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[] Organic Baby Food ? A Healthy Choice

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As parents, there?s nothing we wouldn?t do for our children. And when it comes
to our newborn baby we are constantly seeking those things that will give our
child the greatest health advantage possible. It is not surprising, however,
that there is a growing trend towards organic baby food and the myriad of
benefits it can offer to its smallest consumers.Organic food continues to grow
in popularity as more and more people understand the benefits of eating food
that is free of pesticides and chemicals. Organic farmers ? within strictly
enforced government guidelines ? grow produce without the use of chemicals often
used in traditional farming. They are committed to producing fruits and
vegetables that are not in any way chemically altered. Organic agricultural
farmers ? that produce meat and dairy products ? feed their animals only organic
products; no supplements or chemicals of any kind are given to livestock or
dairy cows.If adults are receiving such tremendous benefits from organic food
then it stands to reason that organic baby food could be just as healthy for
infants. When babies reach the point that they can be introduced to solid foods,
pediatricians advise that each food should be introduced one at a time to keep a
careful eye for any food allergies. Organic baby food, because of its natural
state - free of all harmful chemicals ? provides another level of protection
against allergies.Further, because organic baby food is chemical free it is the
safest thing for our environment. Subsequently, giving our children organic baby
food ensures their health and the health of the planet on which they
live.Finding organic baby food can be as simple as visiting the nearest grocery
store or health food store, depending on where you live. For those who have
limited access to organic food, there are home delivery services that will bring
the requested organic baby food straight to your door; a comprehensive list of
such services can be found online.Organic baby food shows your commitment to
your children and the environment. Making small changes can go a long way to
ensuring a lifetime of good health.About the Author: For easy to understand, in
depth information about organic food visit our ezGuide 2 Organic Food.
- Did you know that nuts contain some of the most powerful healing
properties in the world?That's right.Nuts decrease your risk of cancer, heart
disease and diabetes. They even control your weight without hunger pangs AND
reduce the visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin.I guess
maybe good things do come in small packages.Nuts also contain powerful
anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that slow the aging process. They
have a very unique protein, fat, sterol, and vitamin profile not common in most
foods we eat.They are high in arginine which is an amino acid that reduces
cholesterol levels and blood pressure.Many nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts,
macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachio nuts and walnuts all reduce
cholesterol due to their high levels of of essential Omega-3 healthy fats.Nuts
are especially high in Vitamin E which acts as a nerve protector and helps
prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that leads to fatty build up in the
arteries. The is key in preventing heart disease - the leading killer of both
men and women in the United States.Nuts are also rich in key minerals such as
calcium, magnesium and potassium, all of which reduce blood pressure.Contrary to
popular belief, the calcium found in nuts is actually a far better source of
calcium for your body than the big dairy companies with their multi-million
dollar advertising campaigns would lead you to believe.Thats right.You can
learn more about that issue in one of my most recent issues of my weekly
e-newsletter titled:Calcium: The Great Debate And Some Cold Hard Facts:by
clicking here -- http://1healthtip.blogspot.comGot milk?Ok, Im done.Nuts such as
almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachio nuts and walnuts
also contain very powerful phytochemicals that are rich in the antioxidant
polyphenols associated with the reduced risk of heart disease AND cancer
preventing properties.And last but not least,Diets that include moderate amounts
of nuts prevent obesity and even reduce weight.A study found that dieters on a
moderate fat diet (35%) plan that included nuts and other 'good' fats lost as
much weight as dieters on a 20% fat calorie controlled plan. The moderate fat
group also maintained their weight loss better than the low fat group over the
18 month test period and beyond.Impressive.But,Not all nuts are created
equal.Many of the health benefits of nuts highlighted above are weakened when
they are salted, oiled, roasted, stale or rancid.Keep that in mind.The
Solution:Buy your almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachio
nuts and walnuts in their 'raw' form and make sure they are 'USDA Organic.'
This way they are not treated with pesticides or herbicides and you will gain
many of their life changing benefits.Trust me, raw, organic nuts taste just as
good. As a matter of fact, they are so fresh and in their pure state that they
actually taste better, in my opinion.Also, try using almond or cashew butter in
place of peanut butter. Traditional peanut butters are heavily processed and do
not contain anywhere near the amount of powerful, Omega-3 essential fatty acid
content of almond or cashew butter.I recently switched over to almond butter and
I must tell you, I actually like it a lot better than traditional peanut butter.
And its much better for you.Give it a shot.More information can be found at:
http://www.1HealthTip.comAndrew J. Cass is an Alternative Health Consultant &
Lifestyle Coach. Certified Nutritional Consultant with a specialization in
Integrative Nutrition, Age Management, and Personal Development. Alternative
Health and Wellness Author, Editor, Entrepreneur. He also serves as a
Consultant for a Lifestyle Design Company.To sign up for a FREE subscription to
his '1 Health Tip' weekly e-Newsletter (A $79 value) packed with natural health
& longevity tips designed to help you Live Longer and Look Younger...'1 Health
Tip' at a time:Please visit - http://www.1HealthTip.com

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