วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

[] Where to Submit Your Articles?

has posted a new item, 'Where to Submit Your Articles?'

When choosing where to submit articles authors are now spoilt for choice.
There are literally hundreds of article directories to chose from. Which one
should you submit your articles to and why?Many authors chose just one directory
to submit their articles to. They have a favourite because of its format, size
or layout. There are many advantages and disadvantages to submitting to
different article directories.The huge directories like ezine@rticles are a
great place to submit your articles to in that the site gets a huge amount of
traffic, is very well laid out and has a high creditablity rating across the
internet - proof of this is the number of people who choose to display their
"featured on ezine@rticles" or ezine expert badges on their websites, although
they are trading off traffic to the article directory they get in return the
kudos of being considered as an expert and listen who should be trusted and
listened to and this can result in a higher conversion rate in sales or join
ups. The disadvantage of submitting to a large article directory is greater
competition from other authors. However the general rule is the bigger the
directory the more views your articles will get. Also the link rating of the
directory may result in much higher search engine results. For example if you
are an expert author on ezine@rticles and you type your name into google you
will most likely come up as the top search return (great for the ego). The huge
directories have a multitude of topics to submit to, however other directories
have gone to the other extreme and limited their topics to a niche area, hoping
to dominate a small section of the market. Sites like article garden takes
articles on geared towards sustainable living, organic gardening, etc.Smaller
general article directories like article-gems have less competition and can
result in a close relationship with the editor. It can also mean rapid article
approval. It can also lead to a tighter sense of community and more comments
on articles or authors replying to one another through articles. Hence you may
see an article on one topic and very quickly get another article arguing the
opposite point. This sort of interaction is not generally seen on the larger
directories. It can also have other advantages in relation to RSS feeds and the
like that you articles can be quickly disseminated with little competition from
other authors. These smaller directories may also have easier submission
guidelines or be more open to negotiation on content i.e. lower rejection rate.
However these directories also tend to have lower visitor numbers than the huge
directories.Some article directories like articler offer authors a 50% split in
google revenue. This can be a nice additional income for the author and
represents direct income from article writing. This does mean though that the
directory operator has less money to advertise the directory and therefore your
articles on the internet, which can be a disadvantage.Some authors simply advise
submit to as many article directories as you can. There are a couple of
disadvantages to this. Very quickly you will learn that this can be a huge time
consuming exercise. Also search engines tend to ignore duplicate content
therefore your article may only come up once on a search. I would argue despite
these considerations the more directories you can submit to the better - not
every directory has the same traffic, nor do they all submit to the same RSS
feeds, therefore 'spread the love' as it were. In order to overcome the time
consumption aspect there are numerous programs downloadible over the internet
which can greatly speed up the process. These once set up can mean you can
summit your article to hundreds of directories at the simple click of a button,
which leaves you more time to concentrate on writing the articles and can result
in a huge increase in traffic to your site and a large number of backlinks.If
you need an article submitting robot that once set up submits with one just
click visit http://www.article-gems.com/linkus.phpThis article is the property
of Alastair HARRIS and his immediate family. It may be freely republished over
the internet but must include original links.Alastair HARRIS is the main
promoter for article-gems.com article directory (visit
http://www.article-gems.com) and the getfinancialfreedom4u family of websites,
blogs and projects (visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws) specializing in
online business opportunities and education, income being generated by affiliate
marketing, google, GDI, eBay, clip flipping and more. Alastair is rated as an
expert author on numerous article directories and is very open to assisting
others on the internet

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