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[] Tips on Organic Food

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In order to avoid eating genetically modified food, the best option you have is
starting to buy organic food. This type of food is the most healthy way of
living one can possibly have nowadays. Should you be eating dairy or meat
products, you must be aware of the fact that the dairy cows and farm animals are
fed a dangerous cocktail of anti-biotic stuff, growth promoting drugs,
anti-parasite drugs and many other medicines on a daily basis. This happens no
matter if they are ill or not. The worse part of all this is the fact that these
drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy produce or meat.
This is the main reason why many meat-related diseases like coronaries and high
blood pressure appear each and every single day.
On the other hand, the organic food does not contain all these poisonous
chemicals. The fresh organic food contains on average 50% more vitamins,
minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than intensively farmed have. Are
these enough reasons fro you to go organic? If not, here are some more facts and
figures to help you decide faster!
First and foremost, the organic food simply tastes so much better. Fruit and
vegetables full of juice and flavor and there are so many different varieties to
try! There are about 100 different kinds of organic potatoes in production only
in the United Kingdom!
The intensive farming can seriously damage the health of many farm workers.
There are much higher occurrences of cancer, respiratory problems and other
major diseases in farm workers from non-organic farms. So, choosing organic food
can be a way of showing that you care about the health of other people!
Organic farms can also support wildlife. In the last few years, the practice of
intensive farming in the United Kingdom has been the cause to the dramatic
erosion of the soil, the destruction of ancient hedgerows, a fall of up to 70%
of wild birds in some areas and the near extinction of some of the most
beautiful species of wild mammals, grass-snakes and even butterflies.
Last but not least, let us speak about the extra costs of eating organic food.
It is not more expensive than the intensively farmed foods, especially when
thinking about the damages that agro-chemicals make to our natural water supply.
Besides paying for these intensively farmed foods, we also have to pay for
cleaning the mess they leave behind. So, what is the best option for us? Organic
food, of course!About the Author
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Globalization is an increase of a role of the factors (economical, social or
cultural) in production of all countries that participate in this process; it is
a formation of a single world market or markets without national barriers and
creation of the same juridical conditions for all the countries. As a particular
stage of international relations globalization was born a few decades ago, but
its formation has not ended yet until the beginning of the third millennium.
However the society started paying much attention to this process only ten or
fifteen years ago. Because of a great variety of political views and branches in
modern world science there is no accepted definition of the globalization.
Sociology as a discipline has been examining society and all its permeations
since the age of the Enlightenment. During this time, the political, economical,
social and cultural changes, which have occurred have been tracked and examined
by sociology. The transitions that have occurred have been named as modernity
and globalization, although society has passed through other such phases
previous to these. This essay will focus on both the sociologies of modernity
and of globalization. The differences between the two will be analysed. A
concept that illustrates these differences (travellings) will also be focused
on. Modernity is an invention of the Christian Middle Ages. Modernis from modo
('recently' 'just now') was a late Latin word, which followed on from hodiernus
(from hodie 'today'). It was first used as an antonym to antiquus in the late
fifth century A.D. Modernitas (modern times) and moderm ('men of today') became
common after the tenth century. Modernity is a commonly agreed upon phase which
occurred from the Enlightenment onwards and ended in the middle of the 20th
century. The changes, which occurred, were given various terms by the 'founding
fathers' of sociology who titled it respectively, as the move from: feudalism to
capitalism, mechanical to organic solidarity and traditional to modern society.
A current sociologist, Anthony Giddens, has titled as the move from agricultural
to industrial society. Modernity is seen as a change, which occurred from the
middle of the seventeenth century onwards, these changes were illustrated in the
move of agricultural workers who became mobile industrial urbanites. Despite all
the differing terms, modernity is a recognized phase by sociology. The modern
world is marked out as a world in which tradition is balked at or rejected, it
is a world which believes in progress, a world in which the power of human
reason can achieve freedom, science, technology and democracy are also seen as
products of modernity. The nation-state is argued to be an institutional
element, which promoted the acceleration and expansion of modern institutions.
The nation-state is a highly significant feature of modernity. 'They
concentrated administrative power far more effectively than traditional states
were able to do and consequently even quite small states could mobilise social
and economic resources beyond those available to pre-modern systems'. How did
these sociologists concentrate on modernity? What particular outlook did they
have regarding modernity? Karl Marx focused on capitalism as being endemic of
modernity, while Weber spoke of the iron cage of rationality, which was due to
the dehumanising effects of the modern worlds overly, rationalized social order.
Emile Durkheim concentrated upon the uncertainty, loss of direction and the
feeling that individuals were somehow on their own as a consequence of
modernity. Traditional society was no more as the ties of family, kin and
neighbourhood were broken up by new mobilities and a lack of conventional
regulation. He named this collapse of moral order 'anomie'. He detailed the
concept of anomie in both The Division of Labour and Suicide. In Suicide he
describes 'anomic suicide' which follows from the collapse of social norms,
accompanying this collapse is actual personality disorganization 'the individual
who commits anomic suicide is sick and he is sick because his society has
collapsed'. Anomie also occurs within the division of labour, another facet of
modernity. Durkheim argues that differentiation of function is actually not
accompanied by reintegration; whichwas said to be the positive function of
division of labour, but by conflict and so resulted in 'anomic division of
labour'. Durkheim states: 'we repeatedly insist in the course of this book upon
the state of juridical and moral anomie in which economic life actually is
found. Indeed, in the economic order, occupational ethics exist only in the most
rudimentary state... It is this anomic state that is the cause, as we shall
show, of the incessantly, recurrent conflicts and the multifarious disorders of
which the economic world exhibits so sad a spectacle'. It has been argued that
modernity has come to an end and that the world organised according to modern
societies has changed and left the 'modern' blueprint behind. This transition is
known as globalization. The word 'global' is over 400 years old although
'globalization' 'globalize' and 'globalizing' did not become commonly used terms
until the 60s. In 1962 The Spectator recognized that 'globalization is indeed a
staggering concept'.About the Author none

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