วันเสาร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Organic Foods

Image : http://www.flickr.com

"If you eat junk, it shows," says Michel slot, a staunch supporter of organic food for over a decade and the author of the 2003 book "Taste Pure: Irresistible Recipes for Good Food and Health, which won the prestigious James Beard Award . As a time and visible advocate of organic food niche scientist has developed a large fan base in bio-disciples. He is also a favorite subject of media Outlets with the subject.

In a recent interview, said African longs for the good old days when people ate food so easy was to mainly produce was in season. Today, he says, fruits and vegetables that are available are often to do with pesticides or chemicals that matures quickly treated. "In the old days, the food was fresh. It 'was, of course. He knew, and it was better for you," said niches.

African emphasizes food > The healthy food, fresh, organic, and if it is to produce meat, corn, o.

In general, finding food and organic food without the use of artificial pesticides, fertilizers, so-called genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, genetic techniques have been modified through food. Many people believe that these types of foods have less nutritional value and taste as well as non-organic> Power.

Most of the farmers that the profits are growing organic food are small, family run their operations are more interested in the health benefits of their offerings. But the market seems to be over fishing. Organic food was once only available in small shops, but are increasingly popular and more available to mainstream America. Some estimates peg the growth in sales of organic food at 17 to 20 percent in recent years than the growthsales of conventional food, the percentage is only 2-3

The 47-year-old African was the news recently for the opening of two new restaurants: Pure, this is the first western restaurant health in India, and the dressing room, located near the Westport County Playhouse.

Slots are also presented a new television show called "pure and simple," a new cooking series on July 5 at the bottom of media channel is available on Comcast cable beginsSystem, the Dish Network satellite TV and Sirius Satellite Radio.

