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[] Top 3 Weight Loss and Anti-Aging Foods

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Micro inflammation accelerates both weight gain and premature aging and food is
a huge factor in causing inflamation. If the inflammation is in the arteries we
end up with cardiovascular disease and if the inflammation is in the skin we end
up with accelerated aging. Once we understand this the next question is what
type of therapeutic intervention can we do to interrupt micro inflammation?An
anti inflammatory diet is the first an most important step.SalmonPowerful
InflammatorySalmon contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty
acids are crucial for building the cell membrane, we need Omega 3 fatty acids to
make our cells healthy. Omega 3 acts as a natural anti-inflammatory in the body,
it decreases our risk of heart disease, it makes our brains work better, and it
even elevates our mood.Salmon also contains the very powerful antioxidant
astaxanthan which is responsible for the pink color of salmon. Astaxanthan is
about 100 times stronger than vitamin e.BlueberriesStrong antioxidant and
anti-inflammatoryTufts University analyzed 60 fruits and vegetables for their
antioxidant capability. Blueberries came out on top, rating highest in their
capacity to destroy free radicals. Blueberries contain phytonutrients called
anthocyanidins which literally neutralize free radical damage to our cells and
tissues.Green Tea?The absolute miracle?Green tea contains large amounts of
anti-inflamitories. Green tea is healthy because it reduces inflammation which
also helps us lose weight.Coffee does just the opposite.It?s not just the
caffeine in coffee that?s unhealthy, coffee also contains organic acids that can
throw off blood sugar and insulin.If you take away coffee and just add green tea
in most cases and if you do nothing else there is usually a 6-10 pound weight
loss in 4 - 6
- Blogs are immensely popular, with billions of visitors to their pages every
day. And yet, half the world wouldn't even know a blog if it jumped through
their web browser and bit them! Here's a brief primer on what a blog is, and why
it's a must-have for anyone who's serious about their business, career, or
professional reputation. I have five minutes to write
this article. However?I have hours upon hours - days, really! - of pent-up
energy on the subject of why you should be blogging. I'm sitting on the
equivalent of a massive nuclear weapon here, or the cure for cancer, and no
one's really understanding the implications?Ever have one of those dreams when
you're doing everything you can to run at a full sprint, but it feels like your
legs are thigh deep in black tar? Or, you're trying like heck to shout a very
important message to someone you love, like "Get out of the way! The train's
coming!" or "Watch out! There's a giant shark fin right behind you!!!" but all
that comes out is strained, laryngitis-ized hot air?This is what's happening in
my life right now. I sit across from friends and business associates, talk with
entrepreneurs and small business owners, and share strategy sessions with larger
companies and corporations, and I mention the possibility of them blogging.
There's a universal glazed look, often followed by a shrug, or a nose crinkle.
"Eh, I don't see the point," or "Yeah, I thought about that?"I know it's my job
to just let it go, and I do, because every business person knows the "I'm not
ready to talk about this" look. Oh, but it's killing me! Because if you're
serious about your business, career, or professional reputation, there is
absolutely no reason for you not to publicize your interest and expertise in the
form of a blog. A blog is conversational. It comes alive with YOUR distinct
voice, style, and proclivities. It dies if it's fueled by the dreaded Corpspeak,
stiff language, or totally self-conscious and "safe," play-by-the-rules drivel.
A blog is FREE. (Or extremely low-cost, depending on how you go.) I mean, COME
ON, what else is FREE these days?!! A blog is a mirror. It's an organized trail
of your ideas, experience, and hints at your vision. It's ALSO a living,
breathing organic organism that grows as you grow. It's like one of those
"smart" computers that develops its own life and personality over time. A blog
is search-engine friendly. It's PROOF you know your industry or subject matter.
It's PROOF you're active in your business and niche. A blog is a way to connect
with other like-minded professionals. When you comment on someone else's blog,
or when they comment on yours, it's like a quick, manly nod that says, "Hey. Saw
your post. Liked it. Peace out." A blog is a simple, searchable content
management system. Why, oh why, are you hoarding all of your industry knowledge
to yourself? Are you saving it for posterity? Do you think St. Peter will give
you extra points for having a huge collection of inaccessible folders on your
computer? A blog is FUN, darnit! It's a chance to just be you, and even see and
experience your own voice and priorities over time. Sure, a lot of blogging
gurus say there are "rules" - like, "you should blog at least three times a
week!" or "be strategic" or "keep posts short; avoid long tangents!" (like this
one). And a lot of PAGs (that's People Against Blogging) say no one reads them,
or they're a waste of time, or all of the above. But to this I say, WHO
CARES??!! No one's reading your darn internal folders, or going through your
file cabinets, but you still throw articles and information in there!Why not
claim your intellectual territory and put a select and steady amount of
information, opinions, photos, and energy OUT THERE to be discovered by one or
more of the proverbial masses, if and when they come looking for you or the
information, knowledge, products, or services you have to offer?God didn't just
not bother with Antarctica because he figured no one would ever find the frigid
continent, right? And now, with advances in technology, we get to watch fine
films like "March of the Penguins," "National Treasure," and "The X-Files
Movie." If you have a passion, specialty, niche, mission, or business (and you
gotta have at least one of those things, unless you're a corpse?or Paris
Hilton), then START BLOGGING. Don't worry about traffic. Don't worry about the
nit-picky stuff. Do it imperfectly. Find your voice. Discover your flow. Loosen
up. Be bold. Get yourself out there. And if you refuse, please answer this one
question. WHY?????? Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
ABOUT THE AUTHOR (c) 2006 Epiphanies, Inc. As the "Content Lovers" of
Epiphanies Inc., Lani & Allen Voivod help budding entrepreneurs and small biz
dynamos "A-Ha Themselves" in fun and profitable ways. For FREE articles, tips,
and strategies, sign up for their "Inciter" ezine at
http://www.EpiphaniesInc.com !

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