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[] The Biggest Nutrition Secret

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Of the following diets, which one would you say is the healthiest?a. An
all-organic, low-fat, vegetarian dietb. A high-protein, low-fat diet that
includes chicken and seafood.c. A high-carb diet with pasta and grains.d. A
high-fat, high-protein diet that includes red meat and vegetables.f. A diet that
mixes carbohydrates, fat, and proteins in equal amounts.** How a Low-Fat,
Vegetarian Diet Almost Killed Me!For almost two decades, I ate a low-fat diet
with lots of organic fruits and vegetables. And what did I have to show for it?
Serious health problems!I had frequent stomach aches and digestion problems.
Blood tests showed that I was not digesting my food properly, and a nutritionist
put me on digestion supplements. Further tests showed that I was having liver
problems and imbalances in some of my other internal organs.Once I switched to a
high-fat, high-protein diet, my problems disappeared - almost overnight. So you
probably think I'm about to say "E" from the above list is the healthiest diet.
Guess again!One of my nutritional clients was eating diet ?E? but was constantly
sick. He switched to the more vegetable-based diet ?A? above, and he began
losing weight, feeling great, having more energy, and really enjoys eating now
more than ever!** The Biggest Secret Many Diet Experts Won?t Tell You!So now we
have two people who tried the same diets and had the opposite experience So how
do we know which diet above is the healthiest?Here is the answer - one of the
biggest diet secrets they don?t tell you:Each person has a unique metabolism,
based on their genetic make-up. And our individual metabolisms make the same
diet healthy for one person, but damaging to another.** That's Why "Diet
Experts" Keep Changing Their Minds!So that's why there is so little agreement
among so-called "health experts". There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to
diet!For example, high-protein diets are the rage. While some thrive on this
type of diet, obesity continues to rise. Why? Because only a certain percentage
of people are genetically "right" for a high-protein diet. For the rest of us, a
high-protein diet will cause all sorts of health problems.And that's true of any
diet. A low-fat diet will improve the health of some people. For others though,
a low-fat diet may actually cause weight gain. Yes, low-fat diets can cause you
to gain weight if you aren't genetically "right" for it! Even worse, these
low-fat diets might even cause sickness and serious internal organ problems for
some people - just like it did me!So it?s important to know your ?food
processing? genetics. Nutritional experts have identified 24 types in all. How
do you know which type you are? An online questionnaire, available only from
certified advisors, can spot the genetic characteristics that identify your
correct internal ?nutrition profile?.With your nutrition profile, you can begin
to eat *with* your genetic type, not against it. And you may find that eating
with your type can help you lose weight and feel great, without feeling as if
you are depriving yourself.About the AuthorCarole Taylor is a living example of
what she preaches. Nearly 70 years old, but with the energy, vigor and looks of
someone in her 40's, Carole holds certifications in nutrition, exercise, and
brain chemistry. Carole is also co-author of the forthcoming book, "101 Great
Ways to Improve Your Health?.For free newsletters and articles on health,
nutrition, and longevity, please visit her website at:
http://www.YoungAfter50.com - Raw Food In San Francisco San Francisco is a raw
food mecca?literally. There are numerous sources of fresh, organic produce in
San Francisco, and plenty of vegan and raw food restaurants. San Francisco is a
very health-conscious and ?green? city.The Best Places to Buy Raw Food in San
Francisco One of the best places to buy raw food is Rainbow Grocery, which sells
100% organic vegetarian food. Absolutely no meat is sold here. Rainbow Grocery
is an independently owned cooperative located in the Mission district on Folsom
Street. Other places to buy raw food include: Whole Foods Market (2 locations
in the city), Harvest Urban Market, Buffalo Whole Foods, The Real Food Company,
Valencia Whole Foods and Other Avenues Community Food Store.How to Buy Raw
Food--Fresh From Your Local Farmers You can also buy raw food from local farmers
through a program called a CSA. CSA stands for ?Community Supported
Agriculture.? When you join a CSA, you will receive a box of fresh produce each
week from local farmers. Local CSA?s in the San Francisco/Berkley area include:
Eatwell Farm, Mariquita Farm, Farm Fresh To You, and Riverdog Farm. To find a
CSA near you, visit Local Harvest?s website.Another great source of fresh
produce is local farmers? markets. Buying direct from farmers is cheaper than
buying produce from a grocery store (usually). Plus, you can buy in bulk. Even
better, S.F. farmers? markets offer organically grown food?along with the
standard, conventionally raised produce. Finding organically grown produce at
farmers? markets is not common in many East Coast cities. So, San Francisco is
especially lucky in this regard.San Francisco Raw Food Restaurants Over the last
5 years, more raw food restaurants have opened their doors, as consumers seek
healthier alternatives to the destructive American diet of processed foods and
excess fat. Raw food restaurants are a great way to eat healthy when traveling.
The San Francisco/Berkley area has five raw food restaurants, plus several
juice bars. Be sure to grab The Raw Food Restaurant Guide for more information
(see below).Raw Food Support Groups in San Francisco The best way to succeed on
a raw food diet is to have people who encourage and support you. San Francisco
is lucky to have many raw food support groups and potlucks. According to
Living Nutrition?s website, there are six raw food potlucks in the Bay area,
including one in Marin. You may also consider forming a Raw Food Meetup group.
According to Meetup?s website, 85 people in San Francisco want to form a raw
food Meetup group.Whatever you do, try to incorporate more raw foods into your
diet. Your body will thank you!Emily Rutherford has been eating a raw vegan
diet since 2003. She publishes The Raw Food Restaurant Guide, which includes
up-to-date listings of San Francisco raw food restaurants and raw food
restaurants worldwide. To grab your free copy, visit The Raw Food Restaurant

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