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[^_^] Your Copywriting Business - Getting Clients By Building Your Brand Online

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Building Your Brand Online'

Marketing your copywriting business online is very different from marketing
yourself via direct mail or print advertising, in two major ways: online is
forever and cumulative. It's vital that you keep these two attributes in mind;
they're new thinking to most of us. Whether you're a new copywriter or an
experienced pro, you can put these two attributes to work to build your
brand.Your Brand Is You: It's Your Profile And It Sets You ApartWhat's your
"brand"? Essentially it's the way you differentiate your copywriting business.
In marketing-speak, it's "positioning". Think about branding as building your
profile: it will happen organically, so you don't need to spend much time
thinking about it.Now, let's look at how branding gets you clients.Online Is
Forever: Everything You Post Online Helps You To Build Your Copywriting
BrandOnce it's on the Internet, it's forever. When it comes to building your
brand as a copywriter, this is a good thing. It means that anything you do to
promote your copywriting business has a long-term effect. A good example of this
is your blog. You do have a blog, don't you? Your blog's individual posts get
clients for you long after you've forgotten that you ever wrote the post.So as
you write items for your Web site and blog, these seemingly tiny bits of
information pack an enormous punch. Within a few days, the search engines will
find them. Your potential clients will find them, and they bring you clients
year after year.Contrast this with advertising you take out in a magazine.
Within a month or two, the response slows, then stops completely.Online Branding
Is Cumulative: Your Marketing Builds Over Time And Keeps Getting Clients For
YouSince nothing ever vanishes in the online world, every bit of marketing you
do, whether it's writing an online press release, writing articles to promote
your business, and writing blogs, is online forever. As you can imagine, within
a short period of time, this body of material mounts up. It snowballs, and draws
clients to you without you expending any additional effort at all.The Internet
makes getting copywriting clients a no-brainer. Remember - online is forever,
and cumulative, and you can wield the immense power of branding for YOUR
copywriting business.Discover how you can turn your writing skills into a
fabulous copywriting career. Angela Booth's ebook "Seven Days To Easy Money:
Copywriting Success" at http://abmagic.com/Copywriting/copywriting.html takes
you from novice to pro copywriter in just seven days. This popular ebook has
been turning writers into successful copywriters for five years. Packed with
information, the ebook also includes exercises which become your copywriter's
marketing processes and portfolio. You could be signing up your first clients
within two days. Visit the book's blog at http://www.sevendayscopywriting.com/ -
Love your lawn and garden but hate the thought of using dangerous pesticides or
herbicides? Try these six proven do-it-yourself pest eliminators - all made from
common ingredients that you may have in your kitchen right now! 1. To get rid
of snails and slugs in your garden, add crushed eggshells to your soil. To them,
it's walking on glass, so snails and slugs will tend to avoid the area entirely.
If slugs are a continuing problem, a few pinches of salt will make quick work of
them. 2. Garlic cloves and hot peppers are an effective deterrent for all kinds
of pests. Try blending a chopped garlic clove (without peeling), a couple of hot
peppers or a jar of hot pepper sauce, along with a few drops of liquid bleach.
Mix with water and add to a spray bottle and start hosing the invaders down.
Don't forget to spray the undersides of leaves where pests tend to hide. 3. If
a fungus has invaded your plants, mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid and
water and wipe it down. You'll be surprised how quickly this will rejuvenate
sickly looking plants! 4. Nutrient-rich soil is one of your best defenses
against common garden ailments. Adding organic mulch around trees and flower
beds, and add a layer of organic soil to your lawn every spring. The nutrients
help keep plants fresh and act as a shield to protect your plants from
parasites. 5. If mildew, mold or fungus is a problem, here's a solution you can
spray right on the plant that makes a big difference in a very short time.
Combine a gallon of water, a tablespoon of baking soda and 2 ? tablespoons of
vegetable oil. Put into a spray bottle and mist plants from top to bottom - even
in places where there are no signs of a problem. 6. Leftover coffee grounds
make great ingredients to compost. They work as natural pesticides and literally
"perk up" ailing plants. Place the grounds into the soil surrounding your
plants. The acidity of the coffee is what keeps invaders at bay. Finally,
consider enlisting the help of a "natural army" of ladybugs and earthworms. They
help keep common pests like aphids away and keep the soil fertilized and
healthy. Don't forget to walk around your garden or landscape often and inspect
your plants for any signs of damage. Early action is the key!About the Author
For moreGardening Articles at http://www.real-articles.com/Category/Gardening/92

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