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[^_^] Let Google's Algorithm Show You The Traffic

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Google's Algorithm, the complex formula and methods Google uses to rank web
pages is often considered the Holy Grail of site optimization. Mainly because
Google is the major supplier of free organic traffic on the web and optimizing
your site for Google can prove very beneficial.

Recently Rand Fishkin of Seomoz.org brought together 37 of the world's Top
SEO experts to tackle Google's Algorithm, the complex formula and methods Google
uses to rank web pages. This ranking formula is extremely important to
webmasters because finding which factors Google uses to rank their index is
often considered the Holy Grail of site optimization.
Google's ranking factors affect how and where you are listed in their search
engine results or SERPs. Since obtaining top positions for your targeted
keywords often spells success for your site, knowing Google's ranking factors
can be very beneficial.
Every experienced webmaster will know Google is the main supplier of search
engine traffic on the web, getting listed on the first page or anywhere in the
top 10 positions for popular keywords will result in plenty of free quality
targeted traffic.
Briefly listed below are some of the main ranking factors you should be
optimizing your web pages for in your marketing. The majority of these ranking
factors will be very familiar to most webmasters who take full advantage of any
and every SEO tactic which will give their site an edge over their competition.
Here are some of the main ranking factors to consider:
1. Keywords In Your Title And On Your PagePlace your keyword or keyword phrase
in the title of your page and also in your copy. Many webmasters use variations
of their keywords on this page and also include it in the H1 headline.
2. Keywords In Your URLKeep your page on topic and place your keyword in the
URL. Use your keyword in the H2, H3... headlines. Place it in the description
and meta tags, place it in bold/strong tags, but keep your content readable and
useful. Be aware of the text surrounding your keywords, search engines will
become more semantic in the coming years so context is important.
3. Create High Quality Relevant ContentHave high quality relevant content on
your pages. Your content should be related to the topic of your site and updated
regularly depending on the nature of your site.
4. Internal Onsite LinkingInternal linking is important to your overall
ranking. Make sure your linking structure is easy for the spiders to crawl. Most
suggest a simple hierarchy with links no more than three clicks away from your
home/index page.
Creating traffic modes or clusters of related links within a section on your
site has proven very effective for many webmasters, including this one. For
example, creating a simple online guide on a subject related to your site's
topic can prove very beneficial. Keep all the links connected and closely
related in subject matter and don't forget to have occasional external 'anchor
keyworded' links coming to these internal links on your site instead of to your
homepage. Deep build your links.
5. Only Linking To High Quality Related SitesDon't forget to link to high
quality PR related sites. Linking to high quality sites shows the search engines
your site is very useful to your visitors. Build relationships within
communities on the topic of your site. Be extremely careful not to link to bad
neighborhoods, link farms and spam sites... when in doubt, don't link out!Unless
your site has been around for years and is well established and trusted by
Google, this factor will have an adverse effect on your site's overall ranking.
Linking only to high quality content sites will give your site an edge over your
6. Global Linking PopularityOne of the major ranking factors is the Global
Linking Popularity of your site. You should try to build plenty of inbound links
from quality sites. One simple and effective way to do this is through writing
articles and submitting them to the online article directories. Only related
sites will pick up and display your articles with your anchor text links back to
your site. These are often ONE-WAY-LINKS.
But don't just write articles to get links, write quality content that will
help the reader first and the links will come naturally. Also remember an
article is an extremely good way of pre-selling your products and gaining trust
with your potential customers.
7. Anchor Text Is Very ImportantAnchor text is an important factor your must
not forget to use. Perhaps more importantly these inbound links should be
related or relevant to your site's topic, which will play an important role in
your rankings. Don't ignore the text surrounding your links and use different
anchor text links to avoid keyword spamming.
Keep in mind, as search engines become more semantic, the whole text of your
article will probably be considered your anchor text, thus making articles even
more important to your rankings.
8. Number And Quality Of Your Inbound LinksYour inbound links should also come
from related high Global Link Popular sites. The more links your have from these
popular related sites the higher rankings you will get. Many SEO experts suggest
you should have a steady stream of new sites (inbound links) added each month to
keep your rankings growing. These links will age and increase your rankings
after 4 or 5 months. Both quality and quantity is important.
9. Reliable Server And ServiceLike any business, Google is only serving up a
product (SERPs) to its customers, this service must be continuous and available
at all times. Made sure you have a good reliable server because any extended
downtime when your site is inaccessible to the Bots may be detrimental to your
rankings. If it is down for over 48 hours, you could be dropped from the index.
10. Duplicate Content Is A NO NO!Make certain you don't place duplicate content
on your site. This may affect your rankings and get your pages thrown into the
supplemental index. Be careful not to use duplicate title or mega tags on your
pages as this will lower and disburse your internal page rankings, resulting in
poor optimization.
Your overall SEO strategy should be to provide valuable relevant content and
links for your visitors and the search engines. Furthermore, as mentioned
earlier, be extremely careful who you link out to from your site. Avoid spam
sites, link farms or selling links. Although it is a bit outdated, using the
Google Toolbar will still give you a general overview of a site's PR or Page
These are some of the most common and important ranking factors Google uses to
rank and display their search engine results. Optimizing your site or keywords
for these factors can prove very beneficial and rewarding.
There are many more factors so you should use the link in the resource box
below to get all the gory details. For any novice or experienced webmaster it
makes for a fascinating read and is extremely helpful in tackling Google's
complex ranking system or algorithm. Conquer it and an endless supply of free
organic traffic is yours for the taking.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


The author is a full-time online marketer. For the most effective web
marketing tools try his main PR6 site: www.bizwaremagic.com Make sure you check
out All Google's Ranking Factors at:
www.seomoz.org/article/search-ranking-factors#f41 2007 Titus Hoskins. This
article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
- My friend and I get the opportunity to see each other a few times a year.
I met him for lunch the other day. After we ordered, he asked about the status
of my colon. I replied, ?Not bad. I had a colonoscopy last week.? I asked him
how his hemorrhoid was doing. He said, ?It?s OK,? and added something about a
new infrared procedure to reduce the hemorrhoid.We looked at each other and
began to laugh. What in the world has happened to us? It doesn?t seem very long
ago that our conversations centered on girls and sports. Now they are about the
state of our health and medical procedures. We are getting older ? not yet old,
but older. And that?s how it begins ? we are hit with the realization that the
aging process is affecting us. We have turned into our fathers. Oh, no!When our
bodies are young, we can get away with poor eating, exercise and sleeping
habits. A back or neck strain usually goes away in a few days, and we are as
good as new. As we approach our 30?s, we often feel pretty good but may have
added some weight to our frames. We may not worry too much about that, as we
are sure that, just as we always have before, we can lose the extra five or ten
pounds in a couple of weeks. But life can get in the way of eating correctly
and exercising, and we give up and live with the extra weight. As we get into
our 40?s, we might experience knee pain or some other minor pain that normally
would have resolved in a few weeks all on its own. A month later, we are
surprised to realize that the pain is still there.What?s going on with our
bodies? We are aging, or, as I like to say, ripening like a fine wine. As we get
older, we lose the ability to recuperate as quickly as we did when we were
younger. This change to our health occurs on a cellular or physiological level.
The cost of not taking care of our health as we age can be monetary in the form
of more visits to the doctor and other health facilities, medicines, and lost
days of work. But the highest cost is in the loss of our most precious gift,
time ? time to do what we want to do and to live life as we want to live it.So
what can we do to thwart this aging process? We must change our lifestyle. We
must consider the way we eat, sleep, exercise, and manage stress. But where do
we begin?We must begin with life sustenance ? nutrition. Food is our fuel. Let?s
say you own a luxury vehicle. Your owner?s manual specifies premium gasoline,
but you always buy the cheapest gasoline available. Your car begins to have
problems. You saved money initially, but now it will cost you more to repair
the vehicle than it would have if you had taken care of it properly to begin
with. Of course, if the car completely breaks down due to your poor maintenance,
you can just get a new car. But if we continue to fuel our bodies with poor
nutrition and we break down, we can?t just get a new body.Unlike a car, we have
many, many choices when it comes to fuel. Our diet is an important factor of
the aging process. It gives us our energy and it determines our weight.
Everyone is looking for the ?miracle diet.? So what diet is best? There isn?t
any ?best? diet!Many of my patients have lost weight on whatever fad diet was
popular that month. And many of my patients have gained their weight back in the
same month. Most people find it difficult to maintain a ?diet.? What are the
first three letters in ?diet?? That?s right ? ?die.? I have always felt like I
was dying when I was dieting. I read most of the diet books so I can answer my
patients? questions. In doing so, I sometimes even learn something new, but more
often than not the books leave me as confused as my patients. Individually, each
diet book seems to make sense and hold merit. But the diets are often
contradictory. One diet advises eating only protein, one carbohydrates, one
bacon, one never any bacon, one eggs, one no eggs, one eggs only if you don?t
have an inflammatory condition, etc., etc. It?s all very confusing and
overwhelming. My patients say, ?I give up. I?ll just eat air.? Then I have to
remind them that the air quality is poor?Fortunately, the diet books do agree on
some points. In order to lose weight, we need to curb our calorie intake at each
meal and throughout the day. That doesn?t mean we need to go hungry; we must
make wise choices to limit the number of calories we consume.Other
recommendations most diet books agree upon are - No partially hydrogenated foods
- No high fructose corn syrup - Naturally grown and organic foods - Decreased
white sugar consumption - Decreased white flour consumption - Decreased
starches - More green vegetables - Water throughout the day - No salt and
fat-laden foods.We should avoid boxed and canned foods, as they are usually
laden with chemicals and sodium (salt). We need to be aware that the latest fad
diet?s name on the box doesn?t necessarily make it healthy. When fat or sugar is
reduced, those ingredients have to be replaced with chemicals to add a taste of
sweetness, chemicals to hold the food product together, and/or increased sodium
for preservation.We should carefully read the ingredients in any food we are
considering eating. A good rule to follow: If you can?t pronounce or spell the
name of an ingredient in the food you are about to eat, don?t eat it!It is
important to learn about the glycemic index. The glycemic index ranks
carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose (sugar) levels after
eating. Low glycemic count carbohydrates are good, as they cause only small
fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels. We should avoid foods with
high glycemic count.I also recommend that my patients eat every one-and-a-half
to two hours throughout the day. If our stomach ?growls,? we have waited too
long to eat. We are more likely to consume more than we need when we finally do
sit down to eat. Our blood sugar levels will soar and then ?crash,? making us
feel very tired. It is better to eat at regular intervals throughout the day,
keeping sugars level and metabolism strong.Modifying our diet in these ways is a
lifestyle change. It is best to make the change slowly and in small increments.
A little change at a time is much less likely to cause feelings of resentment
and hopelessness, which can lead to giving up on the idea.In addition to better
nutrition, our lifestyles need to include proper amounts of sleep, sufficient
and appropriate exercise, and management tools to handle stress. Changing our
lifestyles to include all these aspects will slow the aging process, contribute
to a longer life with less disease and pain, and maybe even make it take a
little longer for us to turn into our fathers or mothers.?He who has health has
hope; and he who has hope has everything.? Arabic proverbMichael J.
Kaye is a chiropractic physician practicing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He is
a member of the American Chiropractic Association, Pennsylvania Chiropractic
Association and the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board. He has a
sub-specialty in Chiropractic Rehabilitation. He is the director of The Rehab
Group of Bucks/Montgomery County-a multidisciplinary clinic with an emphasis on
chronic pain and wellness. He is a publisher of two papers on rehabilitation of
chronic injuries. In general his clinic promotes nutritional and lifestyle
changes for the chronic pain patient.Dr. Kaye also developed a web site
dedicated to Health, Wealth & Happiness. He authored an e-book titled, ?The
Living Triad?-a book about building a foundation for a successful life.

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