วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

[^_^] Organic Essential Oils - Sourced Directly from Nature's Lap

Essential oils are the pure essence of a plant or herb. However, it is
difficult to rule out the presence of pesticides in the so-called pure essential
oil, particularly in the age where pesticides form an important constituent of
farming. A conclusion thus follows that the essential oil derived from such raw
materials may not be as effective for ones purpose; resulting into side effects
at times. The craze for organic essential oils springs from the concern for ones
safety while using essential oils. Organic essential oils are manufactured from
plants and herbs that have been grown without pesticides. Organic farming
coexists with the natural systems rather than dominating them. In the process,
the farmer is able to sustain and build soil fertility, reduces pollution and
overall becomes a crusader to protect environment. Pesticides are not the only
component that the organic essential oil must be rid of. The farmers must take
steps to preserve the soil quality of the land. This will result into
enzyme-rich and therapeutically viable raw materials. Using these techniques
ensures that the organic essential oil is alive and active. If compared to the
essential oils derived from non-organic elements, one will find that the organic
essential oils outscore them. The quality of organic essential oils taken as a
whole, curative benefits and aroma are always superior to the non-organic oils.
Thanks to the several certifying agencies, buyers can escape the unscrupulous
activities that are going on in this industry. One can easily be duped into
taking a non-organic essential oil in place of the organic essential oil.
ECOCERT International certified organic essential oils are considered of a good
quality through out the world. Soil Association in the UK certifies organically
manufactured essential oils. However, certification of a few oils is difficult.
An example of this is the Boswellia tree resin, which is the raw material for
deriving frankincense essential oil. It is difficult to certify the essential
oil derived from this because it is grown only in wild conditions. In such
cases, if the manufacturer is able to source raw material from the actual
location, it will be deemed to be grown without pesticides or insecticides. When
shopping for organic essential oils, the buyer must look for terms such as 100%
natural or 100% biodegradable. Only the manufacturers of organic essential oils
can use the terms or phrases. Another thing to look for when shopping for
organic essential oils is its ingredients. If the list of ingredients reveals
fragrance oils, artificial colors or synthetics, it is not organic essential
oil. Organic essential oils are available in sizes of 5ml, 10ml and 15ml.
Expensive oils come in sizes of 2ml and 1 dram. It is very important to store
essential oils in good conditions. Rather than using clear glass bottles, it
will be advisable to use dark amber or cobalt blue bottles. These bottles do not
allow sunlight to pass through and thus prevent deterioration of organic
essential oils. To prevent temperature fluctuations and sunlight to contaminate
the oils, the user can purchase or get special wooden boxes constructed to store
the essential oils. Cost of organic oils is more. This is because the cost of
producing via organic means is more. However, an essential oil with little or no
therapeutic value (for which the buyer chiefly purchases the oil) is of no use.
All good things come at a price. The same applies to organic essential oils too.
Buyers thus must not shy away from paying a small premium to get the pure
essential oils. About the Author Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural
Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants.
To find Aromatherapy essential oils, essential massage oils, essential oils
wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com

