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[] Why Hasn't Your Doctor Told You About Apple Cider Vinegar?

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Apple cider vinegar has been around for a long time yet many doctors do not
prescribe it for ailments that it is perfectly capable of treating. This wonder
food is said to help with weight loss, acne, acid reflux, cholesterol,
constipation and heartburn among others. it is also said to work wonders for
your overall health and can even help fight diseases such as osteoporosis,
cancer, memory problems and aging.You might wonder, if apple cider vinegar is so
great, why hasn't your doctor told you about it?I think the simple reason might
be that medical doctors are more apt to prescribe medicines than natural
remedies. Pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money getting their medicines
and pills approved and they certainly wouldn't want you using the inexpensive,
unpatentable alternative of apple cider vinegar instead of buying their
expensive cures and treatments.One big problem today that many people suffer
from his acid reflux. Consequently, pharmaceutical companies have come up with
a plethora of pills to treat this ailment. But before you take pills that may
be harmful to you, you might want to consider treating your acid reflux or other
stomach ailments with apple cider vinegar.You see, your stomach needs acid to
digest food and when you have digestive problems like acid reflux or heartburn
if not because you have too much acid it's because there is too little. Most
medications you would take for these aren antacids which diminish the amount of
acid in your stomach but this may not be what you need. These antacids may
treat the symptoms but they will not address the cause and therefore, will never
cure your problem.Apple cider vinegar will mimic the acid level of your stomach
and help you digest food properly which can help to treat that burning
sensation. In addition, you might also consider taking digestive enzymes that
will help your stomach digest the food.If you suffer from acid reflux, heartburn
or nausea, try taking one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar prior to each meal.
You may see your symptoms go away in as little as three days. However, you'll
want to continue this practice for three to nine months and you may see the
problem disappear altogether.You don't want to use just any kind of Apple Cider
vinegar, though. What you need is organic apple cider vinegar that still has
the enzymes in it (called the "mother"). This is where the healing properties
are. The "mother" will show up inside the bottle as stringy globs floating
around. To get the most out of your apple cider vinegar, shake it up each time
you take a swig so that a mother can be dispersed throughout.What's that you
say? It tastes terrible?Certainly most people do not take to the taste of Apple
site of vinegar right away but it can be somewhat of an acquired taste and I
know many people (including myself) that slug down a tablespoonful of the stuff
all by itself. If you can't stomach this, space however, there are some things
you can do to make it a little bit more palatable.You might try making a tea
from your Apple cider vinegar by heating a couple of water and then adding a
tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to that.You might also time to clean It with
natural organic honey and some even say that this helps to boost the power.While
it's best to take apple cider vinegar before each meal, you can also take it
anytime your stomach feels a little upset and it will have immediately curative
effects. Some people swear by it and drink it for everything including the
onset of cold and flu. An additional benefit is that many people who have taken
apple cider vinegar before each meal have seen a moderate weight loss as
well.You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away - well in this
case it's a swig of apple cider vinegar today!Lee Dobbins writes for
http://www.herbs-home-remedies.com where you can find more natural and herbal

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