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[^_^] Oh, No, We Have Become Our Fathers

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My friend and I get the opportunity to see each other a few times a year. I met
him for lunch the other day. After we ordered, he asked about the status of my
colon. I replied, ?Not bad. I had a colonoscopy last week.? I asked him how his
hemorrhoid was doing. He said, ?It?s OK,? and added something about a new
infrared procedure to reduce the hemorrhoid.We looked at each other and began to
laugh. What in the world has happened to us? It doesn?t seem very long ago that
our conversations centered on girls and sports. Now they are about the state of
our health and medical procedures. We are getting older ? not yet old, but
older. And that?s how it begins ? we are hit with the realization that the aging
process is affecting us. We have turned into our fathers. Oh, no!When our bodies
are young, we can get away with poor eating, exercise and sleeping habits. A
back or neck strain usually goes away in a few days, and we are as good as new.
As we approach our 30?s, we often feel pretty good but may have added some
weight to our frames. We may not worry too much about that, as we are sure
that, just as we always have before, we can lose the extra five or ten pounds in
a couple of weeks. But life can get in the way of eating correctly and
exercising, and we give up and live with the extra weight. As we get into our
40?s, we might experience knee pain or some other minor pain that normally would
have resolved in a few weeks all on its own. A month later, we are surprised to
realize that the pain is still there.What?s going on with our bodies? We are
aging, or, as I like to say, ripening like a fine wine. As we get older, we lose
the ability to recuperate as quickly as we did when we were younger. This change
to our health occurs on a cellular or physiological level. The cost of not
taking care of our health as we age can be monetary in the form of more visits
to the doctor and other health facilities, medicines, and lost days of work.
But the highest cost is in the loss of our most precious gift, time ? time to do
what we want to do and to live life as we want to live it.So what can we do to
thwart this aging process? We must change our lifestyle. We must consider the
way we eat, sleep, exercise, and manage stress. But where do we begin?We must
begin with life sustenance ? nutrition. Food is our fuel. Let?s say you own a
luxury vehicle. Your owner?s manual specifies premium gasoline, but you always
buy the cheapest gasoline available. Your car begins to have problems. You
saved money initially, but now it will cost you more to repair the vehicle than
it would have if you had taken care of it properly to begin with. Of course, if
the car completely breaks down due to your poor maintenance, you can just get a
new car. But if we continue to fuel our bodies with poor nutrition and we break
down, we can?t just get a new body.Unlike a car, we have many, many choices when
it comes to fuel. Our diet is an important factor of the aging process. It
gives us our energy and it determines our weight. Everyone is looking for the
?miracle diet.? So what diet is best? There isn?t any ?best? diet!Many of my
patients have lost weight on whatever fad diet was popular that month. And many
of my patients have gained their weight back in the same month. Most people find
it difficult to maintain a ?diet.? What are the first three letters in ?diet??
That?s right ? ?die.? I have always felt like I was dying when I was dieting. I
read most of the diet books so I can answer my patients? questions. In doing so,
I sometimes even learn something new, but more often than not the books leave me
as confused as my patients. Individually, each diet book seems to make sense and
hold merit. But the diets are often contradictory. One diet advises eating only
protein, one carbohydrates, one bacon, one never any bacon, one eggs, one no
eggs, one eggs only if you don?t have an inflammatory condition, etc., etc.
It?s all very confusing and overwhelming. My patients say, ?I give up. I?ll
just eat air.? Then I have to remind them that the air quality is
poor?Fortunately, the diet books do agree on some points. In order to lose
weight, we need to curb our calorie intake at each meal and throughout the day.
That doesn?t mean we need to go hungry; we must make wise choices to limit the
number of calories we consume.Other recommendations most diet books agree upon
are - No partially hydrogenated foods - No high fructose corn syrup - Naturally
grown and organic foods - Decreased white sugar consumption - Decreased white
flour consumption - Decreased starches - More green vegetables - Water
throughout the day - No salt and fat-laden foods.We should avoid boxed and
canned foods, as they are usually laden with chemicals and sodium (salt). We
need to be aware that the latest fad diet?s name on the box doesn?t necessarily
make it healthy. When fat or sugar is reduced, those ingredients have to be
replaced with chemicals to add a taste of sweetness, chemicals to hold the food
product together, and/or increased sodium for preservation.We should carefully
read the ingredients in any food we are considering eating. A good rule to
follow: If you can?t pronounce or spell the name of an ingredient in the food
you are about to eat, don?t eat it!It is important to learn about the glycemic
index. The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates according to their effect on blood
glucose (sugar) levels after eating. Low glycemic count carbohydrates are good,
as they cause only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels.
We should avoid foods with high glycemic count.I also recommend that my patients
eat every one-and-a-half to two hours throughout the day. If our stomach
?growls,? we have waited too long to eat. We are more likely to consume more
than we need when we finally do sit down to eat. Our blood sugar levels will
soar and then ?crash,? making us feel very tired. It is better to eat at regular
intervals throughout the day, keeping sugars level and metabolism
strong.Modifying our diet in these ways is a lifestyle change. It is best to
make the change slowly and in small increments. A little change at a time is
much less likely to cause feelings of resentment and hopelessness, which can
lead to giving up on the idea.In addition to better nutrition, our lifestyles
need to include proper amounts of sleep, sufficient and appropriate exercise,
and management tools to handle stress. Changing our lifestyles to include all
these aspects will slow the aging process, contribute to a longer life with less
disease and pain, and maybe even make it take a little longer for us to turn
into our fathers or mothers.?He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has
everything.? Arabic proverbMichael J. Kaye is a chiropractic physician
practicing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American
Chiropractic Association, Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association and the American
Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board. He has a sub-specialty in Chiropractic
Rehabilitation. He is the director of The Rehab Group of Bucks/Montgomery
County-a multidisciplinary clinic with an emphasis on chronic pain and wellness.
He is a publisher of two papers on rehabilitation of chronic injuries. In
general his clinic promotes nutritional and lifestyle changes for the chronic
pain patient.Dr. Kaye also developed a web site dedicated to Health, Wealth &
Happiness. He authored an e-book titled, ?The Living Triad?-a book about
building a foundation for a successful life.
Website-www.frompaintopersonalgain.com - Introduction to the Retail
IndustryRetail sector is the second largest industry in U.S., accumulating
number of businesses and employees. According to the government broad measure of
retail sales that consists food service, gasoline sales and automobiles) sales
in the U.S. climb nearly 6.6% to $4.16 trillion in 2005, comparing a 3.8%
increase in the year 2004. In the last year, retail industry evolved strongly,
due to higher gasoline costs and good discounting during the Christmas.The
elimination of the global textile quota system enforced industry players to
reorganize their businesses again to thrive in a cut-throat competition in the
global apparel market. Last year was significant for the exporters and
retailers, who re-organize to take benefit of the free trade era, and the best
possible exploitation of resources. New initiatives were put in practice to meet
new challenges to give the buyers value-add products at more competitive
prices.As a result, re-arranging the businesses for stiff competition was also
witnessed in the American apparel industry. The sections, in which retailers
focus on more are - better merchandise and inventory management, consolidating
sourcing and more involvement in sourcing the country. The only reason behind
all preparation was for a better market reach with wide product range.The
strategies made into practice last year and plans for growth in 2006 brought
success for leading retailers like: Wal-Mart, Target, Tommy Hilfiger, JCPenny,
Kohl's, Sears Holding, and Gap Inc., are all sourcing massively from
India.Wal-Mart: Success is a result of expansion strategyWal-Mart is considered
the leader in value-added market and currently shifting gears to offer better
products to its customers. The company was offering limited range in apparel
line, but, has introduced the exclusive apparel line, Metr07 collection in Oct
2005. The intention behind launching this collection is to cater the needs of
urban buyers with more styles, featuring feminine touches and fashionable
looks.In a move to provide eco-friendly lines, Wal-Mart has just launched
durable, hygienic, value-added product, the George Baby Organic cotton clothing
line. This would be the first clothing line, for which Wal-Mart is planning for
the coming years.The Wal-Mart management is very optimistic at the record net
sales growth with 9.5 percent to $312.4 billion. 537 new international stores
have been added and the company is going to sustain a trend this year with more
than 600 stores.Currently, Wal-Mart operates 2,285 international stores,
sourcing from 70 countries and is looking to enter into unexploited
markets.Wal-Mart Stores Inc operates Wal-Mart discount stores, super-centers,
Neighborhood Markets and SAM'S CLUB locations in the United States. The company
operates in Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Germany, China, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Japan, Nicaragua, United Kingdom, Puerto Rico and
South Korea.JCPenney: Sees growth through high-end merchandisingIn previous
years, JCPenney's has marked upbeat enhancement in various commodity ranges and
witnessed increase in recognition as a superb place for shopping. The company is
optimistic about the future growth with 18 newly added stores, a 22.5 percent
climb in operating profits, and more than $1billion in sales generated from
jcp.com. Long-term initiatives have been made, which were implemented in mid
2005 to increase growth rate until 2009.The designed plan has four major
objectives to concentrate on, emotional touch with the customers, creating
beautiful and easy shop interiors, to make JCPenney the best working place, and
to become a premier in performance. Considering these objectives, the company
has launched many new brands such as Miss Biou, Lee-work, Nicole, A.N.A., and
Solitude.The new POS system that provides internet connectivity and lessens
transaction time to improve the shopping experience was implemented at more than
30 stores in the previous year. The company will implement this system in the
remaining stores by the end of this year.The company aims to add 27 new stores
in 2006; most of them are scheduled at off-mall locations. It anticipates
mid-single digit increases in sales in the year with re-organized focus on
online merchandise and catalogue. JCPenny's also targets home furnishing area as
another area of development.JCPenney's is one of America's largest department
store, catalog, and e-commerce retailers, employing approximately 150,000
associates.Target: Implementing new ideas & innovations for better growthIn a
move to comply its strategy to offer exclusive and exquisite designs, Target
sustained to pour-in more investments to developing design and source
fashionable, precise merchandise with objectives to add more competitively
priced ranges along with true value-added goods. The annual sales reached over
$50billion last year, and the company is looking for better growth on this
performance by utilizing the experiences gained over the year.To lure more
shoppers, the company launched 'GO international', limited edition clothing
line, featuring a totally new international designer every three months. Each
collection introduced is carefully placed within the format to use sourcing
skills and knowledge in designing the product. The company has strengthened
product development teams and sourcing destinations are focused more than in the
previous years.The company is also focusing on enhancement in stores'
presentation via the completion of remodeling, renovations and construction at
the existing stores.Target Corporation's continuing operations include large,
general merchandise discount stores, as well as an on-line business called
Target.com. The company currently operates 1,418 Target stores in 47 states.GAP
Inc.: Searching success via effective strategic initiativesLast fiscal year was
hostile for GAP, as it slipped 2 percent in net sales and 5 percent in
comparable store sales. Despite the poor sales performance, Gap strengthens its
financial condition in cash and investments with $3billion, and eliminated
$2.9billion in debts since 2002.For the coming years, strategies had been
laid-out to set up operational efficiencies, putting scissors on sourcing vendor
base, making better shopping experience for all clothing lines, and adding more
space to the stores both in the country and overseas. The first expansion of
franchise stores are scheduled to launch in Malaysia and Singapore within the
current year.After the triumph of Forth & Towne, five more operations for the
brand are planned at different locations in 2006. The GAP designer team is
concentrating on making quality products quicker, enhance merchandising at 200
top adult stores, and create buzz that GAP is again on track. The team is
focusing on main products and more amicable fashions in the clothing collection
for Banana Republic. GAP Inc. is also shaking hands with the stake-holders to
handle the bang in economically challenged areas. The major strategies for the
growth are - managing and upholding current brands, with off-shore expansion via
franchise systems, creating an online business, and making new brands.Gap Inc is
one of the world's largest specialty retailers, with more than 3,000 stores and
in 2005 revenues of $16 billion. It operates four of the most recognized apparel
brands in the world - Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Forth & Towne.Kohl's:
Success thru ideal merchandising conceptLast year was a fiscal triumph for
Kohl's with record net sales up of 14.5 percent to $13.4billion worth of sales.
Kohl's attained favorable outcome in broadening the customer base via launching
new brands and merchandising mixed categories.The success was a result of four
initiatives laid out to concentrate on merchandise content, managing inventory,
marketing, and enhancing store shopping experience. In the current year Kohl's
plans to expand on the basis of last year's success and introduce new brands.
The store plans to add about 500 more locations within the next five years. This
expansion will be made through a strategic blend of existing and new stores,
along with taking advantage of real estate opportunities that may climb as the
sector continues to uphold. The company plans to operate over 1200 stores
throughout US by the end of 2010.The focus is to control its brand concept,
adding value and cater to needs of existing customers. Widen customer base with
better management of inventory along with continuously offering of latest and
exclusive new clothing lines.Based in Menomonee Falls, Wis., Kohl's is a
family-focused, value-oriented specialty department store offering moderately
priced national and exclusive brand apparel, shoes, accessories, home, and
beauty products in an exciting shopping environment. It operates 749 stores in
43 states.Sears Holdings: Merger to roll-out silk routeSears Holdings completed
its first year of the 'Sears' and 'K-Mart' grand merger in March 2006. The
merger had created great anticipations for better product and value.The first
year after merger, passed in settling down merger integration affairs and
putting strategies into practice. However, now all the issues are settled down
and the company has shifted its gear to attain for $55 billion in revenue within
the next few years.The integration processes of the two companies are finalized
and this is the time to examining and executing the strategies set during the
merger. The company is following new format, SearsbraM for clear communication
on the quality of product variety.The popular brands, such as Craftsman,
Diehard, Land's End, and Kenmore are aimed for better product assortments to
mark their name as identity of quality and excellence. The stores, which were
not performing well, have been shut down.Sears Holdings Corporation is the
nation's third largest broad-line retailer, with approximately $55 billion in
annual revenues, and with approximately 3,900 full-line and specialty retail
stores in the United States and Canada.Tommy Hilfiger: Tightens inventory
managementIn terms of achieving objectives, last year was encouraging for Tommy
Hilfiger, as it successfully expanded its European business, restructured US
wholesale operations, re-organized product assortment, while growing the company
as a multi-brand recognition.The company reorganized merchandise mix by removing
the junior and young men's collections, while more concentrated on men's and
women's clothing lines. It has enhanced its inventory management to get better
on the flow of products to the sales floor.Tommy is focusing more on
sophisticated premium denim market than the promotional jeans wear commodity.
Additionally, it is launching new labels for women "Crest", anticipated to meet
the increasing demand for casual dress line for women. The management at Tommy
is optimistic about the new product line, and expects that it will offer huge
opportunity to meet consumer requirements with a casual clothing line.The key
areas of focus, in 2006, are improving marketing efficiencies and reduce excess
capacity. The company has initiatives to introduce Lagerfeld brands in the US
this year. Lagerfeld brand was acquired by the Tommy Hilfiger in 2005, in a move
to expand worldwide with an identity of having multi-brands.The management has
made up its mind to project Hilfiger as a specialty store for it will run test
stores in different retail formats. These stores are anticipated to become fully
operational the second half of this year.Tommy Hilfiger Corporation's
subsidiaries designs, sources, and market for men's and women's sports, jeans,
and children's wear. Its brands range consist Tommy Hilfiger and Karl
Lagerfeld.Fibre2fashion.com - Leading B2B Portal and Marketplace of Global
Textile, Apparel and Fashion Industry offers Free Industry Articles, Textile
Articles, Fashion Articles, Industry Reports, Technology Article, Case Studies,
Textile Industry News Articles, Latest Fashion Trends, Textile Market Trends
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