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[] What is the Safest Way to Purify Your Hot Tub or Pool?

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You are the proud owner of a swimming pool and/or a hot tub. Your big concern
now, other than making sure no one drowns, is making sure no one gets sick or
infected by using it.You do that by putting something into the water to kill
organisms that might be harmful to humans. The main options are chorine,
bromine, Baquacil and ozone. You need to be aware that there are serious health
concerns with the first two and, for pools at least, you can?t use ozone by
itself.ChlorineChlorine has been around the longest, and is still the most
common method of purifying the water. However, it is a poison. It kills
things. That?s what it is supposed to do. The problem is that it can be
harmful to humans, although not as harmful as the things it kills, supposedly.
The trick is to put enough in to kill the bad stuff, but not so much as to harm
you and your loved ones.Why can chlorine be harmful? For one thing, the body
absorbs it. You can absorb as much chlorine in one hour of sitting in
chlorinated water as you would drinking unfiltered, chlorinated tap water for a
week! Furthermore, by-products are formed in the water when it comes in contact
with organic matter, ammonia compounds and nitrogen compounds. The main source
of those is people?s bodies ? the sweat, dead skin, urine, etc. These compounds
reduce the effectiveness of the chlorine, necessitating adding more. They also
cause the bad smell and burning eyes associated with pools. Some of the
by-products have been linked to spontaneous abortions and other problems with
embryos.BromineBromine is also a poison but, for a number of reasons, might be a
better choice over chlorine. Its high evaporation point makes it more stable,
so it doesn?t smell as bad or is as irritating to the eyes. On the other hand,
that stability can make it more difficult to mix with the water and wash off
your skin. It also may not be as effective against some bacteria as
chlorine.BaquacilBaquacil is a form of hydrogen peroxide. It is more expensive
than chlorine, but easier to use. It does not create health affecting
byproducts like chlorine and it is also very straight forward to use, whereas
chlorine can be a bit hit or miss.There are, however, a couple of negatives to
consider. It seems that after a few years, the water quality starts to decline.
In addition, there have been reports of strange infestations occurring in pools
on the Baquacil program. If this happens, you will probably have to drain the
pool and start over again.OzoneOzone can be added to any of the above systems to
make them more effective, cheaper to operate, and, in the case of chlorine and
bromine, safer to use. Adding ozone allows you to reduce the use of the other
chemicals.Ozone is created in nature by lightening as it passes through the air,
and by the action of ultraviolet rays on the oxygen in the air. That nice,
clean scent you notice after a rainstorm is caused by ozone.Ozone is a natural
purifier and is the most powerful oxidizer that can be safely used. Its big
problem is that it is highly unstable, so it does not last long in water. A hot
tub has a relatively small amount of water in a confined area, and many people
use ozone exclusively without health problems. For swimming pools, however, you
will need to use other chemicals as well.Making the ChoiceBefore you invest in a
system to keep your swimming pool or hot tub safe for use, be sure to examine
all the options carefully. Talk with others using systems similar to those you
are considering. Do a lot of research and a cost/benefit analysis for each
option.Bill Hepper is a writer indulging his passion for providing useful
information. You can read more about the safety and health considerations at
Hot Tub and Pool Purification.

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