วันอังคารที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

[^_^] Earth Day - Natural Organic Fertilizer Part of the Solution

Earth day is celebrated by more people around the world every year on april
22th. Social awareness that pollution and waste of natural resources by man is
now turning against ourselves. Earth day is a reminder that important actions
have to be taken towards limiting waste of nature?s limited resources such as
pure water, pure air, vegetation and wildlife among others. One important step
in the right direction is accomplished by using natural organic fertilizers.
Chemical fertilizers have been highly used in the past and evidence of their
toxic effects on the environment and mankind are now proven. After all, when
rain washes out the fertilizers, they are returned to earth can absorbed by
human beings. Many studies in the agricultural industry are currently
undergoing to find all natural fertilizers. Natural Science has finally come up
with an all natural organic fertilizer for all u garden-makers and organic
farmers.Earth will greatly benefit from such natural organic fertilizer made
from recycled leather taken from animal hides. These ?ingredients? of the
natural organic fertilizer then undergo a process of sterilization and are
transformed into another form for easy application. This natural organic
fertilizer remains a great choice by its slow-releasing, non-harmful, water
insoluble natural fertilizer.Another natural way of giving back to earth its
essential nutrients is by not picking up grass cuts after mowing the lawn. These
small pieces of grass will then naturally return to earth within 24 to 48 hours
providing the soil back with these precious nutrients.Natural organic fertilizer
raises the organic matter content levels of the soil and aid in its
conditioning. Nitrogen and other nutrients in soil are quickly drained because
of the looseness of the soil granules but by using organic fertilizer that is no
longer a problem to worry about.A lot of farmers are concerned of using
phosphorous-rich fertilizers, especially if their land is located on properties
near lakes and streams. Phosphorous has been known to leak into these vital
water sources and to cause increased aquatic weed growth, resulting in ugly
algae blooms. Many natural fertilizers contain no phosphorous. Natural organic
fertilizer is a great way to fertilize the soil for people living near water
streams.By choosing carefully what is used on people?s lawns, we will be able to
better control how earth is treated. Everyone will benefit from a more aware use
of fertilizing products. By carefully reading the labels and choosing natural
organic fertilizers, man will be able to limit the damages made to the important
balance of earth?s resources. Reading the appropriate books and magazines
focused on environmental issues and participating in forums and websites
dedicated to earth?s well-being, everyone will benefit. By taking care of
mother nature our grandchildren will be able to celebrate earth?s day in 100
years.For more information now go to:

