วันศุกร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

[^_^] Organic Food ? Can It Help Relieve Obesity?

The advantages of organic food are well documented in that you can avoid eating
all the nasty pesticides and other chemicals found in conventional food. Not
only that, organic food tastes much better with a full flavor too!What is not so
commonly known is that organic food can actually help relieve obesity as part of
your weight loss regime. Eating organic food also means you will be giving your
body a greater quantity of essential nutrients, especially if you steam your
vegetables.Conventional food contains many chemicals and your body has to deal
with these and dispose of them in order to avoid poisoning your system. Most of
this work is undertaken by your liver, a very key organ that can make or break
your weight loss attempts.The liver is the powerhouse of your body and is also
the largest burner of fat too. However to be at its most efficient your need to
make sure you feed it properly. By this I mean that you need to make sure you
are eating enough fibre and limit the intake of toxic chemicals both in the form
of food and alcohol.As you probably know fibre helps your digestive system in
that it consists of indigestible matter that passes out of your body. This
essential function carries with it many of the toxins and waste products from
your body that you need to get rid of daily.Fibre helps ensure a speedy exit of
these waste products ? think of it as cleaning out your pipework! Fibre also
helps to ensure that your liver efficiently rids itself of toxins and gives it
less opportunity to store them as fatty deposits.If you load your body with too
much fat, additives and poisonous chemicals then what usually happens is that
the parts your body cannot dispose of are stored as fat until and when, your
body can get round to dealing with them and clearing them out.This can lead to
fat deposits all around your body but most worryingly can lead to a condition
called fatty liver.A tired, toxic liver is the number one reason why many
people?s weight-loss attempts are floored. You have to make sure your essential
organs are operating at peak efficiency to make the most gain in your weight
loss attempts and this means eating good quality food, preferably raw and free
of added chemicals, which makes organic food a good choice.Remember that
conventional manufacturers deliberately add synthetic chemicals to processed
foods to increase their shelf life and pesticides and hormones to farm produce
to boost their crop volumes.You don?t want to be eating too much of that type of
produce as the chemicals they contain will definitely affect your liver and
digestive system performance, probably making you actually put on weight in the
form of the stored fatty deposits I mentioned earlier.Organic food can help in
that you reduce the number of toxic chemicals entering your body which in turn
reduces the stress on your digestive system and its fat production.This should
help make for a leaner thinner you.About the Author: Virginia Louise runs a web
site that tells you all about the advantages of organic food at
http://www.organicfoodinfo.net visit the site to pick up some free organic food

