increase in medicines used by Americans
to treat (not cure) chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
obesity, depression, and arthritis. In the year 2000, about $116.9 Billion was
spent on prescription drugs. The number of prescriptions dispensed is projected
to grow to 2.07 billion by the year 2005! By way of comparison, our up and
coming war on Iraq is estimated to cost about $90 Billion. But $90 Billion for a
war somewhere in the world every 12 years is chicken feed compared to the costs
of drugs and medicines that Americans shell out each and every year. This is
approximately $26.9 Billion less than what Americans spent on drugs in the year
2000. Let's see, $90 Billion for a war once in a while and over $1Trillion (yes
that's T" for toy Trillion) for prescription drugs. That's a lot of pills. As
pharmaceutical business has grown, the FDA has changed from an institution that
was trying to protect public health from bad food to a rubber stamp government
organization that only takes public safety into account when it is forced to by
some form of gross public error. In other words, blind loyalty to doctors and
their symptom hiding pills" is not without consequence; Americans are getting
fatter and sicker. Today you can be confident that about 800 Americans will die
from obesity, which averages out to be 300,000 obese people dying every year.
Interestingly, scientists have already discovered the cure for obesity, yet the
FDA and doctors are ignoring it! Additionally, the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) reported that by comparing 16 "health markers"
considered indicative of good health, the U.S ranks on average 12th out of the
top 13 countries in regard to the health of it's citizens. Few people realize
the impact of these statistics. As we spend more on health care in the form of
FDA approved drugs, we becoming sicker. Wrap your brain cells around that! Still
though Americans, like cattle, are lining up at the pharmaceutical trough for
their daily dose of just what the doctor ordered". And they are bringing their
children with them.Researchers writing for Pediatrics showed that between 1997
and 2000, approximately 3,750 serious injuries, birth defects and deaths
occurred among children under 2 who were secondary recipients of prescription
drugs compliments of their mothers via pregnancy, labor, or breast feeding. The
study, conducted by researchers at George Washington University and the
University of Maryland, found 769 childhood deaths and 664 cases of birth
defects or disabilities that could be directly linked to prescription drug use.
The FDA has stated that these numbers really only account for about 2% of the
actual number of deaths and negative side effects reported! In spite of the
carnage committed against the young and innocent, the FDA does not require
pharmaceutical companies to test newly released drugs for potentially hazardous
effects on children. Yet, according to the New York Times and JAMA, spending on
central nervous system (CNS) drugs for pediatric patients increased by 85% from
1985-1999! Call it lack of sufficient funding, integrity, human nature, greed or
plain old corruption, the protective motivation that was once the driving force
of the FDA is gone! A new kind of bureaucracy has risen up in its place and very
few professionals are aware of the change, especially among media channels.
Undoubtedly, the general population is grossly ignorant of the FDA's new
mission, to approve life-threatening drugs that will profit the pharmaceutical
companies and to suppress non-toxic, inexpensive and effective natural
therapies. Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD, Member, California State Board of Pharmacy
1980-90, said it best when referring to the FDA and international pharmaceutical
companies:This collection of serial killers with reckless disregard of human
life, extinguishes the hopes and lives of over 100,000 Americans every year. In
the past decade they have been responsible for over one million innocent deaths,
yet not only have they not faced justice, they have enriched themselves with
profits that would make Bill Gates envious. These parasitic killers come not
from some cave in Afghanistan, but from plush office suites..." That the FDA is
a watchdog agency for public health interests is a fallacy. The FDA is a lapdog
for international, multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies and is
responsible for millions of preventable deaths.Shane holds a Master's degree in
organic chemistry and has first-hand industry experience with drug research,
design and synthesis. He is committed to raising health awareness by exposing
the shocking and sometimes-frightening truth behind FDA approved drugs, sports
supplements, and natural medicine. His unique experience allows his clients to
live naturally healthy for life without the aid of synthetic drugs! Learn more
by visiting http://www.health-fx.net

