วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

[^_^] Organic gardening

Organic gardening is a very fun and relaxing thing to do. I use raised beds in
my organic garden as it makes it easier to maintain. In half my boxes I used the
existing dirt that I sifted the larger rocks out of. I then added some peat moss
and sandy loam for good drainage. In the other half of my boxes I purchased
organic garden material from a local supplier that already had the peat moss and
sandy loam. I actually liked the organic garden soil I purchased better as very
fewer weeds ever came from those boxes. The boxes that I used my soil and added
organic materials to I also added chicken manure from my chickens that I feed
certified organic feed to. This way I know I have organic manure in my organic
garden. I add leaves from my trees to my organic garden every fall. The
hardest part I found was learning what to use and what not to use in my compost
bin. I used no grass clippings of any kind. I only put the leaves and trimmings
from my organic garden in my compost. I Also put any left over vegetables from
my organic garden into my compost. There is some chicken manure from my chickens
that are only fed organic feed as to not put chemicals or such into my organic
garden when I add the compost to my organic garden in the fall. My organic
garden does very well and the produce I receive from it tastes like a bit of
heaven. About the Author Father of 3, Husband of 1, Loves all aspects of
outdoors Organic Gardening

