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[] Tips on Organic Food

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In order to avoid eating genetically modified food, the best option you have is
starting to buy organic food. This type of food is the most healthy way of
living one can possibly have nowadays. Should you be eating dairy or meat
products, you must be aware of the fact that the dairy cows and farm animals are
fed a dangerous cocktail of anti-biotic stuff, growth promoting drugs,
anti-parasite drugs and many other medicines on a daily basis. This happens no
matter if they are ill or not. The worse part of all this is the fact that these
drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy produce or meat.
This is the main reason why many meat-related diseases like coronaries and high
blood pressure appear each and every single day.
On the other hand, the organic food does not contain all these poisonous
chemicals. The fresh organic food contains on average 50% more vitamins,
minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than intensively farmed have. Are
these enough reasons fro you to go organic? If not, here are some more facts and
figures to help you decide faster!
First and foremost, the organic food simply tastes so much better. Fruit and
vegetables full of juice and flavor and there are so many different varieties to
try! There are about 100 different kinds of organic potatoes in production only
in the United Kingdom!
The intensive farming can seriously damage the health of many farm workers.
There are much higher occurrences of cancer, respiratory problems and other
major diseases in farm workers from non-organic farms. So, choosing organic food
can be a way of showing that you care about the health of other people!
Organic farms can also support wildlife. In the last few years, the practice of
intensive farming in the United Kingdom has been the cause to the dramatic
erosion of the soil, the destruction of ancient hedgerows, a fall of up to 70%
of wild birds in some areas and the near extinction of some of the most
beautiful species of wild mammals, grass-snakes and even butterflies.
Last but not least, let us speak about the extra costs of eating organic food.
It is not more expensive than the intensively farmed foods, especially when
thinking about the damages that agro-chemicals make to our natural water supply.
Besides paying for these intensively farmed foods, we also have to pay for
cleaning the mess they leave behind. So, what is the best option for us? Organic
food, of course!About the Author
Looking for an Organic and Halal alternative? Top-notch, naturally reared and
Organic Halal Meat delivered to your door. Organic Halal Butcher . - Even
though you don?t eat most flowers, keeping things organic in your flower beds is
a good idea. If you know what you?re doing, you can control many pests without
buying harmful poisons.One of the most important things is to choose flowers
that will grow strong in your area. No matter how much you love a particular
flower, if it is going to have a lot of trouble staying alive or is prone to
disease, it?s going to greatly hamper your organic gardening efforts. You are
better off sticking to flowers that are stronger and more suited to your
area.Just as an example, we?ll consider tropical plants. Beautiful colors,
amazing shapes? but they require extra help if they aren?t suited to your area.
They won?t be happy at all in a cold climate.The best flowers for an organic
garden are ones that are native to the area. They cope best with local weather
conditions. They?ll have very little need of chemicals and require less
water.Even if you live in an area where most native plants can be described as
?scrub brush? or something similar that you don?t like, you may be surprised at
the range of colorful flowers available to you. I live in the San Diego area,
and when I look around at undeveloped areas, the plants don?t seem terribly
inspiring. There?s a nursery in the area that specializes in native plants,
however, and the color range is quite simply amazing.When buying plants, do your
best to only pick healthy specimens. Buying a diseased one is only going to give
you trouble as you try to keep it from infecting the rest. Check the plants for
harmful insects too, so that you can avoid taking unwelcome pests home. Of
course, if you know your insects, you might find a few welcome ones
too.Transplant your purchases as soon as possible. Very often roots get crowded
in the containers from the nursery, and with so little soil it is easy for them
to dry out. Being transplanted can be a shock to plants, but the soil will give
them the resources to get over it. Give them a good watering after
transplantation, of course.Don?t forget a nice addition of compost from your
compost heap. Depending on your soil, you may want to add compost as much as
eight inches deep into the soil. Most people will simply mix compost in with the
soil removed to plant the plants, and that is generally sufficient.If roots have
grown out past the plastic containers from the nursery, go ahead and remove
them. You don?t want to damage the plant too much, but these roots are generally
safe to remove.An organic flower garden can look quite lovely. Done right, it is
no more challenging than any other kind of flower garden. You might even get a
garden that is more accustomed to local conditions and thrives when other
gardens die.About the Author: Stephanie Foster runs
http://www.gardenmedley.com/She shares what she knows about organic gardening on
her site.

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