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[] Oh, No, We Have Become Our Fathers

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My friend and I get the opportunity to see each other a few times a year. I met
him for lunch the other day. After we ordered, he asked about the status of my
colon. I replied, ?Not bad. I had a colonoscopy last week.? I asked him how his
hemorrhoid was doing. He said, ?It?s OK,? and added something about a new
infrared procedure to reduce the hemorrhoid.We looked at each other and began to
laugh. What in the world has happened to us? It doesn?t seem very long ago that
our conversations centered on girls and sports. Now they are about the state of
our health and medical procedures. We are getting older ? not yet old, but
older. And that?s how it begins ? we are hit with the realization that the aging
process is affecting us. We have turned into our fathers. Oh, no!When our bodies
are young, we can get away with poor eating, exercise and sleeping habits. A
back or neck strain usually goes away in a few days, and we are as good as new.
As we approach our 30?s, we often feel pretty good but may have added some
weight to our frames. We may not worry too much about that, as we are sure
that, just as we always have before, we can lose the extra five or ten pounds in
a couple of weeks. But life can get in the way of eating correctly and
exercising, and we give up and live with the extra weight. As we get into our
40?s, we might experience knee pain or some other minor pain that normally would
have resolved in a few weeks all on its own. A month later, we are surprised to
realize that the pain is still there.What?s going on with our bodies? We are
aging, or, as I like to say, ripening like a fine wine. As we get older, we lose
the ability to recuperate as quickly as we did when we were younger. This change
to our health occurs on a cellular or physiological level. The cost of not
taking care of our health as we age can be monetary in the form of more visits
to the doctor and other health facilities, medicines, and lost days of work.
But the highest cost is in the loss of our most precious gift, time ? time to do
what we want to do and to live life as we want to live it.So what can we do to
thwart this aging process? We must change our lifestyle. We must consider the
way we eat, sleep, exercise, and manage stress. But where do we begin?We must
begin with life sustenance ? nutrition. Food is our fuel. Let?s say you own a
luxury vehicle. Your owner?s manual specifies premium gasoline, but you always
buy the cheapest gasoline available. Your car begins to have problems. You
saved money initially, but now it will cost you more to repair the vehicle than
it would have if you had taken care of it properly to begin with. Of course, if
the car completely breaks down due to your poor maintenance, you can just get a
new car. But if we continue to fuel our bodies with poor nutrition and we break
down, we can?t just get a new body.Unlike a car, we have many, many choices when
it comes to fuel. Our diet is an important factor of the aging process. It
gives us our energy and it determines our weight. Everyone is looking for the
?miracle diet.? So what diet is best? There isn?t any ?best? diet!Many of my
patients have lost weight on whatever fad diet was popular that month. And many
of my patients have gained their weight back in the same month. Most people find
it difficult to maintain a ?diet.? What are the first three letters in ?diet??
That?s right ? ?die.? I have always felt like I was dying when I was dieting. I
read most of the diet books so I can answer my patients? questions. In doing so,
I sometimes even learn something new, but more often than not the books leave me
as confused as my patients. Individually, each diet book seems to make sense and
hold merit. But the diets are often contradictory. One diet advises eating only
protein, one carbohydrates, one bacon, one never any bacon, one eggs, one no
eggs, one eggs only if you don?t have an inflammatory condition, etc., etc.
It?s all very confusing and overwhelming. My patients say, ?I give up. I?ll
just eat air.? Then I have to remind them that the air quality is
poor?Fortunately, the diet books do agree on some points. In order to lose
weight, we need to curb our calorie intake at each meal and throughout the day.
That doesn?t mean we need to go hungry; we must make wise choices to limit the
number of calories we consume.Other recommendations most diet books agree upon
are - No partially hydrogenated foods - No high fructose corn syrup - Naturally
grown and organic foods - Decreased white sugar consumption - Decreased white
flour consumption - Decreased starches - More green vegetables - Water
throughout the day - No salt and fat-laden foods.We should avoid boxed and
canned foods, as they are usually laden with chemicals and sodium (salt). We
need to be aware that the latest fad diet?s name on the box doesn?t necessarily
make it healthy. When fat or sugar is reduced, those ingredients have to be
replaced with chemicals to add a taste of sweetness, chemicals to hold the food
product together, and/or increased sodium for preservation.We should carefully
read the ingredients in any food we are considering eating. A good rule to
follow: If you can?t pronounce or spell the name of an ingredient in the food
you are about to eat, don?t eat it!It is important to learn about the glycemic
index. The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates according to their effect on blood
glucose (sugar) levels after eating. Low glycemic count carbohydrates are good,
as they cause only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels.
We should avoid foods with high glycemic count.I also recommend that my patients
eat every one-and-a-half to two hours throughout the day. If our stomach
?growls,? we have waited too long to eat. We are more likely to consume more
than we need when we finally do sit down to eat. Our blood sugar levels will
soar and then ?crash,? making us feel very tired. It is better to eat at regular
intervals throughout the day, keeping sugars level and metabolism
strong.Modifying our diet in these ways is a lifestyle change. It is best to
make the change slowly and in small increments. A little change at a time is
much less likely to cause feelings of resentment and hopelessness, which can
lead to giving up on the idea.In addition to better nutrition, our lifestyles
need to include proper amounts of sleep, sufficient and appropriate exercise,
and management tools to handle stress. Changing our lifestyles to include all
these aspects will slow the aging process, contribute to a longer life with less
disease and pain, and maybe even make it take a little longer for us to turn
into our fathers or mothers.?He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has
everything.? Arabic proverbMichael J. Kaye is a chiropractic physician
practicing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American
Chiropractic Association, Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association and the American
Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board. He has a sub-specialty in Chiropractic
Rehabilitation. He is the director of The Rehab Group of Bucks/Montgomery
County-a multidisciplinary clinic with an emphasis on chronic pain and wellness.
He is a publisher of two papers on rehabilitation of chronic injuries. In
general his clinic promotes nutritional and lifestyle changes for the chronic
pain patient.Dr. Kaye also developed a web site dedicated to Health, Wealth &
Happiness. He authored an e-book titled, ?The Living Triad?-a book about
building a foundation for a successful life.
Website-www.frompaintopersonalgain.com - Internet business is a bit confusing
especially if you are not really knowledgeable at it. You will also be left
completely blank, asking yourself as to what type of online business is best for
you. Why don't you try affiliate marketing business? Affiliate marketing is
defined as a revenue sharing relationship between advertisers or merchants and
online publishers or affiliates. It is a low cost way for merchants to sell
their products and services. In this type of online business, you never have to
take any risk because you only have to pay the affiliate once the result is
achieved. Once a customer is gained, a portion of the profit from that customer
will be given to the affiliate as commission. Usually, an affiliate gets a
commission for referring clicks, leads or sales to the merchant's website. The
said affiliate income can be a fixed dollar amount or a fixed percentage. From
this simple commission-based referral system, some affiliates become experts on
this field. In fact, some of them are gaining more than five figures every
month. However, among the thousands of marketers, only 1 to 5% of them reached
this level. And if you are among the lucky ones who achieve this so-called elite
level, you can now be aptly called a super affiliate. This means you are capable
of achieving noteworthy percentage of sales or traffic on your merchant's
website. Super affiliates are not only experts on search engine optimization;
they are also great in newsletter marketing, email marketing, reciprocal
linkages, keyword optimization, link exchanges, advertising in forums and other
methods to advertise and promote their products and services. But how does a
person become a super affiliate? And how can they overachieve their way to super
affiliate stardom? Making your way to super affiliate stardom is not that easy;
and it surely will never happen overnight. Bear in mind that you need to embrace
some tactics, carry out effective online business strategies and of course give
hefty time commitment. You cannot be a super affiliate without blood and sweat
and without the following traits - patience, persistence and thirst for
knowledge. Matched with efficient strategy, these three traits provide you the
formula towards super affiliate stardom. Affiliate marketing strategies are a
bit difficult but they are achievable; you just have to work hard on it. First,
look for a unique and exceptional niche and focus in it. The reason why most
people in the affiliate marketing business never turn out to be very successful
is that they try to offer almost everything under the sun instead of giving all
their attention in a particular niche market. If you want to become a super
affiliate, try not to scatter all your efforts; concentrate on your niche and
make it grow by means of promoting, advertising and selling it well. The next
step you must do after you have established your affiliate storehouse is to
promote it. Most affiliates resort to pay-per-click engines. But what is more
advisable is to discover how to accomplish organic search results or better yet,
hire a search engine marketing company. Through this, you can be saved from
losing all your profits on pay-per-click engines. Then, familiarize yourself
with your product and know your audience. Remember that credibility builds
trust. And you can only make information that puts up your credibility if you
know the products and services your site is offering. If your target audience
doesn't trust you, how could you expect them to purchase from your affiliate
storehouse? Moreover, if you take time to learn the products and services you
are recommending, it will be way too easy for you to establish a website that
converts well, which will enhance your affiliate income in return. Try to
promote and resell products from different merchants. There is absolutely
nothing wrong with this strategy because it is just a way of protecting your
business and broadening your horizons to be sure that you never experience the
so-called famine effect. Aside from that, promoting different merchants on the
same site provides your site visitors a handful of destinations to choose from.
This strategy will also make you aware on what your visitor want to see and it
can also help you find out how well various merchants perform against each
other. As mentioned earlier in this page, a super affiliate wannabe should have
this trait - thirst for knowledge. It is because this trait can help him or her
stay updated and remain on top of the trends. If you are knowledgeable in
internet marketing, then you know that what was adopted few months ago may not
be applicable at present. So it is important to seek knowledge and make sure
that you are updated on what's new about affiliate marketing daily. Keep in mind
that super affiliates take time to read, learn and embrace the changes in online
marketing business. More importantly, never, ever give up. Being engaged in
affiliate marketing business is hard, tha is why you must be equipped with
patience and persistence. Check your statistics and find out the things that are
working and those that are not. Make changes as the situation calls for a need.
These are just few suggestions and ideas if you want to boost your affiliate
income. Let me reiterate, you have to be patience, persistence and
knowledgeable. Then, follow the above mentioned strategies and you will surely
find yourself on the road to super affiliate stardom.About the Author Visit Carl
Hoffman Thousands of gift ideas

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