วันอังคารที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Organic foods and local foods grown - are the same?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

In the UK consumers are the organic food eaten by the bushel. According to the organic Centre Wales, "Direct sales of organic food through box schemes, farmers' markets and factory outlets grew by more than one third of the 144 / million in 2004." And these numbers have continued to increase, as consumers worried about the long-term effects of using chemical fertilizers and pesticides on plants grown increasingly non-organicCompanies. While most people agree that organic food is better not organically, initiated a debate about the origin of organic food. For example, imported foods, organic food as desirable as UK organic food?

That's for Local Organic Food

About the debate is to insist on it, no matter where he grew organic food, but the key is that the food meetsto ensure rigorous standards, which is really organic. Those of the other side of the debate are equally vehement that the organic food grown locally is preferable to imported organic, and because fossil fuels for transportation of imported organic food global warming and add them to the United Kingdom because organic food supports local farmers.

Supporters say that you will find organic food in the UK in an organic farm, Or even the door of the shop is organic food for delivery directly to the. You can also organic fish such as trout from a fish farm organic organic. There, organic trout can live in water-year-old spring 400 and eat shrimp, of course, the beds of organic watercress.

Those responsible for the import of organic food item that a store of organic farming are only seasonal foods that limit theThe decisions of consumers during food preparation. Imported organic food products, it is said, maintains its superior nutritional quality, and provides a rich range of fruits and vegetables.

Some people take the middle road, and decide to select the year of their food from the farm shop, if you want is in season and imported organic food stores in the rest of.

The Bottom Line

People may differ in their opinions aboutthe opportunity to limit the consumption of organic food locally, but almost everyone agrees that full of fruit, organic vegetables, organic fish and organic meat organic fungicides are preferred, and which are grown with fertilizers chemical insecticides.

Currently, organic producers do not have the right to use their crops to more than 1,000 chemicals. This is reflected in everything from soil erosion due to over-breedingdangerous toxic runoff into our drinking water. Growing food organically is a way to reverse this trend. With over 700,000 hectares dedicated to organic food in the UK, farmers are trying to satisfy consumer demand. However, some import markets almost half of the organic food they sell. What, who won the debate on organic food, locally grown vs. imported organic food, time will only tell.

