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[] Regulating Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder During One Year

has posted a new item, 'Regulating Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder During One

My husband, Dave, has been married to me, a bonafide health nut for one year
now. He's glad.For one year he's been relatively stable in his moods,
experiencing danger signs of depression only during extreme stress. And during
those times of stress we were able to avoid him taking the plunge into
depression OR the jump up into a manic state! Here's what we did to manage my
husband's bipolar or manic depressive illness when his workaholic tendencies
were about to cause a crash or purchasing a new home was about to run him ragged
with new responsibilities:ANTIDEPRESSANT FOOD/BIPOLAR MANAGEMENTIn general, we
changed his diet to include more veggies and fruits and less processed foods.
We definitely had to wean him off sweetened cereals, sugary desserts, coffee and
pop, and we've been trying to wean him away from processed peanut butter.
Hopefully we'll be successful in training his body to accept homemade peanut
butter that has no added shortening or sugar. For years he almost subsisted on
peanut butter sandwiches. And I must tell you, when I first met and married
Dave, his flesh was soft like the flesh of a spawning fish. He was very, very
strong physically, but somehow his flesh was unhealthily soft and deteriorating.
Now it is firm and sound. He's still strong.Whenever Dave was in danger of
going off the deep end toward depression, he would tell me how he was feeling
and together we figured out particular essential oils to use for emotional
therapy and supplements to use for bodily/brain support and we were careful to
avoid certain foods (i.e. sugar-laden foods and too many carbs). If you've read
my first newsletter (Bipolar Disorder/Manic Depressive Illness
http://www.essentialimmunehealth.com/newsletters/June2004.htm) regarding Dave's
manic depressive condition, you may realize we targeted Dave's hormone balance,
his emotional balance, and his nutritional balance. As time went on and we
understood Dave's particular symptoms and reactions to food and environment
better, we amended his regimen. It worked! And we learned to use the powerful
therapeutic oils to rescue him from hurtful ways of thinking by applying the
oils externally and internally. (Therapeutic quality oils can be used
Dave and I are happy to report that with constant attention to details, manic
depression/bipolar disorder CAN BE MANAGED! He sleeps for about five hours at a
time and his brain is active in only five or six directions instead of FIFTEEN
directions at once! He doesn't dream as much as he used to and the quality of
his dreams has drastically changed for the better. Maybe that's because he sees
himself in a more positive light... Hurrah for this news! Please pass on this
information because it is a very practical success story.At this time, we still
rely heavily on the medicinal/therapeutic essential oils from Young Living
(http://enjoyinghealth.younglivingworld.com) and the night time supplement
called Alkalime (for making his system more basic instead of acidic). The Berry
Young Juice is excellent for calming his brain activity and nourishing his brain
with protein that is immediately available within the body. These products are
all from Young Living and that's because Dave married a Young Living
distributor, me. (#605520, by the way)But many, many supplements and oils have
dropped off along the way because as his body healed, he no longer needed
certain supplements (like the Prenolone Cream for his hormones and Peace and
Calming oil to help him remain calm...). That's the good thing about YL
supplements and oils, they not only ease the symptoms, but actually move the
body into healing.If you have particular questions for us, you may contact us at
http://www.enjoyinghealth.net. ENERGY PATCHES WORKHalf way through our first
year together, Dave and I discovered Lifewave Energy Patches and Dave's
management of his body and moods went even better. The patches not only give
him energy to work hard in the woods, but they enable his body to heal through
energy balancing. This concept is amazing enough but the reality is practically
unbelievable! Go to www.lifewave.com/dianne if you're interested to learn about
the patches. Dave's brain and mine too have been terrifically cleared. My
reflexes and balance are better and we both can think better. They work for
everyone and for all ages.ORGANIC FOOD/BIPOLAR MANAGEMENTThe most recent
development in our bipolar management program has been switching to organic
food. I was simply amazed to feel the difference as we upgraded our diet. Our
new health even shows in our 55-plus year old skin.For your information,
non-organic produce contains heavy pesticide residue and I'll be glad to list
the foods that carry the heaviest residues so you can avoid them. Buy them only
organic. (Apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, chilies, grapes, nectarines,
peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes) I guarantee you
wonderful bodily and brain-related changes if you'll amend your diet.SUCCESS!
BIPOLAR MANAGEMENT IN LESS THAN A YEAREveryone's glad to be successful and I'm
especially glad to report to you Dave's great accomplishments and the fact that
bipolar illness/manic depression can be directed, manipulated, managed...
without the use of drugs. This fact can affect SO MANY people. We each have
someone in our lives that is succumbing to or battling against depression, don't
we. You can make a wonderful difference in their lives if you'll tell them
about this article or refer them to my websites where they can read the story
for themselves. I'll meet you there! About the author: Dianne Wandruff
(406) 882-4050 mailto:bwandruff@yahoo.com My websites are called ENJOYING
HEALTH. http://www.enjoyinghealth.netand http://www.essentialimmunehealth.com
- Cold air and harsh winds can take their toll on your skin in the winter,
making it chapped, red and itchy. Although you can't change the weather
conditions outside, there are several ways you can avoid those dry skin blues in
the cold:1. Protect your skin from the elements. When you go outdoors, wear
gloves, a scarf and a hat to protect your sensitive skin from the elements.
Another good tip is to apply moisturizer to your hands before you put on your
gloves ? it is almost like a mini-spa treatment for your hands that adds an
extra level of protection against dryness.2. Keep showers short. Take shorter
showers in the winter and use warm water, not hot. Avoid soap and use a mild
cleanser to cleanse your skin. Pat your skin dry and don't rub it. Apply a
thick moisturizer all over while your skin is still damp to seal in additional
moisture.3. Drink enough water every day. Maintaining internal hydration is
essential for your skin's overall well-being. Drink at least six to eight
glasses of water each day for proper waste elimination and optimum skin
health.4. Gently exfoliate your skin. Removing dry surface skin cells by
exfoliating helps your skin by eliminating toxins and improving circulation.
For your body, you can take a soft, natural brush and rub it all over in gentle,
circular motions to remove dead skin cells and reveal healthier skin. To deeply
cleanse the pores on your face, try using steam. Boil a pot of hot water and
stand over the steam with a towel around the pot for around five or ten minutes
to open the pores and loosen oils and dead skin cells. After exfoliating your
body and face, gently cleanse your skin to wash away excess oils and skin
cells.5. Moisturize your skin. Use a moisturizer on your face and body at least
twice a day in the winter to protect and hydrate your skin. Moisturizers with
natural ingredients such as aloe, probiotics and panthenol are extremely
effective and non-irritating for most skin types.6. Improve your circulation.
Circulation carries essential nutrients throughout the body to benefit all your
organs, including the largest one of all ? your skin. You can improve your
circulation through physical activity, such as running, walking and
stretching.7. Avoid eating too much sugar. If you have excess sugar in your
body, it can actually damage your skin over time. Glucose molecules may build
up in your system and stick to the protein molecules in a process called
glycation. The molecules formed through glycation damage collagen and can make
your skin lose elasticity, resulting in wrinkles and sagging.By taking a few
extra precautions to prevent winter itch, your skin can have a healthy glow all
year long ? even in the harshest winter weather!About the Author: Ryan Cote is
the owner of ChinaDollSkin.com, plant and milk-based natural skin care beauty
products. Experience the difference organic aloe vera and probiotics can make.

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